Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Aesthetic Games

Primarily linked HERE now: Aesthetic Games - Sublimism - Quora

"Maybe statistics people just study probability because they're very good at making things non-probabilistic." ---Brian Coppedge

Cat's Cradle --> Solution to problems.

Soul on a Stick --> Formula for souls.

Self-Beating Drum --> Perpetual motion machines.

Xes and O's --> Categorical knowledge.

Q & A --> Answers to all questions.

Suggestion Box --> Psychic powers.

Dice --> Incoherent deduction.

Passwords --> Theory of Everything.

Rollerblading feels a lot like getting sued. Skateboarders are actually sued.


MANTRA: (Now it's about the values of the aesthetics of metaphysics).


This is a theory that occasional bears on applications of the Theory of Everything.

Examples of correct application are rare.

For example, a 28-category typology could be seen as a Chinese Box if the middle categories are seen as ‘triumverates’ made of three constituent parts, without a label. The overall category can be seen as having a label, because it is at the highest-possible level. The result is 28 categories instead of 31, which incidentally represents black swans.

The formula in this case is 3^(Levels) + 1.


How To Think Like Brian

Philosophical Statistics

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