Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Big Ear Time-Traveler Puzzle

It is likely if they have small ears and they are about the same age they are either more elite or they are time-travelers, as they would need some means to gain experience to look more attractive. If the students are not elite or time-travelers, then on average the students are wrong about the ears.

You think them teasing me with kazoos is really stinking advanced, but that's just you, as it seems likely someone actually advanced like a time-traveler would have something more meaningful to do with their time. If the students have something more meaningful to do with their time, the professor is wrong about the ears because students who are elite or time-travel would never attend her meetings.

The only other option, that I am better than or equal to the students, suggests I am also a time-traveler like them as if I am exactly equal to them I should be equal in every way. However, if I am a time-traveler my mother is wrong about the ears.

If the students are normal, the students are time-travelers or exceptional or the small ears are not explained and then they have no way to claim advantage. But if the students are exceptional, the professor is wasting their time to obsess so much about big ears as to mske a kazoo party, and then the professor looks delusional. But if the students are equal or stupider than Nathan, Nathan's mother is wrong and Nathan is probably a time-traveler.

But that is exactly the problem with big ears: you think people are really stinking advanced but they're not. Which suggests the correct answer is that Nathan's mother is wrong and Nathan is a time-traveler.


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