Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Monday, August 29, 2016

If Kant or John Bunyan Taught Calculus

"For every dupe there is something doubtful. For every doubt there is something dutiful."

Kant the philosopher and Paul Bunyan the English preacher. Paul Bunyan has an excellent Poemhunter profile.

An Account of Life's Journey: A Miniature, Paradoxical Candide

A HOPEFUL FEELING. You start out by feeling an indescribably hopeful feeling. It is a wonderful feeling, but it all seems to live somewhere in the far future... And this piques your curiosity to embark on the journey of life...

OTHER PLACE. You muse and wonder on this idea of some further place, which is different from any other place. Perhaps marvelous creatures live there... Perhaps they would teach you very amazing things... Perhaps you do not even understand how wonderful it could be... Something amazing awaits... If you could only remember all that has happened... For example, whatever just happened. That was amazing, whatever it was... Then you move on...

COLLECTIONS OF SMALL STONES. Stones seem to convey the essence of something... Something simple and yet reasonable. Something hyper-knowledgeable. Something hyper-intelligent, and perhaps infinitely interesting. If only there were infinite stones... But at this point you become confused... Maybe there are too many stones for you to see...?

SECOND THING. You have an idea. Maybe it is your first big idea. THE SECOND THING! There is a thing beyond the first thing, and this thing, whatever it is, is something more interesting, more advanced, more believable, more complex. The second thing is what the first thing could not be. The second thing solves the problem if there is one. The second thing is the answer to the first thing. With the second thing, life has a temporary explanation... If only we knew what the second thing was? Maybe it is evolution... or metaphysics? What specific ideas could ever capture the idea of the SECOND THING?

THE PERFECT WORLD. Then you discover the idea that the world once was very perfect. Everyone knew the right ideas of things. You... indeed, everyone, would know the best ideas and the best things. And that world was called the Classical World. Life would be indescribably great if you just lived in the Classical age, when the great philosophers lived.

THE PERFECT FORMULA. You come up with an idea you have trouble expressing. An idea no one else seems to understand when you tell it to them. An idea of the perfect formula. It concerns something important. It concerns the most interesting, most important thing, for which no one has heard a formula before. But over time, you realize that it is unworkable. Was the formula really necessary? But was it a stepping stone to something greater? Were you just supposed to feel better? Why was it necessary, if no one thinks it is useful? You decide it is helpful, but you become very lazy... Maybe now you can call yourself 'gifted'? What else could it be? What is the answer? Didn't you find the answer already?

CALCULUS. Math could hold some secret now. You have studied algebra. Some fine professors, some fine, very basic solutions to problems. You open your calculus book, and you do some problems. But you're not sure if the answers are correct.  You're not even sure that the answers given in the book are correct. So, you decide 'it must mean something less obvious'. And you think about the origin of the graph VERY HARD, and you think about infinity, and it dawns on you that the whole thing is a method of thinking. Suddenly, you feel that you are closer... much closer to thinking like a college professor.

HYPER-REALITY. Theoretically at this point, hyper-reality would dawn, and you would enter a profound cathartic journey in which you discover all the truths of nature. But this does not happen. Instead, you find yourself collecting small aspects of intellectual karma... indeed, a lot of it already happened, right? A few things click together, but basically, the dimensional world remains a fantasy. Calculus told you that fantasies really are fantasies.

REALIZING THE WORLD. Sometimes you feel you are walking in the Ivory Tower. You have seen a few rooms, or marvelled at the writing on the wall. You are not very high in the tower yet, perhaps. You sometimes journey outside, where you see statues and garden ornaments. Surely this is wonderful! Surely, this is the world! It is phenomenae frozen in a glass jar! It is a menagerie! It is the managier d' affairs! It is Porphyria, a wonderful story related to many others! But this world, although not quite a fantasy in your mind, is yet unreal! Even the real world is false! Have you become an intellectual?  What is next? More papers? More numbers? More jargon? A political fiasco? A new language? Existentialism?

OH, BUDDY. You find a friend in real life, who sort of identifies with your disaster. Oh, buddy he says. It is a moment of realization, that the world has become a small place, and there are two figures: yourself, the intellectual, and thus other guy, who has realized something else. He has realized 'Oh, buddy'. And that is great, it's a scratch on the wall, but it's not EVERYTHING. So, you move on, motivated by the idea that you're an intellectual, and you influenced someone.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

My Top 10 Books have made more than 100 Sales this year!

Visit Nathan's Amazon page if you want to buy a copy of one of them:

Sorry, no discounts, except that many of the titles are cheap anyway.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Tips for Longevity and Happiness

The following was a result of an imaginary conversation with the world's oldest-living person, who is now 145! (His real-life advice is "the only recipe is patience"...)

1. It might be important to force the cure, if the timing is good.

2. Even saying hello might be a ritual.

3. Ritualized time can be a mental modality for improved immortality!

4. Return to the moments where you were most alive!

Friday, August 26, 2016

New Facts About Exotic Matter

Make space-time improbable, and add energy, you get exotic matter.

Absolutes can be inverted, but they are non-relative.

Expensive system --> everything exotic = 2-d time.

Note: philosophical science by Nathan Coppedge

Back up to the Top 2% on Academia

Actually the Top 1.8% of researchers in any field in that site!

View my profile / papers at :

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Tips for Living to 300 to 400

1. Never too soon to age if you can recover. Don't fear age, fear total debilitation. Do what it takes to achieve a long-term mentality, with everything accounted for --- psychic level!!

