Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Sept 2019 Prophecy of New Technology

Perhaps more primary: Reinvestigation of Principal Paradigms


The 8 Movements

1. Paradigms exist.

2. Combination of objects.

3. Objects are paradigms.

4. Meaningful.

5. Existence and Quantity.

6. Competition.

7. Life goes on.

8. New dimension.

8 New Types of Innovation

  1. Alternative to a material or technique.
  2. Alternative to innovating through science or philosophy.
  3. Consumer alternative to computation.
  4. Alternative to missing categories of invention, missing functions, simplicity, or complexity.
  5. Major improvements not related to manufacture, design, function, thought.
  6. Employers express something new that is not a material need.
  7. Alternative to inventing that possibly fits a social need.
  8. As far as solutions, alternative to orchestration.


1. Abstraction.

2. Negation.

3. Work.

4. Art.

5. Instructions.

6. Advice.

7. Adjustment.

8. Standalone.


1. Exponential.

2. Explosive.

3. Constructive.

4. Responsive.

5. Compatible.

6. Mutual.

7. Mutually-beneficial.

8. Functional.


1. Simulation.

2. Artistic.

3. Advanced.

4. Thought-suggestion.

5. Cumulative.

6. Respected.

7. Reusable.

8. Set theory.


1. Valued.

2. Innovative but not analytic.

3. Global / universal.

4. Appropriate / relevant.

5. Helpful.

6. Personal.

7. New implementation / social innovation.

8. Individual solutions.

< -- You Are Here.


1. Technological standards.

2. Consumer effort, crowd-sourced.

3. User input, consumer innovations.

4. Test and retest.

5. Expansions.

6. More stimulation.

7. Charity.

8. Independent course.


1. Prediction.

2. Catering to popular opinion.

3. Experts.

4. Competing advantages.

5. Frills.

6. Alternatives.

7. Bigger picture.

8. Funding advantages.


1. Staying flexible.

2. Having character.

3. Acceptability.

4. Survival.

5. Legacy.

6. Company needs.

7. Helping out.

8. Cutting corners.


1. New information.

2. New threat.

3. New project.

4. New philosophy.

5. New advice.

6. New leadership.

7. New conditions.

8. New technology / level of dominance.


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