Thursday, August 1, 2019

Learning the Characteristica Universalis

Lesson 1:

A Simple method:

Memorize the following 5 Lines:

* Categories.
* Vertical = values.
* Horizontal = Standards.
* Diagonal = Substance.
* Organic = Coherent.

You should now have an intuition of the first part of the characteristica.

Lesson 2:

* Systems = Identities.
* Substance = quanta.

You should be able to draw diagonal lines now. Experiment with the meaning of 1 to 4 diagonal lines in relation to other simple shapes.

Lesson 3:

* Abstracta: Beauty.
* Organon: An Organon.
* Flags: Notation, Tradition.


It also is assistive to know:
* Kanji / Chinese characters.
* Read Korean.
* Read Japanese.
* Abstract art.
* Mathematical intuition.
* Calculus.

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