Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Over 6.49 Million Views at Nathan Coppedge's Gallery 2 Now

  • Bullets turn to mush: Authentic date is apparently: Sunday, ‎May ‎16, ‎2021, ‏‎12:18:16 AM you can copy this to preserve stuff online and offline.

Late 2024-02-05: China appears to have sided with Russia finally:

January 2024 the gallery at Impossible Machine closed due to technical malfunction in spite of attracting 6.49 million views.


A Japanese guy complained so I have decided to take down the image in case some of the secondary images in the google search offend copyright.


For a brief time Hyper-Cubism was listed #53 in Individual Artists under bestsellers:


Latest stats:


Anticipated New Releases in Analytic Philosophy August 2022: 2nd place, fallen from 1st:

Amazon Ranked #35 in Philosophy Reference (Kindle store) I'm not sure why... but there I am... right after Routledge on Kant:


MAIN PROFILE: Nathan Coppedge Quora


New milestones:

June 2021: Over 100000 views to my youtube channel now.

June 21, 2021 High like count for first time on facebook....

Crossed 11 Million total views to all content online.

Passed 7 Million overall views on Quora. (2021)

Passed 1,000 impressions / day for a month on Youtube for the first time. (Dec 2020)

I happened to tabulate, and my collective content online has now passed 10 million views (2021)

How far I've clomb!

I'm consistently a top writer on Coherence at Quora:

March 26, 2023: It went up!

January 5, 2021: 1st day with 100 more unique viewers on youtube than the previous day (viewers not subscribers).

8 hours+ watch time three days in a row maybe for the first time (most of my videos are very short). It was also ascending with another 15 hours a few days earlier. During the same period, unique viewers was over 1000 (and also ascending) each of the same days.

Unique Viewers went over 1000 / day for for the first time two days in a row.

March 2021... 1/20 of a million views over 1 year for the first time.

Then they fell to nothing for several weeks...


I learned that I have more subscribers on youtube than Ulrich de Balbian the philosopher who I believe wrote about me.


Indication that I'm earning 4 MILLION VIEWS / year on Quora now, as of October 2021:

Maybe the most honest earnings in perpetual motion:

Not 'Cerning' very much:

June 2022: It's possible I'm a major blogger now...

One website, probably a bit 'off' claims I earn $80 / year from my blog. I'm not sure you should believe them. Seems like I'm earning about $1 / year from my blog and maybe they haven't sent the money yet...


I don't know if anyone reads those things, but:


Facebook Followers for those that need to know!


LINKS TO EXCEL FILES FOR DOWNLOAD:USEFUL INFO: How To Post Links to Excel Files on the Web

Some Nathan Coppedge excel files on a USB would make excellent stocking stuffers or late Hanukah presents.


These terms apply separately to the files located on a ‘Google’ site. They are not an attempt to override Quora’s policies. These files in their substantive original form must remain copyright-controlled by Nathan Coppedge. However, you are not required to pay royalties for download and application of the files, with the exclusive provision that Nathan Coppedge is permitted to retain copyright. One or any number of them may be applied to a project, provided that Nathan Coppedge is permitted by such application to retain his copyright and publication rights.


Not necessarily essential additional help (didn’t want to link at the very bottom):


Game I made with object-oriented programming, should run if all these files and folders are placed within the same folder (laptops and desktops only): (…) If anyone has trouble with the download or the files please inform me in case I can do anything to make the download more safe.



50-Second Widgets [GOOGLE DOCS]

In roughly chronological order

TOE Equations (…)

Perpetual Motion Machine Interactive Document (…)

Black Swan Generator (…)

Secret Rooms (…)

Great Philosophy Historical Model (…)

Psychic Predictor Tools (…)

Technology Diagnostics (…)

What Is Your Best Idea Widget (…)

Predict Number of Past Lives (…)

Soul Formula (…)

Universe DNA (…)

Trend Predictor (…)

TOE Experimental (…)

Coherent TOEs (…)

Semi-Complete Efficiency Diagram (…)

Unique Universe Formulas (NOW INCLUDES MAIN DIMENSIONAL TOE DIAGRAM. A new scarily useful theory has it that there are indeed the same 20 archetypal modular ideas as in the Great Philosophy Historical Model, reflecting objectively the TOE, intentionally excluding the five negative dimensions in the 25 mathematical category system. This theory can now predict the number of physical dimensions and the maximum modular number of great ideas for any dimension at least excluding trans-finite and rational number dimensions. It may also be interesting for geometry as it can help predict whole number results in higher dimensions)

Prime Number Search (and hypercube finder)

Formula Search (…)

Immortality Clues May 2022 (…)

Perimeter of Hypercubes Calculator (…)

Quick Innovator Toolset (…)

General Formula for Answering All Questions (….)

