Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Solution to Domination

1. NOT TO BE DOMINATED, TO TRY TO DOMINATE: The imperfect solution is to begin dominating.

2. NOT TO BE DOMINATED, NOT TO GO TO PRISON: The quick solution is to stop caring, yet without suffering: to be less needy and realize part of it is in your head and your own greed. Not everyone dominates, and sometimes they work hard to get there. It might not also be as good as we think it is, it might have a side that no one wants. If everyone is equal domination always means having more problems. If you want to dominate would you be willing to take on extra baggage and personal problems? You might find you're not the best person to dominate. Or you might become ruthless and evil and do prison time

3. NOT TO BE DOMINATED, TO KNOW THE TRUTH: Maybe you need to dominate, but it is subjective at the same time. You might not know you are being unfair, that your deal is much sweeter than you thought it was. You might hurt people if you use the word domination. You might be perpetuating the illusion of domination yourself. Are you sure the dominators are not effeminate unemployed unhealthy men studying metaphysics? Is war ever a fight with an enemy you can perceive? Are you sure you're not battling yourself or battling the outcomes of your own life, like anyone else?

4. NOT TO BE DOMINATED, TO USE YOUR OWN POWER IN THE MOMENT: Finally, you may need to feel more personal power in general. Realize what part of yourself is powerful, and take advantage. Domination might not be what you think it is. Maybe being intellectual is power. Or maybe being sexual is power. Or being rich. Or exploring the world. If you have sny of these freedoms it is unlikely anyone will absolutely stop you. Look at the environment you live in. What is acceptable? What risks can you take? Sometimes domination requires compromise. It even does for rich white men. But I'm more in the effeminate metaphysics category. Stop thinking that all men dominate. Metaphysics does not make someone rich. Rich does not make someone a famous writer. Either of those might not have good sex, or talent in music etc. There are a lot of forms of domination, try not to see them all as the same. Some powerful men might suck at math, or might be public servants.

On Racial Inequality and Gender Inequality

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