I realize my posts are getting very frequent, but I thought I'd take a moment to note potential resemblances to perpetual motion factors that I missed during the last post.
'17' still means 'attempt at perpetual motion'.
2...3...4...5...6...7 means the A.I. is being smart, but perhaps not smart enough to know what is going on.
'32' in the details could mean that it is playing catch-up with the inventor (I turned 33 today). It may also suggest that perpetual motion is being side-burnered.
'654' in general suggests a role for language, since two more points would mean '656' which is equal to 26 letters X 26 letters, or very significant for numerology.
It could be that the A.I.s are trying to understand language, and could benefit by some greater role for language that still means something for the numbers, and for consumer optimism.
'654' also spells 'Fed' which could mean that the A.I. is becoming morally conscious of the role the government plays in adjusting the figures.
'17' 'Fed' '32' at least subjectively suggests a role for Nathan Coppedge within the market, either as an unwitting fool rolled over by tanks and impressarios, or as a real viable and un-ignorable economic factor.
Perhaps the real detail is the concept of free economics, which I have detailed as a form of variablism.
Yet another reason to be optimistic is that economists may be applying the so-called exponential economic principle of variablistic economics, which is that currencies are measured off against opposite currencies, creating an automatic gain.
Combined with perpetual motion, I predict we will reach 18,000 unless there is an invasion of the U.S.
According to my earlier prediction, that means perpetual motion must be built some time in the future, if it has not already.
If perpetual motion is already built secretly, then expect a lot of invisible high-level business deals that secure global government. Perhaps we can already see this with Iran and Europe: structural re-organization that hurts the little guy and then benefits the middle guy, or just the big guys.
Expect consumer benefits in the near future. There has been some slack to pick up.
Prices have been holding mostly steady (3+ years) in expensive cities in the U.S. which as everyone now suspects means that inflation is under control. Most of us should know inflation is a thing of the past, unless there is huge labor re-organization.
Factors to watch out for:
*Radical, hidden improvements (information, energy).
*A.I. that is relatively language-conscious and automatically interacting.
*A role for global government, including a meld of East and West.
*Major risk is labor re-organization and any unprecedented military invasions.
That's it for now! I hope you appreciate my insight!
Oh, and another thing: this figure 17,654.32 is cyclical in categoric terms, which is just technical philosophical jargon for the idea that the A.I. is now aware of infinities and is taking categorical knowledge into account. Perhaps it is even using categorical knowledge to benefit its knowledge of infinity! That could mean a more public or salary role for myself if I get lucky! (right now I'm a student at SCSU near New Haven).
Earlier predictions: HERE (6), HERE (5), HERE (4), HERE (3), HERE (2), AND HERE (1) (All optimistic, some with qualification and warnings about the importance of and the dire ramifications of a limited role for companies such as Facebook, Amazon, and Microsoft).
See also my Prophecy of free economics.
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