Thursday, October 10, 2019

The Rediscovery of the Hormunculus

I tried to make better and grasp without shame.

The dying was quick, and seemed like my name.

I ordered it up, and tried not to blame---


Now that I've 'lived' this strange kind of life.

It seems like my mother bore me out the wrong end.

It's got to be true in one way or another.

That things were so wrong I should go to my mother.


Maybe its fair in an uneven, underhanded kind of way.

That I was born unfortunate, like I was made up worse...

And had a fake name like a hormunculus...

Perhaps I still need to learn how to play...


I tried to jack it up, and play all my cards...

But cards did not have context in other words...

What was expected was coherent mind,

But coherent shit was not divine...


What I could add was a little more shit...

But shit wasn't slick, it really bit.

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