Friday, August 9, 2019

Perpetual Motion Computers

Several theories:
* Essential formula initially, is that the essence is energy, performing functions.
* Supplement is energy engages processes activated by energy.
* Further is efficiency activated by multiple processes.
* Exponential efficiency is key in this conception.
* Now, what we call conventional processes, which could be regular computing or exponentially efficient computing. This forms the 3-layer structure.
* Now, treat all that as the initial premise.
* Imagine it could be modified to supply the hardware.
* Imagine distinct linkages of this process could be micro components.
* Now we get concepts like fast overprocessing, bulk loading, physical layer conversion, and constant overhead (overhead overdrive), which may lead to advances.
* More distinctly, it is the theme of utility computers and permanent computers, energy-enhanced hand-utilities and wire computers.

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