Saturday, April 2, 2016

Premier Philosophical Research Part 5

I have been questioning my own theories of dimensionality, and I have been wondering if there is some way to reduce the metaphysical dimensionality that we apparently observe in what some call the '4-d world we live in'. In my view the 4-d is not yet consciously visible, as we require different appartuses, such as memory and psychic powers to detect the 4th dimension. Variablistically, it may be even more reducible.

Take for example, the image of birds and humans shown in the diagram to the left. Maybe birds, like humans, have two primary dimensions of perception, a kind of vertical equivalent of the floor-plans of a building? Maybe in their metaphysical dimension, everything can be located in a vertical plane, like the levels of an arcade video game.

Maybe the human world, in short, is abbreviated to a complex 2-d surface, and the higher-dimensional things we have like thoughts and gravity and perception are really variablistic or 1-d structures appended to that initial formula?

Now that we can picture the two competing 2-d versions of reality, what can we do with the third dimension? Isn't it true that filling in the 3rd dimension would permit us to create a being that would live closer to the 4-d world than either birds or mammals?

To solve this problem, what I have thought of is something less limited than the conventional model of finite and infinite numbers. Instead,in addition to these numbers, we get mechanical sufficiencies or perfections, represented by perpetual motion machines, opposed by an opposite concept I call 'retractive phenomenology'. Retractive phenomena is a list of the least problematic things in terms of their problems. Like a perpetual motion machine, it can be seen singly, but in an opposite way. Where the perpetual motion machine is all about the mechanics of significance (logic,  maybe), then the retractive phenomena is about critical examination of perception alone. Where perpetual motion grows by modules and completed units, retractive phenomenology grows by references and variations of perspective.

Now that I have described those four additional areas, maybe we can imagine a 4th-dimensional being. Such a being may travel in terms of right and wrong, completeness or incompleteness, perfection or imperfection, and may also fly and occupy structured information. It is not just the tunnels of fate, but the architecture of fate. The evolution of the hidden world.

There might be a greater role for isometry and hyperbolics, objects made from information we might call magic, and continuous landscapes with localized 'rational' gravity connected by a consciousness network. The virtualization of the virtual and relativization of the relative leads to a place (a 4-d or 5-d place) where experiences are determined by preferences and the legacy of the best magical information. It is a place where life is not very difficult, yet very challenging. A place where perception is primary, and practicality not essential. A place where paradise is ubiquitous and pleasures ubiquitous and moderate.

In short, embracing the 4th dimension involves embracing the complexification of value the way the 3rd dimension embraced the complexification of scale.

More about paradise here:

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