2. Avoid hazards. Treat your health like national defense.

3. Slow and steady. Make gradual improvements. Never settle for worse. Treat every sickness as a bargain in your favor.

4. Do what you can do to remain cheerful. Otherwise, that's a lot of years to be upset!: Cheerful and old, wonderful and cheerful and young and old. The mentality of immortals!

5. Life is a product of the good things, whatever they happen to be. If we can avoid depression and pain, or find meaning in life without or with those things, we have so much longer to live.

6. The key may be to ' not feel foolish when you reach 100' as one centegenarian said. Or, to be wise at 200, or to know magic at 300, etc.

7. The key might be to 'keep your mind loose and have ideas' as Lao Tzu and the Chinese god of longevity may have suggested. Have the vigor of ideas.

8. Grow and change with the things around you. Practicing arts like painting and T'ai Chi will give you a reason to learn from others when you're about to disconnect with the world. Practice connecting with the world on a deep level, and your future may reward you.

9. If you can, think of future lifetimes in such a way where you can justify extending your life. You may have to think about ways of being more than one person at a time, or reincarnating with a connection to your past, or with a future self and a future avatar. Practice timelessness like time travel and permanence where possible.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

A Complete Guide to Happiness for the 3rd Dimension

Not principled or promising? Then you need to be practical and productive (jobs).

Not principled or practical? Then you need to be promising and productive (ambitious).

Not principled or productive? Then you need to be promising and practical (trades).

Not promising or practical? Then you need to be principled and productive (organization).

Not promising or productive? Then you need to be principled and practical (wise).

Not practical or productive? Then you need to be principled and promising (smart).

If you lack two or more of the four properties, you should try to meet one of the above conditions to be happy.

Principled and promising, but not productive? Then it helps to be practical!

Principled and promising but not practical? It helps to be productive!

Principled and practical but not productive? Then it helps to be promising!

Principled and practical, but not promising? Then it helps to be productive!

Principled and productive, but not practical? Then it helps to be promising!

Principled and productive but not promising? Then it helps to be practical!

Promising and practical but not productive? Then it helps to be principled!

Promising and practical but not principled? Then it helps to be productive!

Promising and productive but not practical? Then it helps to be principled!

Promising and productive but not principled? Then it helps to be practical!

Practical and productive but not promising? Then it helps to be principled!

Practical and productive but not principled? Then it helps to be promising!

If you lack one of the four properties, you should try to meet the second list of criteria.

If you have all four properties or meet any of all the criteria above, you are probably happy.


The contents of the lists are in no particular hiearchical order except that list one seems to follow the order of moral education.

However, list two is more advanced than list one. Depending on the degree of advancement or preference for each property, one or another of the items on list two might have better results for happiness.

The only thing more advanced for happiness than anything on list two is to have all four properties or a better system.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

I've passed the 11K Mark on YouTube recently!!!

(perpetual motion related, philosophy related, spirituality related, phenomenology related)

My most popular video recently passed 3,008 views on YouTube, and reached 5,210 on AcademicRoom, for a total of 8,218 views to that video to date, almost as much as the total for all videos on YouTube alone.

I have 1 Google Scholar citation!!!

Albeit my own work, but still... Maybe exciting for those who have been looking forward to 'Nathan the academic'-->

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Above 100,000th author!

7 of the past 8 days my Amazon Authorcentral stats list me as being above 100,000th author!!!

Unfortunately, this just means 33 sales in the past 17 days, or about $73 / month.

At least 18 books above 1,000,000th rank (not a million sold, but a million books from the top temporarily, supposedly).

See my author profile to purchase a book or two:

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Quotes Late August 2016

"An absurd view: There are drugs and rocks. Some rocks take ambergris."---Nathan Coppedge, for lack of a better source

"All we need is subjective food for all particles, and the universe runs itself."---Nathan Coppedge

"There are recursive history trees, and sometimes they dance!"---Nathan Coppedge (originally August 2001, was interrupted)

"The only good causes are values with standards for pleasure with meaning. The only good cause is meaningful. The only good is meaning."---Nathan Coppedge

"It is basic intelligence to realize the trickery of the world, and the sufficiency of fascination." ---Nathan Coppedge

"Good problems are keys to middle knowledge."---Nathan Coppedge

"Improved society involves greater visual complexity and a higher tolerance for perfection."---Nathan Coppedge

"Zen is like the philosophy of objects. Many logics seem to amount to aesthetics."---Nathan Coppedge

"Some things are true, and some things are false like incoherency." ---Nathan Coppedge

"You could say the cause is whatever created the sun, or whatever specific thing caused us to think THIS thought at this time. And so on endlessly until the causes aren't causes anymore." ---Nathan Coppedge, paraphrase of Aristotle from memory

"Aristotle is the only one who is the cause of causation. If one imagines the causeless cause, we get mythology. One can discover mythology by abnegating Aristotle." ---Nathan Coppedge

"It is only by the impossible standard that things begin to persist. Impossibility is an archaic standard of coherency." ---Nathan Coppedge

"What is probable can be actualized. Therefore energy force concerns mass." --Nathan Coppedge

"In all typical cases, self-possession lies between solitude and fame."--Nathan Coppedge

"In an expensive system, everything exotic = 2-d time." ---Nathan Coppedge

"Deduction tracks assumptions, and coherent deductions can be used to map knowledge."---Nathan Coppedge

Additional Quotes:

Monday, August 15, 2016

The Scientific Theories


So far the author is not a well-known scientist. Nonetheless, he has been able to attract occasional interest to his books on scientific topics, particularly because of his popular website on perpetual motion machines. This text gathers together his scientific theories---insights that may be important to science. It includes such areas as psychology, social science, physics of black holes and wormholes, mathematics, miscellaneous theories, and many other topics. It will be updated periodically to give the latest, most advanced and interesting scientific viewpoints advocated by the author. This text offers considerable depth of insight on a wide variety of subjects.