Dimensional Valences (…)

Unified Equations (…)

History Predictor for After Year Zero (…)

Rate Life Get Accomplishments (…)

Estimate of Universal Composition (…)

Unified Metaphysics (…)

Quick Human (…)

Seven Roads System Permutation (…)

Great Copernican Diagram by Year (…)

Guessing Systems (…)

System Investigator Widget (…)

3 Genius (Find the three exclusive major ideas of anyone)

Disaster Predictor (up to year 2153, casual supplementary predictor based on analytic methods)

Immortality Finder Squared (research number of immortals and type of immortals, thought to be accurate)

Simple Infinite Geometry (probably useful, see if you can spot the flaw)

Efficient Theory of Technology Diagram (…)

Immortal Consumer Model (basic for now)

TOE Statements (…)

Simple Machines Permutation (…)

Premium Technologies (Non-interactive chart)

Perfect Metals (Non-interactive chart)

Types of Tech Black Swans (…)

Master Interface Design (…)

Foundational Dimensions Calculator (…)

Copernican Diagrams 2 (…)

TOE Equations 2, Universal Dimensions (…)

Cultural Superstrategies by Year (…)

Incremental Evolution Overclock (…)

Partial Perpetual Motion Widget (…)

Universal Metaphysical Medicine (Most accurate data in 2023 on immortality perhaps)

Formula for Souls Basic Button System (…)

Zheng Guo’s Numerology (…)

Genius Characteristics (…)

Words of Power Set Relations (…)

Concise Immaculate Equations (…)

Extensive Theory of Everything Estimates (in a very unfinished state)

Proof Theorizer (…)

Infranential Efficiency Excel Document (…)


Solving Life Through Stages (…)

TOE Ideas (…)

Edge Prospecter 01 (…)

Immortal Equations (…)

Calculus of Variations (…)

OU Load Out (…)

Radical Systems (…)

Standard Deviation Example (teach yourself standard deviations, please modify extensively if you reuse)

PSYCHE (OU Loadout w/o the images)

TOE Tech Compatability 2024 (…)

Clear Specs 2 (…)

Dimensional Report (…)

Immortality Fort Coppedge (…)

Historical Mysterysolver Improved (…)

Chinese Version Resource Minerals (…)


PSYCHE (OU Loadout with some image selection)

Rate Life Get Results.


Partial Perpetual Motion Widget.

Immortale Leveling Tool.


Some potentially useful excel programs are available free for download from Google Docs that may beat many fake paid alternatives:

TOE Equations 2, Universal Dimensions (…)

TOE Equations (…) (One-Page printable edition here: Theory of Everything on One Page)

Perpetual Motion Machine Interactive Document (…)

Partial Perpetual Motion Widget (added in July 2023)

Black Swan Generator (detailed hints on some things) (…)

Black Swan Permutation (general tips) (…)

Experimental Element Numbers (…)

Secret Rooms (…)

Schizophrenia (…)

Time Travel Probability (…)

Divine Art (Possibly defunct…formerly limned a gilded chair)

Extinction Test (…)

Perpetual Motion God Test (…)

Archaic Networks (…)

Possibility Spectrum (…)

Prime Requisites (…)

Greatness Tabulator (…)

Historical Model (…)

Great Philosophy Historical Model (…)

Psychic Predictor Tools (…)

Ultimata Sublimata (…)

Flash Movements (…)

Delusionàire Accomplishé (concept by Marie Antoinette anticipates Darwinism).

Euphoria Scale (…)

The Enchanter's Way (…)

Civilized and Primitive (…)

Immortal Occulta (…)

The Key To All (…)

Cyclical Operator (…)

Delusionaire Accomplishe Improved (…)

Technology Diagnostics (…)

What Is Your Best Idea Widget (…)

Predict Number of Past Lives (…)

Soul Formula (…)

Universe DNA (…)

Self-Purpose (…)

Exceptional Properties (…)

Trend Predictor (…)

Personality Profiles (…)

Intelligence Profile (…) based on the Great Philosophy Historical Model

TOE Experimental (…)

Efficient TOE (…)

Coherent TOEs (…)

Information On Dimensions (…)

Primary Efficiency Diagram (…)

Semi-Complete Efficiency Diagram (…)

Expert Advice Quick (…)

Numerological History of Computers (…)

Unique Universe Formulas (A new scarily useful theory has it that there are indeed the same 20 archetypal modular ideas as in the Great Philosophy Historical Model, reflecting objectively the TOE, intentionally excluding the five negative dimensions in the 25 mathematical dimension system. This theory can now predict the number of physical dimensions and the maximum modular number of great ideas for any dimension at least excluding trans-finite and rational number dimensions. It may also be interesting for geometry as it can help predict whole number results in higher dimensions)

Prime Number Search (and hypercube finder)

Formula Search (…)

Immortality Clues May 2022 (…)

Perimeter of Hypercubes Calculator (…)

Proof of Evolution in N Dimensions (…)

Simple Leverage Tool (…)

Unified Tree Systems (…)

Perpetual Motion Hints (…)

Contradictions in Various Dimensions (…)

Quick Innovator Toolset (…)

General Formula for Answering All Questions (….)

