Thursday, November 14, 2019

Efficient Adaptation

A Kind of Dialectic of Adaptation

Under unusually good circumstances, unique traits develop in response to things like (extremely) special information and (extremely) special thinking. In human societies this is a very recent phenonenon.

In a wealthy society, amenities can promote positive recessive trait advantages, which ordinarily would be eliminated due to common dangers or undesirability.

In an industrial society, roles are created for engineers and physicists, resulting in higher mean IQ. Similarly, in a Golden Age, linguists, inventors, and other thinkers are more likely to have influence.

In a society that is at war, military skills, some of them being technical, are at a premium, and leadership often values the survival of male children to military age. Such society may also create engineers.

In a survival environment, with sufficient resources humanoids will develop who are capable of motivating themselves with pleasure and similar things.

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