(Different from the Scientific Papers, which was already released, and featured experiments).

It is available on Amazon HERE.

100 Mind-Seals


The concept is borrowed from several pages in The Blue Cliff Record, one of the most venerable Zen Master teachings. A mind seal is essentially a magical communication similar to the legendary magical papers which can be used only once. Only these can be used more than once. They have lasting effects that tend to be subtle, global, or personal, and are often permanent. Fully one hundred mind seals are included in this collection, including magical themes as basic as life and constitution and as abstruse as immortality, time travel, and perpetual motion. The book features the magical properties of each mind seal in perfect four-part sets for each example, proving that mind seals are objective phenomena which meet particular magical criteria. Readers will be pleased with the depth and vivaciousness of this work, which attempts to turn an abstruse subject from Zen Buddhism into another type of subject---one worthy of aspiring wizards, with sufficient technicalism to convey subtle magic. The statements, which range from single sentences to long paragraphs, are stated in quotations to mark them off from the descriptive matter. The book is recommended for anyone interested in the occult.

It is available on Amazon HERE:

Premier Writings on Ethics


Since Hume's Guillotine, philosophers have had more trouble defending the idea of ethics generally. Here is my answer for the principle of ethics and morality:

What is the source of morality?

Perhaps the following:

•A long life (say, infinite) is more valuable than a short life.

•A short life can be forgiven.

Using this principle, the only way to be blamed is if one lives a medium-size life. But such is ridiculous by any standard! Therefore, if we have a standard (longevity or forgiveness), we are forgiven. But there is no getting rid of the standard. Hence morality.


The elements of my relative absolutism incorporate similar thoughts to those had by F. F. Centore. It is possible I read his work by searching for one of the two terms he mentions. In my theory on the subject, which adopts relative absolutism as a knowledge system rather than an ethical system, there are several related conclusions: (1) Relativized relativism = absolutism, (2) A word, or a body, etc. are all adequate foundations for association about an idea, albeit with differing formalities, (3) There is a good for each thing defined for example, by the philosophy or idealism of the thing, which whatever it is, is the thing's capacity to be a concept, (4) There is a system for every true concept; where systems cannot be produced, this means that other concepts can be preferred; there appears to be a conflict between natural systems and philosophical systems that is resolved when philosophical nature is found.


The Notorious "Four Organisms" Puzzle: Ethics Designed for All Alien Organisms

(pick one from each of the four areas)

1. Shared category
| --> Fixed Important.
| --> Open-ended Important.
| --> Open-ended Unimportant
| --> Fixed Unimportant

2. Ethical modus operandi
|--> Status Quo.
|--> Pleasure.
|--> Principle.
|--> Need.

3. Personal Modus Operandi
|--> Job.
|--> Family.
|--> Artist.
|--> Outcast.

4. Personal Feelings / Virtues
|--> Justice.
|--> Love.
|--> Superiority.
|--> Buddhism.


What is actually concrete is actually concrete, and what is actually sublime is actually sublime—- but only by whatever exception grants that view. The truth might be different from perception, but degrees of perception are the closest thing to the concrete. They are not always the closest thing to the sublime, but if the sublime can be perceived, then this may mean at least that SOMETHING IS sublime

Also present on Quora:

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Perpetual Motion is a Recurring Theme

My perpetual motion theme music is now available on Wikimedia Commons (in case I die in an accident) ---->

Real Theatre: How to Create Drama

1. "Back, back with a heavy heart...!" This shows the importance of the title character.

2. "Julie, do you know this person named Moody?" Real drama shows the faults of its characters.

3. "Almost the apocalypse... And we have just now learned to turn a few coins!" It is obligatory for every theater person to experience bad theater, and this may involve secondary roles and throwaway lines.

4. "Julieclipse, oh my Julieclipse! What has befallen you? Why the gray hair? How will we sew up the years that passed between then and now?" Dramatic monologues fill up a lot of the extra space, expanding the dramatic experience for the audience.

Theatre is by far not my forte, however, I thought I'd lend my voice in case it offers a kind of objectivity. The above was actually largely interpreted from my unborn child, who may be interested in acting.

Four Quarters of Knowledge

An Attempt to Summarize My Most Enlightened Knowledge
I. 1-Degree Absolute Knowledge
Categorical deduction is a method I invented for formulating coherent knowledge using an n-dimensional typology. For most purposes it only operates in four square categories ('quadra') lying inside a bounded Cartesian Coordinate System ('axes').
Deductions are produced when opposite terms or labels, each being of any length, and occupying separate boxes, are arranged to form statements that are said to express all the data that could be expressed----because the words are analogous to everything contained by the concepts.