Dimensional Valences (…)

Unified Equations (…)

History Predictor for After Year Zero (…)

Rate Life Get Accomplishments (…)

Hints On Black Swans (…)

Disillusionment With Souls (…)

Estimate of Universal Composition (…)

Unified Metaphysics (…)

Quick Human (…)

Seven Roads System Permutation (…)

Computer Sample (…)

Great Copernican Diagram by Year (…)

Guessing Systems (…)

System Investigator Widget (…)

3 Genius (Find the three exclusive major ideas of anyone)

Disaster Predictor (up to year 2233, mainly a universal predictor for intuitives, makes no claim to likelihood on local events. This is not a specialized predictor, it only attempts to predict one top disaster in the universe per year, it is not ideal for places that consistently experience disasters as the probability there would be considered normal)

Immortality Finder Squared (research number of immortals and type of immortals, thought to be accurate)

Simple Infinite Geometry (probably useful, see if you can spot the flaw)

Efficient Theory of Technology Diagram (…)

Immortal Consumer Model (basic for now)

TOE Statements (…)

Simple Machines Permutation (…)

Premium Technologies (Non-interactive chart)

Perfect Metals (Non-interactive chart)

Types of Tech Black Swans (…)

Master Interface Design (…)

20 Ideas Analyzer (outputs advice concerning ideas for various positions in life. For example: (1) Ignore Stupidity apply... Exponential efficiency (2) The tool is not Nothing and the rule is not Nothing (3) Miracle: Coherent Nothing (4) Secret rule: it is Opp of Stupidity because you have Stupidity (5) Time-travel is not always Stupidity (6) There is pleasurable and painful Nothing (7) The universe might not mean Nothing (8) You might feel hot and cold about Opp of Stupidity (9) Although you are great, your purpose is not Stupidity (10) Exponential efficiency has abstract and material dimensions (11) Wishing for Nothing is not a trivial spell (12) Exponential efficiency is obvious (13) Meaningful constants, a philosophy of Nothing (14) You need a theory of what is not Nothing (15) Problem: Existing products are Nothing and existing variations are Nothing (16) Opp of Stupidity is not so trivial (17) Your diagrams and calculus are Opp of Stupidity (18) There might be a paradox (19) Maybe not Stupidity think again! (20) Exponential efficiency is very clever)

Foundational Dimensions Calculator (…)

Copernican Diagrams 2 (…)

Cabbalah Life Path Numbers (…)

Data: Dimensional TOE (…)

Cultural Superstrategies by Year (…)

One Variable Inventing Method (…)

Incremental Evolution Overclock (…)

Partial Perpetual Motion Widget (…)

Universal Metaphysical Medicine (Most accurate data in 2023 on immortality perhaps)

Formula for Souls Basic Button System (…)

Zheng Guo’s Numerology (…)

Genius Characteristics (…)

Words of Power Set Relations (…)

The Great Guru (…)

Concise Immaculate Equations (…)

Conceptual Chess (…)

Immortale Leveling Tool (magic t-shirt tool)

Extensive Theory of Everything Estimates (in a very unfinished state)

The Childs TOE Diagram (non-interactive, basically)

Proof Theorizer (…)

Infranential Efficiency Excel Document (…)


Solving Life Through Stages (…)

Immortality Identifier (…)

TOE Ideas (includes Grand Synthesis Diagram)

Math of Alternate Dimensions (…)

Edge Prospecter 01

Minimalist Interface Oct 2023 (…)

(Vast) Exceptional Classification (…)

Conspiracy Theory Construction (…)

Emotional TOE (…)

Systemic Belief Improved (…)

Immortal Equations (…)

Amazing Psychic Personality Test (…)

Calculus of Variations (…)

OU Load Out (…)

Radical Systems (…)

Standard Deviation Example (teach yourself standard deviations, please modify extensively if you reuse)

PSYCHE (OU Loadout with some image selection)


Nathanian Puzzles


Here's proof that it's possible to sell both a physics book and a perpetual motion book:


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