Saturday, February 28, 2015
Good News!
Some people, however, may want to own it for themselves. It's my most popular book (about 90 copies sold to date). Link here: Ignore the three-star reviews. It's one of the best books on perpetual motion.

Friday, February 27, 2015
Autobiography of the Inventor of Perpetual Motion
It should be noted that at one time it was rare and almost inconceivable that any such invention was even possible.
Perpetual motion is an idea which is rumored to have many perfections, and yet a high degree of simplicity. For the sensibilities of these earlier times such an invention was deemed a scientific and ideological uber-paradox.
The invention was, we shall assume, at one time, not thought of.
The birthplace of perpetual motion was destined to be a small city which happened to be the location of Yale University. It was also close to the same place where the prodigious inventor of the cotton gin and mass production, Eli Whitney, first lived. In fact, one of the major roads in New Haven is Whitney Avenue. Nathan’s childhood church, which was non-denominational, existed along that road.
When he was very young, his circumstances were strange. His father and mother spoke to him in Spanish, and the stonework around Yale was filled with gargoyles which seemed to mock him with their large ears and staring eyes. Since his parents were poor, Nathan dreamed of becoming an industrial titan sort of like these gargoyles and statues, which were designed to represent Yale’s great billionaire patrons and benefactors. The patrons may as well have been Eli Whitney, who was known to be a founder and industrialist. Later when people called him a faggot, he thought of these powerful billionaires, who might be said to be dressed like poppinjays.
When Nathan Coppedge was born, after a year or so of bliss, Nathan’s life met with a tragic accident: when his father was in the middle of changing his diaper, he fell from the table and his head became badly damaged. This injury was to affect him for the remainder of his life. In fact, it may have been his effort to recover his mind, since the ‘other people in the room’ were so intelligent, that he decided, that he would design something much like a catapult only better. This thought occurred to him when he was three years old and his Dad was reading him picture books. Since his parents still wanted him to speak in Spanish, the message Nathan was trying to communicate may have come across already garbled. His parents wanted him to learn languages, and maybe memorize a dictionary, not reconstruct the ancient work of Archimedes.
Because of his accident, although Nathan would have otherwise been a very brilliant child, his childhood passed as somewhat ordinary, if a bit painful. By the time he reached middle school he had seen some parts of the world such as Washington DC and other parts of the United States, as well as a brief time in Venezuela.
His parents though had been having a hard time, and were seeking a divorce. By the time Nathan reached middle school his mother had remarried to someone named Phantom Wells, which began to tax Nathan’s sanity. Nathan’s friends were music prodigies and math wizzes. Nathan’s brother was doing science projects on the inner workings of a computer. The best Nathan could do at the time was bury his head in a thick novel. The school system was oppressive and Nathan felt increasingly that he was not connected to other students. Nathan’s situation got worse at the end of middle school when he had an incident with his dance teacher (dance was a required course at his arts-focused school) in which he bared his butt in the Dance Office without underwear in an effort to demonstrate a dance move and earn a higher grade. What was worse is this behavior was not even characteristic of Nathan, who was otherwise just a mild-mannered boy who liked to play with *legos* and read books.
Entering high school Nathan’s whole life was about masturbation. He had seen the sexy body of his dreams the previous year at a science fair: a 15-year-old girl with curves like a goddess. High school passed like a blur. Nathan’s biggest accomplishments were a sleazy Japanese class and a budding interest in architecture, as well as qualifying for advanced placement which allowed him to take courses in universities for advanced credit. One of these courses was taught at Southern Connecticut State University on Eastern Philosophy, and the input Nathan received on his knowledge of logic changed his life forever. In Nathan’s mind if he could have big ears and know logic, he could do just about anything, including reproducing the work of Archimedes, or even, to borrow a computer science term, iterating them.
