Sunday, August 18, 2019

Over-Unity Formula for 2nd ToE

The second ToE is essentially just dimensions.

Dimensions for a ToE =

R root of (Verbs + 0.5 + ((Verbs - 1)/2),

Where R = results.

NOTE: The below examples are for T.O.E.'s using the above formula. However, this formula proved weaker than a later formula mentioned in the divination link. So, the above formula should only be used for ranking dimensions of T.O.E.'s. Refer to the divination link for more objective ratings. And refer to  (First) OU Formula for TOE's for the most objective ranking of TOE's.


Premier science: results = 1, verbs = 2
1 root of (2 + 0.5 + ((2 - 1)/2) = 3 dimensions!!!! good!!!

Incoherent deduction: results = 0, verbs = n
0 root of (n) = 1 dimension.

Formula for questions: results = 0, verbs = n
0 root of (n) = 1 dimension.

Prophecy of the Coherent History of Mathematics: results = 1, verbs = 129
1 root of (129 + 0.5 + ((129 - 1) / 2)) = 129.5 + (64) = 193.5 dimensions of mathematics.

Infinite Philosophy: results = 5, verbs = 32
5 root of (32 + 0.5 + ((32 - 1)/2)) = 5 root of 32.5 + 15.5 = 5 root of 48 = 2.17 exact dimensions of infinite philosophy.

Complete Theory of Human Knowledge: results = 5, verbs = 32
5 root of (32 + 0.5 + ((32 - 1)/2)) = 5 root of 32.5 + 15.5 = 5 root of 48 = 2.17 exact dimensions of human knowledge.

The Big Equation: results = 5, verbs = 32
5 root of (32 + 0.5 + ((32 - 1)/2)) = 5 root of 32.5 + 15.5 = 5 root of 48 = 2.17 exact dimensions of the big equation.

How Do We Know?: results = 5, verbs = 32
5 root of (32 + 0.5 + ((32 - 1)/2)) = 5 root of 32.5 + 15.5 = 5 root of 48 = 2.17 exact dimensions of how do we know.

Coherent Deduction: results = 2, verbs = 4
2 root of (4 + 0.5 + ((4 - 1) / 2)) = sq rt of 6  = 2.45 dimensions of coherence.

Solution to All Problems: results = 2, verbs = 4
2 root of (4 + 0.5 + ((4 - 1) / 2)) = sq rot of 6 = 2.45 dimensions of solving all problems.

*** may require editing: results and verbs switched here??? Formula for Answering All Questions: results = 3, verbs = 1)
3 root of (1 + 0.5 + ((1 - 1) / 2)) = 3 root of 1.5 = 1.14 dimensions of answering questions.

Wizard Logic: results = 1, verbs = 2
1 root of (2 + 0.5 + ((2 - 1) / 2)) = 1 root of 3 = 3 dimensions of wizard logic.

Theory of Everything: results = 1, verbs = 3
1 root of (3 + 0.5 + ((3 - 1) / 2)) = 1 root of 4.5 = 4.5 dimensions of the theory of everything.

Formula for the Souls of Literature: results = 4, verbs = 6
4 root of (6 + 0.5 + ((6 - 1) / 2)) = 4 root of 9 = 1.73 dimensions of souls of literature.

Convening of the Gods: results = 5, verbs = 8
5 root of (8 + 0.5 + (8 - 1) / 2) = 5 root of 12 = 1.64 dimensions of the convening of the gods.


The Theory of Everything

Divination: Find the Number Relevant to You

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