Friday, September 20, 2019

Deontology of Contemporaneous Past-Life Regression

Many return to the idea that Hitler was an artist.

They see Dizney Land is run by someone that looks similar.

Similar, a word reminding people of evolution.

Picasso, also thought to be The Artist, living at this time.

'Similar' reminding us of innocence.

Innocence associated with sin.

But the modern, a time of salvation from the primitive.

The conclusion, in an unframed format of mind, is that Hitler is a real person, otherwise we are led to believe we had no past life, or we were not saved by the modern.

If we were not saved by the modern, we could have been apes experimented on, which would lead to now, only without salvation.

If we had no past life, we are led to now, it is the same as what people believe.

Only all of this sounds like what Hitler thinks.

Thus, Hitler is The Artist.

You see, religion believes in authority. Science believes in Hitler. Hitler believes in mother and father.

History believes if I am after the modern and I am not an ape and I am savwd by the modern I may be like I am now.

Only, Hitler sees us as ghosts. Ghosts would survive in the modern landscape. An artist reading Heidegger.

Thus, one can survive interpreting The Artist.

Should one be a ghost forever?

Is it worse to try to exist?

Or should knowledge itself become a ghost?

The scary thing is even Hitler, The Modern Artist, may hold old pretensions.

It may be, although a contemporaneous strategy, knowledge should not die.

It may be that life is more terrible than death, yet this seems to say I am a ghost. Ghosts, did they die the death of the terrible or not? You see, many would think that ghosts are dead, but if ghosts are not dead, then who?

It seems to me, Hitler had me commit to a ghostly theory, so I am always in some way a ghost. But this suggests that I cannot exist, and I cannot have ghostly knowledge.

Hitler might say my knowledge is already a ghost, however a ghost is likely the realest thing I know.

Would it be clearer if I am merely terrified by Hitler, if I need emotional therapy or wish to survive in some form further from him? How much of history has to be Heidegger? How much of history has to be ghosts for that matter? There has been ample opportunity for verve and tenacity. I don't feel like a loser, I feel like a winner.

Why Hitler? Why ghostly Holocausts? Isn't modernism over? Do we have to suppose things get any worse? Is there such a thing as climbing a ladder? Am I the last man on spaceship earth?

I wish I had a better system. Then I felt like I found intriguing examples.

The world doesn't scream. It doesn't really say Hitler is an Artist. So, unless I am some kind of ghost, I may as well go with the theory that Hitler is terrifying.

See also:

The Story of the Real-World Death of Hitler


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