It was exactly this mixed bag of embarrassing feelings and potentially intelligent thoughts which led Nathan to study Nietzsche, get straight A’s at Bard College, face financial trouble, develop insanity, become an artist, and ultimately take greater interest in philosophy and inventing.
After a brief stint as a public library employee, there were several encounters which seemed significant:
I visited an odd shop, I was traveling with my father and brother. A Chinese man with an animated face walked up to me. As he walked, he grasped a machine in his hands. And as he walked, the most wonderful thing began to happen. I was awe struck. Is it a perpetual motion machine? I said. No. He said mysteriously. I was not disappointed. What is it? I said. My Dad said: A self-beating drum.
We were on the beach at Westville, where my step-mother's mother used to live. While we were navigating the rocks, a vision appeared on the horizon. A vision of a man walking, and laughing. "I bet you don't know what my secret is?" He said. What it appeared to be was a fly-wheel, with a listening box underneath. The flywheel appeared to be in motion! I analyzed it. Then I listed to it. "It's a fabled perpetual motion machine!" I said. "That's right!" he said. "But you still don't know my secret!" he said. So I busted it on the sidewalk! Inside, I found: A plastic disk designed to look like a flywheel in motion! And, a miniature conch shell, designed to create the sound of the flywheel! "Now, you pay me for that!" he said. I instinctively leapt away. Then, begrudgingly, I pulled out $41. “It's worth at least that much, but that's all I can afford to pay” I said. “Your secret is all I need to invent perpetual motion myself, plus some other things.”
I was in a dark wood during a storm when I thought: “If lightning strikes me I’m dead.” This had the tone of a eureka because the idea that I was the inventor of perpetual motion was not so different from the lightning that would supposedly kill me. Was I made of lightning, or was the lightning made of me? Either way, how would it kill me? Was someone saying I would die of genius? But genius is evolution, and evolution has already evolved by definition. And I wept that I hadn’t invented perpetual motion, and I envied the genius struck by lightning… Shazzam! I said to myself, and laughed a sad laugh. Now I am lightning. Eureka! I got it wrong! I said to myself, and I cried in my sleep.
It was only after these events, that I could especially qualify what had been so significant about an event in 2000, when I was in the middle of ‘college stress’ and my mother’s busy chaotic household, when we decided to celebrate an early Christmas in September:
What is certain is it was during my time in high school, Senior Year. I was building with k'nex with my brother at the behest of our mother, who wanted us to celebrate my graduation. She wanted us to build this simply enormous Ferris Wheel set, that was gigantic, about 6 ft. Tall.
Only I wasn't interested in the Ferris Wheel, nor was my brother.
I have an idea, I'll build a perpetual motion machine, I said.
Go ahead and try, good luck, said my younger brother the prodigy.
A few minutes later I said, I did it!
You're kidding, my brother said.
I think it looks like a Sten Gun. I said. I can tell I blew it, I mean I blew the communication I said.
Stun Gun? What? Nevermind. My brother said.
It’s really really really real! Try it I said. On your finger!
On your finger? That’s disgusting! He said. Didn’t you just fart?
It really works, I said, I’m pretty sure. Try it!
I didn't know you could lie Nathan, you've learned to lie.
No, its real, I promise! I said.
Get lost, you jerk, he said.
We can work with the company the k'nex company and make an ungodly amount of money. Come on, let's do it!
You're just being weird. Besides, I don't believe you, Brian said.
I can't believe this, I built a real perpetual motion machine and you don't even believe me, and you're the only one who COULD!
[Although, being frank, all the device demonstrated at this point was natural upward and downward movement, not a complete cycle]
In tears, I left the room.
Then I returned and I said, Try it if you want, its right there.
No, he said.
Then I'll pretend it doesn't exist out of love for your ignorance, but if you ask me you're being as much of a jerk as me, I said.
IT WASN'T UNTIL MAY 12, 2018 THAT I BUILT THE DEVICE AGAIN, after encouragement from all these interesting events.