The words must be opposites opposed along the diagonal, and arranged with an order preference given to categories A and B, which are taken to be the subject of the individual analysis.
Coherent statements are then expressed as "AB:CD and AD:CB" in terms of A.
Since B and D are switched as part of the operation of the deduction, the preference of B over D is actually unnecessary, although the content is not arbitrary, as it expresses a certain relation of judgment axis B-D with judgment axis A-C.
Examples that don't work:
"Bad women make good men." You may think this is sound reasoning, but it does not logically follow, because if man is the opposite of woman, they cannot both be human. The opposite of human is at least not human.
Examples that do work:
However, you could argue bad is the opposite of good, and the opposite of love is hate, now you can conclude that "bad hate makes good love." That would be logically sound, because it serves as a definition, and we know that it is not contradictory. Of course, other types of exceptions still exist which restrain the ultimate significance both of good and bad, and of love and hate. The statement does not say that it is true in every possible way, but only that it is a logically true definition which measures the extent of validity for that exact case, insofar as the words are accurate representations. If we want it to be measurably true, and not just logically true, then we have to assume that the opposite properties are measurable. And, unless they are absolute, there is no way to be certain that the statement is coherent. However, using similar rules, we can make more complex statements that are equally valid, such as: "good problems with hate produce bad solutions in love." Although more entities are involved, the more complex statements do not have to assume the entities are real or measurable to be logically valid. The deductions also don't depend on the idea of cause and effect, hence the concept of 'non-causal inference'.
Consider the example of beauty versus ugliness, and a sensitive person versus a stoic. We don't argue that any of these entities or qualities don't exist for some person or other. Now, we can't compare opposites directly because that would create a contradiction. So, we compare non-opposites. There is no rule which says that stoics can't be ugly, or that sensitive people can't be beautiful or ugly, etc. In fact, the only thing that would contradict sensitivity is being stoical, and the only thing that would contradict beauty is ugliness. (The only exception to this is irrationality).
Now, we are not saying that stoic and sensitivity or beauty and ugliness cannot be compared to other things, so there is no contradiction is selecting something specific. At this point there is no contradiction. We are comparing non-opposites, because that is not contradictory. It is a possibility, so it can express something about the world. Since the concepts can be defined as the only words that represent the exact same concept, or the identical concepts are interchangeable and have only one opposite, therefore the comparison of non-opposites represents the only available knowledge on whatever topic the terms concern. Since it is the only available knowledge, it is the best knowledge, and where opposite terms are exclusive of all possible descriptions, it is also universal knowledge. Now it follows that 'a beautiful stoic is ugly sensitively' and, under different conditions, 'an ugly stoic is beauty-sensitive'. Otherwise, the terms are not opposites, or there is opportunity to resolve the contradiction often resulting in a simplification of categories, or there is a paradox or irrationality.
What is potentially unique about the system is not just its sense of double relativism which I call relative absoluteness, but the way it works across language, and for any extreme concept.
However, things like 'cat and dog' or 'man and woman' don't work except in what is called a 'modal sense'. The modal sense is the same sense as 'this lamp post to that street over there' --- it may not in fact be opposite. However, terms like cat and dog can be lumped into categories like animal and human, and opposites can be imagined for them, like 'dead human' and maybe 'nativity water' for 'alien flame' or the like. These sorts of concepts at least set up a relationship for logical comparison coherently, providing a meaningful standard for correspondence that was not previously imaginable outside of science fiction and Alien Phenomenology.

What is a solution to a paradox?

If it has a solution, then it was not a paradox.

So, where did the problem come from in the first-place?

Apparently, there are two types of paradoxes, problematic ones and un-problematic ones.
But problematic ones must demonstrate something, if they can't be resolved.

Using this logic, I arrived at the idea that every paradox must also be a solution as well as a problem.

The solution to any paradox can be found by combining the opposites of EVERY word in the best definition of the problem in the same order.

But the solution is still a paradox, it just belongs to a different universe that we might think has ideal problems. In that world, solutions may be solved by problems!

III. Psychic Prediction

Psychic prediction may take several basic forms.

First I will describe the most basic types of prediction.

First of all, the most basic type is 0-dimensional prediction. This consists of predicting what has already occurred, that is, predicting the types of things that have already happened. A second degree of this is had by predicting things that are similar to those things that have happened. For our purposes, this can be called simple generalization. If Henrick usually wants to play games, perhaps he wants to play games now. This is the first dimension of prediction, and it is the type that gains most easily by probabilistic inductions. This method is also called specialized prediction when it is applied to specialized modes of behavior. For example, we can predict that a Matisse will sell high compared to an unknown artist. We know that popular items in an auction sell high, whereas unpopular items might not sell at all. Therefore, there is an exponential relationship for example, between selling a Matisse, and selling a Matisse at an auction. These kinds of things can be predicted by studying the specific character of the modalities and events involved in a given situation. However, if an event is instead informal or contrived, this lends an aspect of unpredictability. The predictions only work when all of the prior conditions are met, and become less predictable with every difference from the previous cases. Therefore, differences can be used to predict differences, as another type of specialized prediction. It may help to predict trickery or confusion (‘likely outcomes’), rather than predicting a specific event. It should be accepted that some conditions and choices are arbitrary. Because we do not know if conditions will be met to satisfaction, we know that some events are arbitrary. If the conditions are one half different, then prediction requires a strong degree of formalism, however that is calculated. It involves, in effect, exceeding expectations, or coming across an event that happened just in the same way, but as if by chance. This is one reason that scientists have been known to require the reproduction of laboratory conditions, even with highly predictable phenomena. Thus, specialized predictions have some limitations.

