Friday, September 13, 2019

Reinvestigation of Principal Paradigms

1. Exponential efficiency

2. Hyperbolic preferrable values and much-preferred logic.

3. Real simulations and relative completeness.

4. Inherent solvability and the luxury platform.

5. If something is not meaningful it cannot have it's own type of meaning and becomes negative, thus meaning is essential.

6. That if life were economical, it might be profitable.

7. That self-purpose is non-arbitrary because one must find one's own sense of meaning,

8. Belief in values becomes the road to nearly all fulfillment.

9. Being intelligent enough to have good strategy.

10. Taking advantage of new features and remembering features that re-emerge.

11. Applying the best strategy against expectations when needed.

12. Having a strategy that accummulates inexorably.

13. Simulating the conditions of pure processing and process agents.

14. Applied logic.

15. Logical extrapolation.

16. forming a programmable list of general rules based on commonalities between rules before developing a workable pattern that is more data-based. General systems-forming.

17. Intelligent priority.

18. The principle of compounded good principles, either in quantity or quality or both.

19. The use of theories which match a proficient model.

20. Strategic meaningful tokens as influences.

21. Combining a small number of items has concomittant  effects.

22. Context has categories and combinations.

23. Items benefit by exponents.

24. Efficient complexity produces perfection.

25. Finite / potential infinite = Finite-finite.

What is the most interesting concept?

Perennial Ideas

1. Exceptional efficiency.
2. Transcendent values.
3. Naturalness.
4. Overclock the system.
5. Justified meaning.
6. Lug bolt.
7. Natural corollary
8. Expedited convenience.
9. Agreeable intelligence.
10. Responsible logistics.
11. Priority action.
12. Accumulated advantage.
13. Pure processing.
14. Additional step.
15. System overhaul.
16. Inward processing (blockchain).
17. Thoughtfulness.
18. Combined attributes.
19. Exclusive relevance.
20. Useful implements.
21. Contextual implementations.
22. Usable terrain.
23. Bridge to Andromeda.
24. Perfect quality is the perfect quantity.
25. Exceptional ratiocination.

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