During the intervening time, mostly since 2005 when I proposed I would be an inventor, I thought of many designs: designs using buoyancy, magnetism, chain-reacting modules, horizontal wheels, repeating levers, tilting bird shapes, levers operating multiple wheels, wheels operated by water, motion-blocking, automatic spirals, clocks operated by tilting, subtle pendulums, balls which seemed to defy gravity, vertical lever apparatuses, and finally later perpetual motion cars, flying machines, and even a perpetual motion planet which was designed to wobble out of orbit.
When I was 10 years old, I thought of a general idea for a perpetual motion lever boat, which was the inspiration for the whole thing. If it were not for the idea of a perpetual motion lever, I would not have thought to apply the concept of lever to natural torque resulting in the first major experiment.
For many years it seemed like I was the world’s foremost expert.
There were a few competitors, but not many:
Maybe you think Finsrud did it, or AB the Hammer, or the V-Gate guy, but I doubt they did, I have some evidence they didn’t.
· The V-Gate guy confessed to me years ago that his device requires a spring if it works at all.
· Finsrud’s looks horizontal, so is maybe electric (it might use a single secret electromagnet or turning rod from below).
· AB the Hammer has nothing that looks working.
· There are not many other real contenders, just a lot of fakes.
· The recent examples didn't seem to exist on the web until 2019.
· To date, the SMOT has never produced any real replications that cycle, the one example I found of the magnetic SMOT perpetual motion was upon examination faked.
So, the Oct. 11 Experiment looks to be the original.
Did I mention the Oct 11 Experiment? It was a key moment in a long series of key moments.
Perhaps the first great moment other than the Natural Torque experiment was a moment in 2005 with a coin swallower machine at “Mystic” Aquarium where I noticed that a penny, if it rolls in a long enough curve, can maintain a higher midpoint altitude than the base altitude on the previous turn. This was an epiphany for the idea of lifting a lever from a lower base altitude.
After that, another moment was in 2011 when I realized a lighter mass could lift a heavier mass slightly if friction were low. On the same day I also proved that a ball deflected at the base of a wall could travel much further than the distance it fell.
Then in 2018 I proved conclusively that a swivel lever could cause upward motion in a ball, then return on the same trajectory using the mass of the ball it lifted. This was the confidence I needed to become the real inventor.
Or maybe perpetual motion was already real, just kept a state secret?
I learned in 2020 that the Chinese had patented one of my earlier designs called the Curve Rail device which I had notarized in 2006. Only it did not appear to be a working design. In 2020 I quickly modified it and predicted a very slight over-unity. Unfortunately the Chinese did not seem to use my design.
There were vague rumors a company called Meta-mechanics might be working on perpetual motion, but since there was no information available my conclusion was they must be more secret than secret. There was no information available. They seemed connected to architecture perhaps, but their website did not show any working perpetual motion machines.
I wondered about the U.S. government. Perhaps some of the first 100 lost patents were actually perpetuum mobiles. Or perhaps “general electric” had been working on recovering the public debt.
However, information was numerous on how the patent office denied all new perpetual motion patents, and scientists seemed universally affirmative of perpetual motion being completely scam.
Thus, I felt justified in thinking I was still far ahead of the curve.
Numerous quacks have presented themselves throughout history. But no one---notably---has had the gall to write an autobiography making the claim that perpetual motion WAS invented. As the author argues, that is because it was NOT INVENTED YET! Using this simple but beautiful logic, the author (Nathan Coppedge, who has been noted for his work on perpetual motion machines) takes the reader on a romp through many of his early-life experiences, as an explanation for his own particular brand of genius. From masturbation to foreign languages, to madness, and elitism, this book has it all. The book includes photographs of the inventor and several of his inventions proven to have principles such as excess torque, over-unity, and recoverable vertical ascension from rest.
It is available now on Amazon:

Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Above 300,000th Author Since January 29th, 2015

Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Progress as an Author
Celebrate my victory, and buy one of my books on Amazon. Here is a link to MY AUTHOR PAGE.

Popular Over-Unity Videos
They may be viewed at Youtube or at AcademicRoom, depending on which you prefer.
There is also a link under my "talks" at
Thanks for watching! It may be the cusp of something historically important.

Monday, February 23, 2015
Errata of the Mechanists #6
It may be possible to perpetuate matter. It is a vast contingency.

"THE MEANING OF PAIN" / Quotations
"The world is full of the highest honors. Most of these honors are a sham, because the only reason they were made was to serve some obscure petty interest. Nonetheless, the honors exist, spiritually and immaterially, but they exist." ---Nathan Coppedge, Aphorisms (unpublished work)
"There are some beliefs that sometimes no one believes." ---Nathan Coppedge, Aphorisms (unpublished work).
"If paradoxes are the greatest problem, then even practicality is visionary." ---Nathan Coppedge, Aphorisms (unpublished work)
"The soul, whatever we know to the contrary, is the ultimate critique of the universal."---Nathan Coppedge, The Dimensional Universalist's Toolkit (unpublished work).
"[P]ain...This principle is represented by Pragmatism." ---Nathan Coppedge, Dimensional Ethics (paper)
"Cleverness is a moral more base than pain. It is a way of escaping morality as it is commonly understood, in favor of the most difficult principles, principles which only come at a price." ---Nathan Coppedge, Dimensional Ethics (paper)
"It may be that the only step available besides soft justice is moral evolution, a process which some say has not yet occurred." ---Nathan Coppedge, Interactions Between Psychology and the Justice System (paper)

Sunday, February 22, 2015
Sublimism: Sublimist Art, Architecture, Morality, Poetry
This book may be found on Amazon HERE.

I've been feeling
Recent news includes the following:
*26 Mind Seals found for the Dimensional Spell-Casting Toolkit (it may be published early, but given a high volume number). I may eventually publish a separate, cheaper book exclusively of Mind Seals. The concept is based on a writing from a rare / out of print book I bought called The Blue Cliff Record, detailing a 'Buddha Mind Seal' involving certain words with a hidden magical formula.
*Snow in New Haven, but it's finally getting warm again!
*I got a 97 on my last math exam. It's my last required math course for the philosophy major. So, my mood would be improving a lot if I weren't sick. Or, maybe it does anyway.
*I published Sublimism: Sublimist Art, Architecture, Morality, and Poetry. This is to supplement my other art book: Nathan Coppedge's Hyper-Cubism: Post-Cubist Drawings and Paintings. Essentially, not all of my art fits into the Hyper-Cubist category. Some of it is sublime instead. Otherwise, there are some others that are not high quality enough to meet either standard. But most of those are at least a little bit Hyper-Cubist. So, in theory, Sublimism might be a more difficult standard of art.

Thursday, February 19, 2015
List of Future Volumes of the Dimensional Encyclopedia
2013: Dimensional Philosopher's Toolkit: or, The Essential Criticism
2014: Dimensional Psychologist's Toolkit: The So-Called Serious Joke Book; The Dimensional Encyclopedia, Second Volume
2015: Dimensional Biologist's Toolkit: or, Coherent Theories of Macrobiology; The Dimensional Encyclopedia, Third Volume
2015: Dimensional Phenomenologist's Toolkit: A Vital Re-Appraisal of Phenomena; The Dimensional Encyclopedia, Fourth Volume (early-released)
2017: Dimensional Artist's Toolkit: or, The Dimensional Guide to Aesthetics; The Dimensional Encyclopedia, Fifth Volume
2018: Dimensional Critic's Toolkit: The Singular Sourcebook, A Book of Aphorisms; The Dimensional Encyclopedia, Sixth Volume
2019: Dimensional Exceptionist's Toolkit: A Subtle Treatise on Exceptions, Pseudology, Semiology, and Philosophical Logistics; The Dimensional Encyclopedia, Seventh Volume
2020: Dimensional Universalist's Toolkit: or, The Opus; Thoughts on the Universal World and the Methodology of Omni-Science; The Dimensional Encyclopedia, Eighth Volume
2021: Dimensional Mathematics Toolkit: The Book of Originals; The Dimensional Encyclopedia, Ninth Volume. Scheduled for early-release.
2022: Dimensional Historian's Toolkit: or, The Recursive Book; The Dimensional Encyclopedia, Tenth Volume
2023: Dimensional Politician's Toolkit: or, The Quality State of Meaningful Technocracy Incorporating the Rights of Government-as-Citizen and the Modalities of Citizen-as-Government / The Polemic-Idyllic-Polyarchon; The Dimensional Encyclopedia, Eleventh Volume
2024: Dimensional Economist's Toolkit: An Attempt to Parse the Variables of Success and Disaster, and the Metaphysics of Money; The Dimensional Encyclopedia, Twelfth Volume
2025: Dimensional Physics Toolkit: or, The Unified Science; The Dimensional Encyclopedia, Thirteenth Volume
2026: Dimensional Poetics Toolkit: or, Master Metanymy; The Dimensional Encyclopedia, Fourteenth Volume
2027: Dimensional Time Travel Toolkit: or, A Dimensional Guide to Traveling Time In All Its Magic and Difficulty, Fifteenth Volume (early-released).
2028: Dimensional Immortality Toolkit: An Exceptional Guide to Immortal Life; The Dimensional Encyclopedia, Sixteenth Volume incl. perpetual motion: mechanical immortality, excessive motion, vitriolic concession (early-released).
2029: The Dimensional Metaphysics Toolkit, Seventeenth Volume. Scheduled for early-release.
2030: Religion, Vol. 18. Scheduled for early-release.
2015: The Dimensional Spell-Casting Toolkit: Or, The Dimensional Wizard's Toolkit: A Guide to Spells and Spell-Casting, Nineteenth Volume (early-released)
2032: Anthropology, Vol. 20