The next type is delineative or elaborative prediction. What it consists of is a generalization modified by additional imagination about the significance of the factors involved. This type of prediction can be called variablistic, because it often functions by applying a generalization to a deduction about a variable. If elephants are painted red, perhaps it is a sight for sore eyes, etc. One form of this is prediction through emergence. This is not necessarily a linear prediction because it essentially doesn’t predict based on existing data. Nor does it predict based on known exterior data. Instead, it involves a conclusion that something is missing from the data. Logical conclusions are drawn so that we can make major systemic conclusions about what the data means. The new theory appears as if from thin air. This is similar to the emergence of Darwinism, or the genetic explanation of reproduction. What determines the success of these theories is their relative importance, not necessarily the lack of any alternative. It is the importance of the theory----its emergence----which drives the prediction. (Many theories from social science involve emergent theories, such as socialism and capitalism. Instead of acting as a formal constraint, they often expand the way that the conditions function. In this case, the explanation is not erroneous, but instead, serves as a new rational mode of explanation).

A third type is contingent or categorical prediction. If something is the case, then we can predict that the things that rely upon this first condition are modified when that category is modified. This form of prediction works better for predicting quality differences than actually-different conditions. However, if multiple qualities are absent, predictions can be made about the alternatives. If there is no snow, it can be predicted that it is not cold, or there is a shortage of water, for instance. If it is not cold, one can predict that it is arid or moist. If there is a shortage of water, one can predict that it is dry, or there is a high tolerance for water. This can also take the form of complex categorization. Attaching variables to a given object means that predicting the outcome for the main object affects the outcome of some, if not all, of the variables. For example, ‘if we do something extreme, the change might be observable. Otherwise, it is an abstract or un-measurable form of extremity. We must have some means of observation, or we can usually conclude that the effects are not extreme. Or we can adopt an irrational view’.

A fourth type of prediction is coherent prediction. This is also called synergism or epiphany. The simplest form of coherent prediction occurs by the exclusion of all but one unlikely option. Hella spent a hot day in the desert, and she was outdoors, and walked several miles, time passed and she didn’t expire: she must have brought something to drink with her. A more complex form occurs by qualifying what it means to make a given combination. People who have complicit sex are always lovers. Therefore, if two people have sex, it might be complicit, and they might be lovers. Or, something is complicit between two people. If it is sex, they are lovers. This can even involve highly complex phenomena. For example: Joe defines himself as an editor, but he works as an economist. In some way he is doing economic editing. This is the beginning of a genuinely psychic method. Attaching judgments of fully embraced variables can be a meaningful way of reaching for epiphanies. For example, what ‘definitely IS something’ about a given thing? Then apply that condition to factors like responsibility, organization, and predictability. An exception to this is so-called ‘black swans’. In that case, one must predict the rationale which makes something a black swan. The rule in that case is that things are either unreasonable, reasonable, without purpose, or serving a prescribed function.  A method for solving black swans involves corroboration or defaulting. This occurs when there is no better explanation remaining for a given thing. Well, we know that such-and-such a creature has eyes based on the related species, but nothing about the creature looks exactly like eyes. The eyes must be these spots on its back. Otherwise its blind. Or, black swans could exist, as long as we know that color serves no inherent function.

Now for more genuine psychic predictions:

A second genuine form of psychic prediction involves using a posteriori reasoning on a 0-dimensional prediction. For example, if we know that some events are arbitrary, then we can derive that we don’t know if some conditions will be met to satisfaction. If we know Henrick wants to play games now, we can predict that he usually wants to play games. This form of prediction often involves deducing the types of statements that lead to a particular line of reasoning: that is, predicting a rationale. Many psychics are familiar with this way of phrasing deductions.

A third form of genuine psychic prediction involves determination based on unstated facts. Since everyone thinks about the opposite of what they say, at least unconsciously, combining multiple opposite terms for terms that have been stated as someone’s opinion, or as the definition of a motive or interest for the person or organization, will give information about the genuine motivations, or else the looming unknowns in the life of the person or organization. For example, if someone states that the first thing on their mind is their motorcycle, and the second thing on their mind is their manhood, then you can predict that they’re concerned about meeting someone else on a motorcycle. 

A fourth form of genuine psychic prediction involves categorical relationships. One can ask or predict ‘what is someone’s usual mode of relation with the world?’ Then one can predict that they use that mode of relation with their perceived opposites. For example, an artist who expresses that the thing on his mind is cars can be predicted ‘not to buy a painting of a car, instead you’ll make it yourself’ (the concealed opposition is between the artist who makes art, and his opposite, the buyer of the art. The opposite of making a painting of a car is buying a painting of a car). Similarly, if a business expresses itself as aggressive and competitive, but you think they’re liars, you can predict they’ll have contradictory marketing (‘competing truths’, since their mode of relation is competition, and their opposite is the truth).

A fifth form of genuine psychic prediction: take any number of factors describing a current event or situation you’re in, and reverse the factors that are different from the subject. This can be used to predict how someone is feeling, or what their core motivation are. For example, an artist is at a business convention. So they’re feeling unconventional, and they feel like making art, since that is not a different motive from business. Or, a philosophy society is at an art gallery. So, it thinks its popular art (‘society’ does not conflict with ‘gallery’), and it thinks its un-philosophical art, or tries to make connections between art and philosophy (‘philosophy’ is different from ‘art’ or it can be debated). Other conclusions might be that they think art is trying to commercialize philosophy, that philosophy ought to involve graphics, or to view art or philosophy as a socialist movement.

Those are the eight categories of prediction that I have determined. I hope this writing may be considered useful to my readers on this most often unrealized subject.


First Formula:

Soul of the book =

'If you [X] qualifier [subject of X and qualifier] [opp X clarified]'

Optionally, you can add a moral:

'The [subject of X alone] is [verb / adj. of opp qualifier]'.

