Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Magical Inspiration for The Theory of Everything


A writing in The Enchanter's Journal, a book by Coppedge on April 12, 2017 shows signs of an unconscious formulation:

"Ways to channel [I.e. 'set'] magic should not be ignored [interpreted ethically this could mean magical results should be limited to a superstitious value of zero]."

"Many a wizard has lost [efficient] power by ignoring his natural instincts [for efficiency], and avoiding the moments in which they strike him [efficiently, like the hand of a clock]."

"For example, I forgot that some of my stronger [additional] spells came [after] moving my hands..."

"...It might be [D]ifferent for another caster."

This suggests all the necessary elements of The Theory of Everything: Set 0, Efficiency, addition and difference, but dates to two years and two months before the official theory was recorded.


I thought that if someone filled in a word in this sentence, the word that best fit would indicate something about reality's ultimates:

Princip-puzzle, this way comes, breathing doors and ________ halls.

I later learned "princip-puzzle" probably refers to the below image:

(Published in The Book of Uniques (2013) by Coppedge).


It turns out if 'tattered' is placed in the space, that comes to mean me, as I have been compared to boobs and ears.

However, I am not an ordinary boob, so I substitute the third part of the symbol (corresponding to 'tattered halls') with the Coppedge Curve.

However, Coppedge Curve can be abbreviated to mean difference.

Since the first part is like a square, that likely means the standard part, like null or control (or I later learned, Set 0).

The second part represented by a line could be translated as difference with a difference, similar to exponents (extra dimensions) so it could mean efficiency.

Thus, the haunting expression could mean The Theory of Everything, when 'tattered' is inserted and means Nathan.

I wondered though if other better answers existed and this problem hadn't really been solved yet.


See also:

Inspiration for The Theory of Everything

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