Friday, September 6, 2019

Chart of Solutions for The Theory of Everything

TOE Formula:
Set 0 > Efficiency* + Difference, where efficiency sums to < 1 if topic is acted on, and > 1 if topic is acting.

Formula for notes in square brackets:
Set 0 = [noun of 1st part of Set 0] + [2nd part of Set 0] + [opposite of 1st part of Set 0] + [opposite quality of 2nd part of Set 0]. Or not universal.


1/25: Immortality.

2.5/25: Known Special Powers.

6/25: Impossible Difference.

Maximize efficiency relative to difference
Set 0 = invulnerability, high efficiency, small difference
efficiency = large finite
difference = 0



[For all infinites... Set 0 = Unique, Unlimited, Mainly, Subtle]

Set 0= Inf, Eff= -Inf, Diff= Impossible: Perfection or Determinism or Impossible Rarity (Intransducibility).

Set 0= Inf, Eff= -Fin, Diff= Inf: Insignificant event, reversibility, change, dynamics in an infinite system, chaos, luck, immortal education, temporality, gambling, the feeling of having been anticipated by a completely different strategy (gambits).

[Something with a particular character happens but it doesn't matter, an earlier more powerful element takes over and dominates. The observation of small significance within the universe].

Set 0= Inf, Eff= 0, Diff= Inf: Immortal time, eternal continuity, greatness, insignificance, absolute standards, powerful strategy, inexorability, overwhelming defeat, complete mastery, complete control, universal knowledge (Mastery).

[Input is infinite, something happens but it is not affected, the result is continued infinite output. The feeling that what is occurring is right and unavoidable or that one should give in to a greater power, that the infinite is playing a more important game. Reveling in the discovery of real strategy. Honorable defeat].

Set 0= Inf, Eff= Finite, Diff= Inf: Universal loops, time-crystals, wormholes, infinite record keeping, infinite events, remembering eternity, infinite significance (Loops).

[Something is infinite, it is recorded transcribed preserved, the record is finite but the event has infinite significance even if that significance is forgotten. The measurelessness of what must already have occurred].

Set 0= Inf, Eff= Inf, Diff= 0: Matching the infinite, perfection, invulnerability (Attr).

[Matching the infinite: Realizing the nature as one's own authority. Perfection: Feeling the consequence is sufficient regardless of outcome. Invulnerability: Maximize efficiency relative to difference to produce high invulnerability score in Set 0, absolute score is only reached with infinite Set 0 and infinite efficiency, with zero difference. This suggests properties like changelessness, self-immunity, self-sufficiency, and infinite potential. Overall, real powers (like cards) that can be carried forward with confidence].

[For all finites... Set 0 = Mainly, Subtle, Uniquely, Unlimited]

Set 0= Fin, Eff= -Inf, Diff= Impossible: Meaning or Imperfection (Unrealistic, Unconquerability, Unsatisfiability).

Set 0= Fin, Eff= -Fin, Diff = - (-Fin) + Fin: Telekinesis (Set 0 > Eff), Invisibility, Time-Travel, 'Neutral' (Lowattr).

[Time-Travel Back: Efficiency negative of difference. Time-Travel Forwards: Difference negative of efficiency. Telekinesis: Negative effect or different effect. Invisibility: No difference or overlapping or beginning semi-invisible: Set 0 = |Efficiency|].

Set 0= Fin, Eff= 0, Diff= Fin (Same): Emotion, Consideration, 1/4 of souls (Emotion).

[Consideration: Appreciate the gentle effect, it is just as it was, now it is the same, now we appreciate it some more, it is always the same. Emotion: If you should have emotion, how do you feel, and how do you want to feel? It's more than that].

Set 0= Fin, Eff= Fin, Diff= Avg 0, Fin1 - Fin2 no abs notat verified: Obj Knowledge, Destructive Magic, Invisibility, Teleportation, Perpetual Motion Machines, World Peace, 3/4 of souls (Core).

[Objective Knowledge: Efficiency is sq rt of Set 0. Teleportation: Large difference or large efficiency or small distance. Destructive magic: Set 0 is damages, say 5, efficiency is < Set 0, key is some difference, like a white butterfly, 'how boring'. Perpetual Motion Machines: New equation: heavier mass = (1/2 longer leverage, longer leverage) + unweighted diff. Older equation follows: Difference is 1/2 of primary mass plus difference in mass between primary and secondary mass (effective). World Peace: People should be passive or have a better solution. Ooze and similar: Efficiency = Set 0]

Set 0= Fin, Eff= Inf, Diff = Impossible: Polarity or Limitation or Hard Limits (Irreducibility).

[For all zeroes... Set 0 = Calculus, of Limits, Incalculable, Infinity].
Set 0= 0, Eff= -Inf, Diff= Inf: Power, populism (power).

[Power: One thought it was over, but the power was not the same as one thought, it is full of potency and wild, uncontrollable energy. Populism: The public is unstoppable but the power derived is immense, almost better].

Set 0= 0, Eff= -Fin, Diff= Fin: Consequences (Consequences).

[Consequences: Something happens, but one quickly responds because one learns there is a difference].