Also, optionally,

Optional 2= '[A/the state / process from verb / adj.] of / is [property of qual. of X]'

Note: For this second part, it may help to refer to the title which 
I will now provide, in order to find the opp qualifier before it is 

Title of book =

Usually: '[quality of X] [opp of qualifier mentioned in the soul]'

For perusal, or quick use: '[opp qualifier] [quality of X]'

The easiest way to use the formula is to generate original souls 

and then find the corresponding titles by finding the most 
essential, knowledgeable quality of X and then finding the 
opposite of the qualifier introduced in the soul of the book.

Together with the soul the title provides a basic index of the 

value of any text, and permits exponentially efficient reading.

For example,

Soul = 'If you die early enough you live'.

Optional 1= 'Death is the aging process'.

Title of book = 'Bad Archaic'

Bad [= qual. of die] Archaic [=opp of early]

Another example chosen more arbitrarily,

Soul = 'If you live surely truth may die'

Optional 1= 'The life is uncertain'.

Title of book = 'Optimal Uncertainty'

Optimal [=qual. of live] Uncertainty [= opp of surely]

Second Formula:

What naturally follows from an earlier term, sometimes in unusual ways.

For example, "I need to pee" could be the soul of "Reigns of Fire", since "Reigns of Fire" might follow from "I need to pee".

Better titles are more clever and data-intensive, but highly predictable titles can be used for poor-quality literature.

At another level there is a difficulty here in predicting the bulk of the content for a book. In some cases it can be accumulated based on primacy, e.g. the first thing thought of in relation to the title becomes the soul, the second becomes its second soul, etc. with due attention to appropriateness to determine every time which title the content refers to.

On another level it is important to choose the best title for each writing, not just a very good one, and this leads to a multiplicity of titles with very little content.

Various formulas are suggested, such as a book that consists entirely of a list of other titles, a book that lists only the souls of other books, or a book that brings together the best parts of related works in a comparison. However, as a rule these are 'schizo-forms' of the true literature, which must in this case simply be a collection of all the best content that matches a title. This seems to require a degree of omniscience, as if one could read all the books in the Ancient Library of Alexandria, all translated into perfect English.

Thus, the second method is not to be preferred, although it is the inspiration for the first. However, creating a program that works on this method is not impossible, if the correct rules are known, such as:

1. The first soul of the book exclusively anticipates the title.
2. The second soul is based on the first soul.
3. Content is expanded based on souls of the book.
4. All content in some way refers to the title, or the souls, insofar as the souls are exclusive.
5. If the souls are not exclusive, additional content may be shared with another book.
6. Additional content is the sole basis for extraneous organization apart from a shortlist of highly interesting related titles. E.g. Logos might link to Arche-Fact, and Arche-Fact might link to Origins.

A New Order of Ideas

* NOW SEE: Recommended: Radical Ideas (just architectural idealist kind of philosophy)

Practical Metaphysics. For example, karma and changing the world.

Broken system. A system that tests the limit of ultimate reality. An enjoyable system.

Metaphysical work. Work that means something ultimately.

Compositional determinism. Choice between futures / alternate singularities / alternate identities.

Second center. Hierarchies contained in one object or archetype.

Ideal problems. Problems that in some sense aren't problems at all.

Passive motion. The original concept of transformation.

Manifestial computer. Degrees of manifestation are degrees of computing.

Designer logic. Comes after universal logic.

Rhetorical metaphysics.

Atoms are defense modes.

Greater inference.

Secret combination.

Continuous termination.

Ritual of rejuvenation.

The Infinite Computer concept of physics.

Universal singularity.

Existence karma (if you suffer, you’re allowed to be superior. If you’re exceptional, the world improves)

Instantialism. The fact that the outside might not change. Outer factors remain relevant.

Fillamentary Consciousness: sensing of nerves specifically, sometimes with a magical connotation.

Relative relativism = absolutism.

Exponential efficiency. The real meaning of efficiency.

Economic Physics: the theory that the universe justifies physical resources by mental commitments which originate in desires for control and other subtle or material properties, which in turn create the politics of manifestation. This may assume an eternal universe, or just a wide scope of information. One possible rule would be that what is both real and worthless will experience everything insofar as it is nothing. What is everything will tend not to be real, or will tend to have great value, confirming the economic view of physics. The major opposition comes from worthless experiences of everything, or valuable experiences of nothing.

Semantic Energy: energy that is effective even though it is theoretical.

Super-normal: a condition in which the center possesses special attributes, or in which the average unit is dynamic and / or high-functioning.

Negative Semantics: magic.

Mass-Energy: energy arising from clever mass interactions, typically in the form of constant potential momentum resulting from structural interrelations and chain-reactions. It never has inherent energy, and depends on methods of cheating to gain the equivalence of force. It can only be explained as interactions over sufficient periods of time, and the amount of time it takes to complete a cycle is indefinite apart from specific constructions, as it is functional at many scales (Energy that is neither gravitational, electric, chemical, magnetic, or atomic, and may be permanent or 'free').

"English knowledge" for example, formulas for knowledge in English sentences. Inspired by sonnets and haiku, these also make use of logical relationships to complete specialized tasks.

Proportional judgement: The view that logical judgements depend on the scale adopted. As a result, any property analogous to visual appearance or form can be used to remark on the logical significance of the overall figure. Where languages are graphical or symbolic and rational, an analogy to other forms of judgment can be found.