Current Amazon Bestseller Rank
- Nathan Coppedge's Perpetual Motion Machine Designs & Theory
- Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #204,157 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
- #71 in Books > Engineering & Transportation > Engineering > Reference > Patents & Inventions

Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Irrational Guide to Avoiding Nuclear War
1. Obsession is important: complicated thoughts.
2. If you can go to it, you can go past it: prove you're there, and you can prove you're beyond there: one of the tragedies of the 1960's.
3. Government corruption is either-or: it can be good or bad. Controlling corruption should take account of the motivations, unless taking account of motivations is corrupting.
4. Throw a few wrenches in the system and millions will thank you. Government is sometimes its own worst enemy. But this rule only emerges at the point of maddening complexity.
5. Be simple, and complexity will follow.

Monday, February 16, 2015
New Video With Better Evidence That An Object Can Roll Upwards From Rest!

Sunday, February 15, 2015
Interface Euphoria 10.0
Innocent Logic: for example, it snows after you eat sugar, certain plants grow if you're greedy.
The ability to 'fillatilate' subtle moods into potions...These potions should contain experiences of information, as well as sensations. But it should be distributed into little pieces, like bubbles suspended in water.
More later, perhaps. Or just a new edition.

Friday, February 13, 2015
Life Status Update...
This is the last math class required for my philosophy degree.
Still a little bit nervous about the Biology / Chemistry / Physics requirements.
Last time I took Biology I developed an illness. Requirements should really not be so strict for a philosophy major. I would write more philosophical books if I didn't have a Biology requirement hanging over my head (Biology made its way into the 3rd volume of the Dimensional Encyclopedia, although if I could sustain a more advanced concept at the expense of practicality I might have devoted the third book to exceptions or metem-physics). The current concept is good, however, as it allows a psychological angle, as well as some coverage of harder sciences like Economics and Mathematics.
Still visiting my mother sometimes on the weekends. Money from Social Security for my schizophrenia disability. Living in a nice apartment in New Haven (with subsidy). Have nice potted plants (including one remaining lavender plant) and my own bathroom, washer, and dryer.
Looking forward to future productivity, and eventually finishing my degree. I'm almost halfway done with my college courses now. There's some clear space on the horizon. I'm thinking of avoiding graduate school. Taking this long, its as if undegraduate is enough. I'd probably get fed up if I took it a little further. Then again, professional philosophy requires a PhD, even if I remain unemployable.
Working on phenomenology toolkit currently. Some say its outmoded / outdated, but I think it's a viable category because it deals with a really important issue: life's phenomena. Only with this fresh approach should phenomenology every have been considered, except as an analysis of deep concepts from psychology, formalism, or metaphysics.
So, things are okay. I'm not depressed. But I'm going to a clinic on Orange St. which requires me to attend group therapy, which is really annoying, because nearly everyone else there has a nasty cigarette habit. Very annoying, very maligning of my still orders. If I regain my sanity, I won't have to deal with the garbage-y personalities at the clinic. Maybe motivation is all I need.

