Thursday, August 15, 2019

Mapping Genes R.O.A.D.

Radical Overt Adaptation Domains. Applied Philosophy of Medicine.

FIRST GROUP (Some not expressed anywhere):

1. (Current): Medicine: (Analysis, leisure, straws for drinks, high birth rate, belief in randomness).

2. Anti-Medicine: (Belief in rules and standards, stand-out appearance, unknown or non-invasive technology, demonization of medicine).

3. Gullible 1, fateprone: (High indulgence, high death rate, mysterious technologies, belief in fate).

4. Gullible 2: suspended belief (Ordinary appearances, subtle technology, secret combinations, 'fields of light' gullible).


5. Less sensitive, belief in big ideas (progressing slowly, belief in larger concepts, characterized by isolated events).



6. Weird behavior, exceptional differences, group behavior.

7. Weird moments, special thing, understand.

8. Special mind, dramatic displays, blind behavior.

9. Social control, sensitive society.

Note: Numbers have been re-ordered from the original writing.

---( Based on: )


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