Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Types of Ideal Invention

The Perfect Formulation and Elemental Construction



1. Logic modified.

2. Generic permutation.

3. Variation on lists.

4. Ambition.

5. Truth.

6. New and valuable.

7. Magic.



1. Adopt tools.

2. Quantify.

3. Format.

4. Measure.

5. Realize.

6. Results.

(1,2,3) Eff
(4) Diff
(5,6) Results?


Proper Format:



It is now thought this list from a different writing may be more complete and clear. I get a feeing I was actually searching for this when I wrote the original Inventor's Construction:


1. Someone experiments with materials or techniques, and finds a new material or technique, or?

2. Someone comes up with new scientific knowledge or a new philosophy, or (?) that explains something, embodied by an object.

3. Someone uses a heuristic or analytic method such as through computation (or?) to discover missing categories of invention, new functions, or something simpler or more complicated (or?).

4. Someone improves a traditional method of manufacture, design, function, thought (or?)

5. Someone does a work-for-hire, guided by a material need (or?) expressed by their employers.

6. Someone makes a new invention (or?) to fit an external or internal social need, like social media, or chya-pets.

7. Someone creates a pragmatic solution to a large-scale global problem like ocean litter, low oxygen levels, or global warming. This is more about orchestration (or?).

The Technology Innovation Typology (…)



1 = Arts (Ancient Chinese Method).

2 = Theoretical (Socratic Method).

3 = Computers (Ockham's Method).

4 = Manufacturing (American Method).

5 = Experts (Lamarckianism)

6 = Big Budget Solutions.

7 = Technocracy.



Isolato / Arts = Real Arts / Trinkets

Manufacturing = Fake Arts / Luxury

Proceduro / computers = Mind / Cognition

Elemento Theory / General / Perpetual Constructo Technology = Classic Magic Socratic





Isolato: 1. Modification, 2. Generic, 3. Variation.

Proceduro: 1. Logical application, 2. Logical permutation, 3. Procedural list.

Elemento: 1. Impossible magic, 3. Future magic, 2. Empirical magic.

Constructo: 1. Ambitious quest, 2. Quest for truth, 3. New and valuable quest.





1. People already know about the shoe. Imagine there is another example like a shoe... it is like a shoe, only better, so it has a roller-ball that protrudes from the heel, so it really adds nothing substantial... (It is basically a shoe, a shoe for walking like any other shoe)... It goes under the classification of 'shoe'.
2. Hume invented Hume's fork, The devil's fork is when the current life creates a future fork in  in which the future choice must be different from the present. It is like there is an invention like a fork... (The invention we already invented)... The invention is any one of these inventions.
3. There is something called the lever, invented by Archimedes. But the lever is not ideal, so we could aim to invent the ideal lever. To create an ideal lever we need a lever with better balance, so we must add weight to compensate for the weight of the long end. But since it is still a lever, basically, functionally, it is still a lever, only of the ideal kind. (It helps to consider it as simply an improvement on the lever), so it is classified as a lever.




1. We are seeking a logical method to describe the nature of the soul. The most obvious method is to refer to Socratic statements which define the soul in the Classical Greek fashion as being ironic. An authentic method is derived by applying exclusion to Socratic irony.
2. We are seeking a logical method to describe all great inventions. The obvious method is permutation derived from inspiration. It requires sufficient exclusive elements in the form of a list of properties for all great inventions. It is perfect and sufficient if those elements are the elements used in the permutation, and the permutation has been shown to reliably anticipate many of the greatest inventions.
3. We are seeking a logical method to describe the procedure of arriving at any truly great idea. The obvious method is a single-width concatenated list beginning with Occam's Razor. Occam's Razor is the perfect point of origin for a methodology, and the procedure has been shown to reliably create great ideas.



1. An interesting case is the coin swallower machine. What can we observe? The principle that the middle of the coin may be higher than where the bottom was on the next rotation. What does this mean? It means impossible magic.
3. An interesting case is the history of technology. What do we observe? Technology is evolving towards information. If technology is like information, and information is like magic, then technology is like magic. What does this mean? The future of technology is magical.
2. An interesting case is the pants that stand up against a sink counter. What can we observe? They are largely unsupported, there is very little static. Apparently it's magic. What does this mean? If it is not physical, it must be mind over matter.



1. The archetype of the ambitious quest is to reach a formula for being more brilliant than brilliance. However, a formula for brilliance requires a formula. Everyone seems to believe the only universal formula is basic shit, so that is what is meant by formula. What is meant by brilliant must prove intelligent fools stupid. So, the formula for brilliance is basic shit about the impossibility about perpetual motion machines. However, a more brilliant formula, if there is one, involves either not-basic shit, or perpetual motion.
2. One of the oldest and most difficult quests is the search for truth. Truth is often equated with wisdom, which requires knowledge. The ideal form of knowledge would provide truth on all subjects. However, such has been impossible because no knowledge was seen as superior to any others. However, the new concept of exponential efficiency may mean knowledge advantage, implicating truth.
3. A new and valuable quest is the quest to make self-sufficient planets. A self-sufficient planet must also be a mobile planet. However, mobility of planets requires a near-unlimited supply of energy. Perpetual motion machines are one theory which could supply a near-unlimited supply of energy. The new theory of working perpetual motion machines indicates the possibility of mobile planets.

Ideal things,
Procedures for Ideas,
Magical Element,
Perpetual motion systems.

See also:

Inventor's Master Permutation

N-ary Secrets

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