Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Opposite Color Identity

As a resolution of the problem created in objective knowledge when colors are conflated with polar opposites, I propose the theory of opposite color identity.

Opposite color identity is a theory that clarifies:
1. Color opposites mean opposite colors, not opposite races.
2. Differences may or may not arise associated with opposite colors.
3. However, this has more to do with colors than opposites.
4. The usual philosophical conundrums apply: mistakes may arise because color may be partly subjective, interpreted using bias, and used or abused as a false designator or false logical symbol.
5. It may seem tempting to place more focus on color contrasts (a mere visual difference) than other types of differences like gender and personal interests, but there is nothing inherently more opposite about this type of contrast than any other apparent set of differences.
6. There is absolutely no philosophical reason to single-out color above other differences, and and as far as color specifically that is less a matter of contrast, and more a matter of color identity.
7. Further, there is absolutely no philosophical reason to imply an inherent difference between color identity differences and color identity similarities. Categorical knowledge makes no such distinction as both color differences and color similarities in that case fall under color identity.
8. It would be easy at this point to associate colors more closely with identity differences, e.g. non-valued and impartial observation, rather than with some type of supposedly objective truth scheme.

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