Friday, August 16, 2019

Smart Award 2019-08-16

This blog-style award goes to Charlie Bayer for the insightful question:

Is there any scientific data to support the theory that positive and negative thinking attracts things with a similar charge?

As far as philosophy of physics, this is an exceptional question for several reasons:

1. It has to do with quantum mechanics, which is contemporary, as physicists like to point out.
2. It draws a new theory from the physics.
3. It does so within the apparent rules of the system.
4. Nonetheless, the result is surprising even to me, when I've considered similar theories.

So it is my sense Bayer deserves at least this very informal recognition for his great idea.

However, feel free to print out the description of your award on a certificate if you choose.

---Nathan Coppedge

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