Substantive judgement: Where a particular part of a linguistic or symbolic language has greater importance than the other parts, its significance may be expressed in terms of its relation.

Automatic causation: Where some outcomes always have better results in the long-term, the intermediary process may be deemed inconsequential, and thus, an automatic leap to the conclusions is desirable.

Retrofitted ideas: Ideas might be indefinitely improved through a change in representation, or reach a stage of perfection. History involves a dialectic between the best available ideas and the current lengua franca.

Inspired universe. The concept that properties and information evolve through interactions with other properties and information, resulting in a strong tendency for pre-processed behavior. By this rule, problems only emerge from primitive sources, and metaphysical problems are a result of economic physics and comparative evolution.

1-Degree Absolute Knowledge: Categorical deduction.

Method of Paroxysm: A solution to paradoxes. Also, a double-paradox.

Psychic Prediction: Eight interrelated methods may solve much of the problem.

Formula for the Souls of Literature: A method devised for reproducing parts of ancient texts, and maybe defining souls in general.

Intuitive Calculus. How to gain mathematical intuition really fast: Intuitive Calculus

Intuitive Physics. How to gain physical intuition really fast: Intuitive Physics

‘Pataphysics. A crazy, perfect form of knowledge I didn’t invent: Nathan Coppedge's answer to What is the best definition of 'pataphysics?

Gestalt Theory. Gestalt Theory (Psycho-Analytic Systems) .

The Volit: The 2nd Zero or 2nd Center, a way of quantifying internal progressions. For example, a paradigmatic concept such as Knowledge, Evolutionary stages, Libraries, or Systems may be incremented to show replacement systems. For example, an empty system may be replaced with a knowledgeable one, a primitive lifeform may be replaced with an advanced one, or a system of random titles may be replaced with an organization of the best qualified examples from all areas.
Volitional Mechanics: The science of working perpetual motion machines, which has so far been considered dubious.

Volitional Energy: The proneness to return to a higher altitude repeatably, calculated by working with a relatively successful design, and measuring moving parts divided by dual axial parts.

Volitional Momentum: Another word for volitional energy, except sometimes expressing or proportional to real units of energy. Such as momentum per cycle.

Volitional Equilibrium: Negative factors, like particularly the number of moving units, which can detract from theoretical energy. Counter-acted by having 0 dual-directional parts, which must be supported with evidence.

Volitional Efficiency: A theoretical over-unity rating taken by dividing volitional energy by volitional equilibrium.

Exponential equality (populism).

Exponential Studies.

Weather Studies.

Old genes. Hypothetico-pejoratively.

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See Also:

Friday, August 12, 2016

Immortal Body, Immortal Mind Part 1: Health Tips Interpreted from the World's Healthiest People

1. Allow yourself to be yourself with added conditionalities.
Conditionalities like 'no smoking', 'no drinking' and 'I feel happy'.
This will improve digestion, heart health, and mood.
Have principle where possible. Even try to be tough.

2. Moderate exercise, and avoid artificial foods that taste odd with sugar in them.
This will improve longevity and prevent diabetes. Avoid sugar if you can't taste it, and avoid sugar when you have chest pain. Stay active with your mind or body or both. The only thing that can justify a lot of sleep is mental activity or the desire to recover from an illness (mental, physical, or spiritual).

3. Think about your body.
This helps prevent complications like cancer and heartburn.
It may also help to give your body natural attention without introducing bizarre chemicals.
The fewer chemical interactions, the better, unless you are feeling uninspired or stuck. (A small amount of shampoo often necessary to avoid skin conditions. And medication may be necessary with a serious illness).

4. Avoid harming your body.
Think of your body as the perfect information repository.
There is no reason to hate your body unless you hate your life.

5. Digest your problems.
If you do not confront your actual issues, health will become worse.
Don't panic, but don't feed the fire.

Archetypal Categories of Education

I was inspired to think semantics might be a concept of anything adapted to some earlier thing, and so I was inspired to extend the system...

(1) Primer (the ledger board, the drawing board, the sketchbook, etc.)

(2) Semantics ( "Secondary Systems / Adaptations" )

(3) Theology ("How it goes..." also called Nominalism, Formulae)

(4) Equipment (Quadra, or Selections)

(5) Capabilities (Magic Archetypes)

(6) Appetites (Archaic knowledge from the past...)

I have previously written about groups of categories. For example,

5 Categories of 5-D Nature (which must be conceived imaginatively):



THE DISPUTATION, rhetorical structure:

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Initial Paths on the Road to Low Immortality

1. Preservation, from acceptance. Avoiding depression can prevent accidents and other disasters.

2. Metabolism. One of the secrets associated with Chinese medicine is improved metabolism.

3. State of limbo. Simply maintaining a similar state of affairs can be like extending life.

4. Secret magic. Living away from the center of life by practicing unusual abilities might improve efficiency in procuring a better life gradually, if it is casual enough.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

300,000 Views on Quora to date!

It's been about 1 Year.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

I.Q. Optimization

I'm 'celebrating' my recent lower I.Q. by being completely crazy. Now I will offer advice on how you can boost your I.Q. without taking a test, with barely any effort at all...

1st Quadra of I.Q.
1. Do you test poorly on academic tests? Less than 100.
2. Do you always struggle when you get good grades? About 100.
3. Do you do well in some subjects? 120.
4. Do you do well in advanced subjects like engineering and mathematics? 140 or higher.