Dimensional Mythology, Part 2: Irreconcilables

The "Coppedge Curve" --- A Rare Concept of Historical Intelligence
I have tried to tell if this term fits my life, after reviewing the story of the abduction by John M. which I recently recovered from my memory.
Better worlds were lost, but if it weren't for the crushing ambition to reverse the handicap, perpetual motion, objective knowledge, a solution to all paradoxes, and genuine Hyper-Cubism might not have been invented.
Maybe, for example, someone in Mensa would be more casual about ideas that Nathan took very seriously. Perhaps this seriousness is what makes or breaks this particular form of intelligence.
Maybe I would be sitting in a cafe in Argentina, writing in one of the world's secondary languages, and simply 'emoting' about Derrida or metaphysics, the kind of writing that is all too common, but probably attributable to emotional genius. I find this idea all-too-humorous.
The contrast is explained by an event Nathan calls "Coppedge's Curve"... a specific point in which, after a friend forced him to take PCP in 3rd or 4th grade, he resolved in the instant to be even more genius than otherwise, as if by a diabolical bargain.

Short Story: Abducted by John M and His Father
This was when I was fairly young, and I was still confident that my Broca's Area was functioning (The Broca's Area is an area of the brain that is particularly intelligent in bilingual students). On this particular day in school---I think it was 3rd or 4th grade--- I was expropriated from school by John M. and his father. John was in the same grade, and later became known for stylized drawing and over-the-top potty humor. However, at the time John seemed pretty stable. At least in my hazy vision. Perhaps my mother thought we would make intelligent playmates. I may never know. the visit came as something of a surprise. But I found myself to be a little glad, because I found life at home stifling and boring---my mother had been a history major, and my father, who no longer lived with her, was interested in political statistics.
I can imagine we visited my future high school (the trip was meant as an intellectual jaunt, although it struck me as sneaky and illegal). We decided to to take a walk on Foster St. afterwards, which I thought was the street next to the school, but it turned out was where the M's lived, some blocks away. I kept mentioning something about a 'method' which made me feel intellectual. But John M. and his dad thought the method was about drinking alcohol, or as I later learned, doing drugs. They kept making jokes, which really bothered me. How could they take this illegal activity so lightly? But surely they had a moral to prove I thought. This thinking turned out to be disastrous.
As the dad was pouring grape juice for the both of us at the base of the stairs, a different character (perhaps his brother?) came down the stairs. He was holding a plastic bag, but I didn't think very much of that at first. They covered my eyes, so I couldn't tell what they were doing. Then one of them said 'huff it!' in a condescending tone. I tried not to breathe, but someone punched the sides of the bag together, and I got a big whiff of something. I felt slightly weird, and I could feel my brain cells disappearing quickly. I made up my mind in that moment that if I lived to tell the tale, I would become a highly intelligent person, just out of spite.
Then, if I remember, I woke up on the couch. Because I was still worried about whether he had poisoned the grape juice, I assumed that I had been drugged, and declared the urgency to get home. However, these characters seemed to think that nothing had gone wrong. They explained that I had just taken a bit of a long nap. And, at that age, I couldn't really think of anything to raise as a complaint. However, I was upset and worried. I couldn't actually tell if I was drunk or not.
When I got home, my mother was angry that it was so late (maybe it had even been an unplanned sleepover?) She also didn't want to hear anything about poisoned grape juice. The father had explained that there was 'little bit of an accident but everything was okay' and insisted that I agree with him, which I did, thinking that he had not known the drug would kill my brain cells. It was only later that I thought out that they clearly thought I had no brain cells to begin with, which was in a sense, the most tragic kind of joke.
The Story of How I Was Offered a Time-Cube
Real Life Encounter With the Philosopher Colin McGinn
My 5 Seconds with Warren G. Buffett
My Willful Abduction by Seth Rogen
The Casino

