Friday, May 4, 2018

Another Working Perpetual Motion Concept!

Rather ingenious. The swivel device finally perfected.

A counterweight acts on a slightly upward-and-downward left-right swiveling lever (mostly left and right 30+ degrees, or whatever preferred range).

Usual deal with support vs non-support. The returning motion is the rising motion, so the falling and rising motion is used to deflect the marble inward and outward onto two different track segments, as shown in a similar device the Not-If-But-When 4, a pretty much proven principle through two lengths of the cycle.

I know this device has two-directional motion by a proven principle from the Not-If-But-When 4.

Likely ratios are 1.5X effective ideal mass for the counterweight, right in the middle of the > 1X mass and < 2X mass necessary with 1 X marble abd 2 X long-end leverage (long-end leverage expressed as a ratio of short-end leverage measured to the midpoint of the counterweight).

Assuming deflection is designed properly, this is one of the easiest perpetual motion machines ever to build that I know of.

Consult diagram above if additional information needed.

--Nathan Coppedge 2018/05/04, 1am.

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