2nd Quadra of I.Q.
100: you feel average.
110: you like art for the first time.
120: you can write a lot.
130: you sometimes think about advanced mathematics without doing the math.
140: you have calculus ability.
150: you can do some highly advanced mathematics.
160: you do some unique stuff.
170: you are one of the best.
180: you are outdone only by the greatest geniuses.
190: you can invent advanced fields from the ground up.
200: you have unified knowledge of advanced fields.
210: you know the future of advanced fields.
220: disciplines are largely interchangeable.
230: one can make any fool look like a genius by thinking about it.
240: one can think of everything completely differently.
250: one can rigourously define perfect reasoning.
260: the life of ideas is a pantomime.
270: the fruit of knowledge is all-too-literal.
280: irony has no meaning. It's very un-baffling.
290: you try to abbreviate everything in your life.
300: one can solve important problems no one ever guessed existed before.
310: perpetual motion?

3rd Quadra of I.Q.
Invent a movement: creative I.Q.
New theory of knowledge: logical I.Q.
New theory of souls: religious I.Q.
General solutions to problems: practical I.Q.

4th Quadra of I.Q.
Extrovert, sex, intuition: EQ
Prolific Artist: visual I.Q.
Build things, make technical drawings: engineering I.Q.
Philosopher not depressed, wisdom I.Q.


"Pain is meaningless is my ironical conclusion... If it creates consciousness, you have to rename it bad treatment."---Nathan Coppedge

"At the fundamental level, beauty is pure perception or it is blind. Art is an attempt to realize perception. The perfect material art must be objective. Therefore, it is a genius responding to ugliness. Where there is ugliness by a high standard, there is a standard of art. Art, although it is the definition of beauty, is nothing but awareness of ugliness which precedes pure perception beyond all concepts of aesthetic doubtfulness. At that later stage, life is too functional to be beholden to any one standard of perfection. Art becomes critically one-dimensional."---Nathan Coppedge

"All knowledge is special unless it is limited."---Nathan Coppedge

"What is a solution to a paradox? If it has a solution, then it was not a paradox. So, where did the problem come from in the first-place? Apparently, there are two types of paradoxes, problematic ones and un-problematic ones... But problematic ones must demonstrate something, if they can't be resolved. Using this logic, I arrived at the idea that every paradox must also be a solution as well as a problem." ---Nathan Coppedge

"Philosophy of education is about as important to education as philosophy. Basically, however, it is about how to teach, and the kinds of packages of knowledge that are ideal for education. Sometimes, however, education fails by assuming knowledge packages are just as interesting as philosophy. In fact, they often aren't as interesting, and so, it becomes important to study the original spirit of philosophy, and the original spirit of a few of the greatest thinkers to determine what is important for students in the classroom." ---Nathan Coppedge

"When two series of ripples approach each other in a pond, it's not mathematics. Actually, it is mathematics up until the ripples touch, and then it goes up to four dimensions --- I was thinking about this thing Edmund Scarpa has said, and it occurred to me: everything comes to a head. Everything occurs in the mind. Maybe this is just Zen, but it is also like the meaning of life, or part of it." ---Nathan Coppedge

"Basically, my viewpoint on alternate universes is they may exist exclusively through a choice or rift, and the rifts tend to close, thus it tends to be only one universe... Basically, the universe tries to explain itself, because someone who travels to his or her own past has already seen himself or herself. There is an element of fate, even with free will." ---Nathan Coppedge

"The problem in not including (mass-energy)... is that there are cases where mass is not expressed as gravity, but can create heat. My premier example is a string stretched by a rolling weight. The rolling weight is set on a track, which causes the string to be horizontally taut, even if the weight does not move. The point is, the string might generate heat through vibrations, even if the mass does not move. Because the energy does not come from gravity in terms of motion, it must be mass energy." ---Nathan Coppedge

"If it weren't for the linear process of inquiry, perspective would be perplexion. Confusion and invention would be one and the same. Yet it is not beyond me to imagine that multiple linear processes might co-exist almost independently, like ants and beads of water. The common reality is born of different dimensions, this seems to be the penultimate of inquiry." ---Nathan Coppedge

“Determinism is belief in disasters. Free will is belief that our emotions have an effect. We’d rather believe in emotions than disasters, hence there’s free-will. Once again it is about preferences, whether they are immortal or temporal. The higher standard we set, the more likely we are going to be dissatisfied. But dissatisfaction is a fundamentally different problem than determination. Even free will can be a form of determination. Belief in absolute determinism ignores how unconcerned the majority of the universe is for our species, not least because other species may be concerned with their own suffering." ---Nathan Coppedge

"The elements of my relative absolutism incorporate similar thoughts to those had by F. F. Centore. It is possible I read his work by searching for one of the two terms he mentions. In my theory on the subject, which adopts relative absolutism as a knowledge system rather than an ethical system, there are several related conclusions: (1) Relativized relativism = absolutism, (2) A word, or a body, etc. are all adequate foundations for association about an idea, albeit with differing formalities, (3) There is a good for each thing defined for example, by the philosophy or idealism of the thing, which whatever it is, is the thing's capacity to be a concept, (4) There is a system for every true concept; where systems cannot be produced, this means that other concepts can be preferred; there appears to be a conflict between natural systems and philosophical systems that is resolved when philosophical nature is found." ---Nathan Coppedge, premier writings on ethics


Monday, August 1, 2016


With Some Discretion,

Rocks and stones.
Calligraphy brush.
Paper / scrolls.
Carpentry (bookshelves, chairs).
Good architecture.