Thursday, February 12, 2015
Flux Aeterna
"...There are certain mathematical patterns that are of great fundamental simplicity - basic expressions of quantity and extension. They can seem to act together as a kind of motor for being, always in flux, shifting, ticking away beneath the veil of the physical. They are independent of categories like mass or time. Any graphical representation of them must be totally ambiguous as to scale, appearing at once as both cosmic and microscopic. In such maps there can be no
objects or things, only the shadows of action or the trajectories of potential."
See more of his project, which includes some metaphysical style artwork, at:
I am also re-posting this at the Dimensionist group, since it is very similar thinking, perhaps even an unconscious inspiration for elements of my philosophical work.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015
A Note to My Academic Readers...
It is now called 'The Dithered Theories of Dimensionism'.
'Grey Theories' no more!
Here is that paper, for those people who were led astray:

Dimensional World Module 1
2. Texture is a kind of information in the dimensional world. See Systemo.
3. Perfection is substance.
4. Entities can levitate through isometry.
5. Subjectivity is the coincidence of perspective, granted appropriateness.
6. Entities exchange abstract properties through hyperbolics.
7. The correspondence of internalized descriptions determines aesthetic meaning.
8. Perfection is a rule of complexity, and vice versa.
9. Quests include whether perfection is subjective, and whether complexity is individual (creating leisure and purpose).
10. Meaning and enjoyment are natural---both urban and cultivated.
11. If there is a shortcoming, it is the shortcoming of virtual worlds: a way in which the original, inherent needs of occupants were ignored or overlooked.
12. Consequently, pleasure should be guaranteed, unless pleasure can be explained and justified by visual content.
13. Economics is not competitive, but meaningful and explosive like the big bang.
14. Everything is meaningful, unless it results in questions to the interface.
15. Knowledge in this world is exponential, and its only degeneration is the finitude of the coinci-stantial.
16. In essence, a meaningful world, with real values (objects, hence aesthetic rules of physics).
17. Ethics is far more material, and meaning far more evidential, in this world.

Friday, February 6, 2015
Evidence Against the Classical Model / Successful Over-Unity Experiment 1
AND: on Academic Room, where I have over 3000 views:
Also visible at: ACADEMIA.EDU VIDEOS:

Thursday, February 5, 2015
New Quotes Not at Poemhunter Because Poemhunter isn't Running
"Micro socialism is like totalitarianism without violence". ---Nathan Coppedge, Febr. 2015
"Maximize technicalism and you maximize frustration. No technicalism is maximal. Because of the balance of functions, intermediates are preferred". ---Nathan Coppedge, Febr. 2015

Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Recent Quotes at Poemhunter
"Art is the metaphysics of philosophy".
-- (2014,2015) .
"The concept of value abolishes ultimatums".
-- (Yahoo Answers, January 19th,2015)
"Sane people are enumerators of challenges. On this basis, they can be understood to the mad".
-- (Jan.31st,2015)
"Neutrality is like perfect judgment".
-- (February 2015) .
"Some poets have said that poets are thieves only because they are historically illiterate. In reality, many things are unoriginal, and few things belong to anyone except through the coincidence of their opinion".
-- (February 2015) .
"If we don't grant ourselves the right exceptions, we won't achieve immortality".
-- (February 2015) .
More quotes at poemhunter:

200 Books Sold on Amazon Now
This is after my last mark of 100 books sold sometime last year.
Also, I sold 10 e-books today, which is a record for me by far!
Progress as an author!
My many interesting titles can be found on my Amazon Author Profile.

Monday, February 2, 2015
Blog in which I voiced my opinion about categorical deduction
More detail than sometimes...
Forgot to cite myself, though.

First Sign that I Live in a Different Reality
The tent I burnt up when staying at my mother's friend's yurt is miraculously in fine condition.
Apparently I time traveled or something...
My sister Jessica is staying in it on her travels across the country.
Me: "Remember, I burnt the tent when I stayed at Lauri's"
My Mother: "Who is Lauri?"
Me: "Lauri Martin!"
My Mother: "Oh"
Me: "Lauri Martin's yurt"
My Mother: "We never burnt anything at Lauri Martin's yurt"
Me: "Then I must come from a different reality"
My Mother: "Yeah, that's possible. You come from another reality"
This kind of shift is what I call an 'altimatum': a point where things cohere to decohere. A period of profound knowledge narrows reality until it comes to a synergism, and then becomes deflationary. (Cool!).

