Monday, January 11, 2016

Does Everyone Have Perfect Intelligence or Knowledge? (Via Quora)

My view as a dimensional philosopher and psychologizer is that each person is an expert about themselves. Some of these experts are willing experts, and some are unwilling. Thus, there is a lot of denial and confusion.

Suffice to say, some have more knowledge on certain subjects, and some have more potential in the future or the past.

Those that do not seek the good things do not achieve them unless they have done so before.

Thus, there is a drive for new things and for vanity which resists death.

Some of the most unconscious, un-admitted ideas are also the most powerful.

Thus, some of the most knowledgeable people are people that simply have a basic understanding of energy and an ability to apply themselves.

On the other hand, someone with unconscious knowledge might sometimes be ahead of the game. They might have a secret which grants them access to some preferred thing which others are incapable of acknowledging.

Thus, things pass into the future, or develop timelessly through returning reflection.

The problem with knowledgeable people tends to be that they make assumptions about how things work, and then they are always open to challenges from those who are more original, energetic, or far-seeing.

However, boring as it may be, knowledge is knowledge, and there is something to be said for being able to put things into words, or having a better foundation within existing theories.

Creativity, psychic powers, and intuition appear to be the major contenders if we don't take established intelligence seriously. And, sometimes hard work.

Many people are confused, but most have some understanding of their own condition, or else the relevance of conditions outside of themselves. In this way, people can bargain with their knowledge.

It becomes a trial of passage to stop bargaining, and actually believe something. And, if communicating beliefs means losing knowledge because the expresssion in some way denies the facts, glossing over the core 'being' and 'existence' of the matter, then there is a balance between communicating and not-communicating that establishes a barrier to understanding.

Perhaps honesty is the core problem with knowledge. But there are also other problems involving the limitation of the senses and the capacity to communicate or preserve ideas. For example, if knowledge depends on understanding of medieval Coptic language, I doubt there would be very many who understand! And yet, that is the kind of realization an immortal could make, not realizing perhaps that that insight itself may appear trivial in another 2000 years.

So much is bound up in history, and yet empty of communication. What we find significant is unfortunately just that which we find in front of ourselves. For reasons like this, we must understand that there are rare intellects that have significantly greater understanding.

Life grows in incremental steps, and we often don't realize how different other people are from ourselves! Just consider, someone needed to have understanding to make every individual type of accomplishment! Or, one must conclude that the whole project is empty! Or, maybe there are isolated islands called 'systems' that preserve what may be called rationality!

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