Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The 7 Seams

Behold, each unseeming that sublime nature gave.

1. Blind mote.

2. Contrasting measure.

3. Fickle illusion.

4. Negative reflection.

5. Callow trickiness.

6. Dead artifact.

7. Impossible rarity.


A great unseaming where each undid what nature played.

1. Consciousness.

2. Paroxysm.

3. Substantial reality.

4. Proper identification.

5. Exponential efficiency.

6. Organic unity.

7. Shared possibility.


1. Conscious Matter.

2. Mental Paroxysm.

3. Real Soul.

4. Higher Nature.

5. Complex Efficient Standards.

6. Extensive Implications.

7. Universal Association.


Non-existence --> Passionate substance clever theory likely design.

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