Unsung Political Slogans
"The world is too poor for nuclear war... (possible)..."
"Policy wonks are really high-level imitators".
"The prodigy of history is its genius, not its culture or its military"
"The freedom of the present is the freedom of the future"

Sunday, February 1, 2015
The Authentic Method of 64-Category Deduction
But there is one thing I failed to clarify: what are the other potential four categories? After I made the video, I realized that those categories might be equally important from most points of view. Although the four original categories are important, they are not the whole picture.
So, here are the official eight categories for the 64-square diagram, with the final four categories restored:
(1) 1A2A 3B4B
(2) 1A2B 3B4A
(3) 1B2A 3A4B
(4) 1B2B 3A4A
(5) 3A4A 1B2B
(6) 3A4B 1B2A
(7) 3B4A 1A2B
(8) 3B4B 1A2A
The four parts of each subset of the deduction refer to specific combinations of coordinates. Notice that every number has different coordinates, and each number is used just once for a given subset of the deduction. The letters are used once as well, but must remain opposite in opposite positions, as recorded above. Note that the major numbers (1,2,3,4 going with As and Bs) cycle counterclockwise, thus appearing in the modular order 1,2,4,3. This could easily be re-written for modular format by putting 4A and 4B over the 3A and 3B positions, and 3A and 3B over the 4A and 4B positions. The category numbers (1-64) however, have been recorded in modular order for the sake of objectivity. The entire set must be re-written, for which there are simpler notations, if subset numbers take cyclical order instead of modular. Modular order in my diagrams is written from upper right linearly to lower left. However, as long as it is noticed that the spatial location changes, the same system can be used for different linear-scripted writings, although it may modify the order of the major quadrants.However, the quadrants will remain counterclockwise from the starting position. For most purposes, it may be most convenient simply to imitate my methods as best you can, or to work with simpler diagrams, including the standard quadra, in which the formula is much simpler: AB:CD and AD:CB, in which neighboring letters are joined by choosing the quality of one and the noun ('property') of the other.
These follow the sentence order of the individual categories, which involves maintaining opposites in opposite positions, and standardizing the order of the contingent categories so as to correspond with their coherent positions within the data:
1,2,10,9 | 3,4,12,11 | 28,27,19,20 | 26,25,17,18
1,2,10,9 | 3,11,12,4 | 28,27,19,20 | 26,18,17,25
5,6,14,13 | 7,8,16,15 | 32,31,23,24 | 30,29,21,22
5,6,14,13 | 7,15,16,8 | 32,31,23,24 | 30,22,21,29
64,63,55,56 | 62,61,53,54 | 37,38,46,45 | 39,40,48,47
64,63,55,56 | 62,54,53,61 | 37,38,46,45 | 39,47,48,40
60,59,51,52 | 58,57,49,50 | 33,34,42,41 | 35,36,44,43
60,59,51,52 | 58,50,49,57 | 33,34,42,41 | 35,43,44,36
ABOVE: A 64-Category Diagram Following Modular Order. Notice that in modular order every position in quadrant A (upper right) is opposite to every category in quadrant C (lower left). Also, every category in quadrant B (upper left) is opposite of every category in quadrant D (lower right). This is not true with every set ordering, but only with cases where the order proceeds across the entire (square) diagram from the first position, and ending in the last. Two other potential orderings include numbering individual sub-cycles in cyclical order, or proceeding linearly, but adapted to the cycle of the diagram. Thus, 1,2,10,9 would instead appear 1,2,3,4, or in the next case 27,28,36,35 would instead appear 6,2,1,5, since the enumeration would begin in the center near the mote, and proceed contingently to the motion of the cycle. But those are alternate methods. Modular order is in some ways preferable, although in some cases it is simpler to explain in terms of sub-cycles.