Set 0= 0, Eff= 0, Diff= 0: Learning of no consequence, Triviality, Neutral Semantics: Source of Negativity (Triviality).

[No consequence: One cannot grasp something, but it does not seem to matter, little comes of it. Triviality: Something meaningless happens, but it does not seem to have any useful outcome, one learns to ignore the possibility].

Set 0= 0, Eff= Finite, Diff= -Fin: Turtles, retracting tools, Humans (Retract).

[Turtles: Set 0 (0), Eff (7), Diff (-7), or Set 0 (1), Eff (7), Diff -6), turtles see each limb as being as important as their shell as they each offer advantages, extremely fertile turtles may have up to seven to fourteen living young, difference is number of appendages plus hard shell, efficiency represents retractability, tough ones lose an appendage or have soft shells because to have a higher survival rate they need to lose difference, tough turtles are more conservative. Humans: Set 0 = Output, Eff = Advantages, Diff = Females, Females are often helpers while men are exclusively advantage-seeking, sexuality focuses on breasts and involves unity and relationships, advantages like money and intelligence may result in involvements often with no consequence, in highly fertile humans the number of legitimate children frequently equals the number of sexual partners].

Set 0= 0, Eff= Inf, Diff= -Inf: Immortality (Immort).

[Immortality: Act conservatively, have a perfect reservation, have full appreciation. Die less without saying yes, meet requirement to be sufficiently perfectly evolved, easy effort, Easy difficulty. Rumor: Exactly like being a star athlete, except easier.].

[For all negative finites... Set 0 = Missing, Limits, Tracking, Disintegrals]

Set 0= -Fin, Eff= -Inf, Diff= Impossible: Analogy or Containment (Irreconcilability).

Set 0= -Fin, Eff= -Fin, Diff= - (|(Fin1)| - |(Fin2)|): Refrigerator type idea, cumulative damage, palliative measures. (Ongoing).

[Refrigerator effect: One notices a reduced effect, and when one creates a further effect of the same kind then it has a combined effect. Cumulative damages: one has already done some damage, then one increases one's effort and the result is more damage. Palliative effects: one notices applying a substance reduces the appearance of damage, then when one applies more of the substance the damage is reduced further].

Set 0= -Fin, Eff= 0, Diff= -Fin (Same): Assessing damage, consistency of reduction, spread of disease (Damage).

[Assessing damage: It looks bad, there is no further effect, then the badness continues if it was bad. Consistency of reduction, spread of disease: One looks for a X say a cure, but if there is no X the condition generally continues].

Set 0= -Fin, Eff= Fin, Diff= -(Fin2) + (-Fin1): Some effect, fishing, evolution, Normal , 'Neutral' (Effect).

[Some effect: If one has an efficiency one might get some result, if conditions are bad it is just as likely that there will be no good result, one should just accept the outcome or improve one's approach].

Set 0= -Fin, Eff= Inf, Diff= Impossible: Exclusivity or Weakness (Insuperbability).

[For all minus infinities... Set 0 = Missing, Unlimited, With, Limits]

Set 0= -Inf, Eff= -Inf, Diff= 0: Consistently bad, consistent effect (Consistency).

[Consistently bad: Something looks very bad, then conditions being equal it continues to be very bad conditions. Consistent effect: A strong effect is noticed, then conditions being equal there continues to be a strong effect].

Set 0= -Inf, Eff= -Fin, Diff= -Inf: Drop in the bucket, needless effort (Inconseq).

[Drop in the bucket, needless effort: Although an effect is desired, a powerful force is already creating the effect so one does not have to create the effect one desires, the result would be the same with or without trying].

Set 0= -Inf, Eff= 0, Diff= -Inf: Dominant neutrality (Nodom).

[Dominant neutrality: There is much effect from something, the one thing it does not affect is zero].
Set 0= -Inf, Eff= Fin, Diff= -Inf: Unsurprising outcome (Nully).

[Unsurprising outcome: One tries to have an effect, but it is not a big surprise, the outcome comes out in the favor of the dominant force].

Set 0= -Inf, Eff= Inf, Diff= Impossible: Complexity or Separation (Unspannableness).


Determinism, Imperfection, Limitation, Containment, Weakness, Separation.

Perfection, Meaning, Polarity, Analogy, Complexity.

4 INFINITES: Power, Loops, Mastery, Gambit.

4 NEGATIVE INFS: Nully, Nodom, Inconseq, Immort.

3 UNIVS: Consistency, Triviality, Attr.

3 NEG UNIVS: Effect, Damage, Ongoing.

2 FIN: Conseq, Emotion.

2 NEG FIN: Retractors, Lowattr.

1 POT INF: Core.

(Negative Univs are ambiguous negatives. Univs are zeroes).


*--Note: Originally separations were invluded, following this math: Hyper-Singular begins at (Total - 1) / 1. Super-Singular begins at (Total -1) /2, Singular begins at (Total - 1) / 3, and Original at 0 + 1.

See especially:

TOE Conjectures

The Theory of Everything

Types of Ideal Invention

Solutions to the Practical Problems of Time-Travel

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