Friday, March 9, 2018


A writing like |uur is dangerous.
can mean sword / violence.
A symbol like : can mean diamonds, weigh carefully.
→: diamonds | r swords.
A sign similar to a backwards (not upside down e means noble or peaceful, while the inverse (upside down) means not peaceful.
Similarly, a lower stroke to the right means peaceful, but a lower stroke to the left means stupid.
Longer lines often have to do with the name of Allah.
Inverted U means control of enemies, or love.
3 means Asian, unknown, mystery, amusing.
Inverted U inverted U tail means number, meaning literally: the love of the love of peace.
| of various lengths has to do with understanding (illumination), analogized to a burning candle.
If there is a single dot with the | it means understanding.
The ! symbol—that is the inverse of | with a dot—means basic, dense, or difficult.
If there is a dot and the | extends below the line, it means understanding God.
So, inverted U, Inverted U, |, tail, r, tends to mean understanding number, which can mean rejection.
Violence to rejection can mean arithmetical adding.
Read the tall and short vertical lines first to see how much it relates to understanding. Then look for diamonds and swords to see if there is a suvtle message. Then look for 'cool characters’ and finally look for inverted characters.
The order of characters explains how the characters are to be understood, not read.
For spoken language, concepts, rather than words, are memorized.
One last thing: a blob means God, and a heart shape means a singularity.
Also, X means period at the end of a line.
‘—’ (dash) means AL, roughly, doctor, medicine, educated place, or just 'of’.
Translation of the script above, which my history book claims is a verse from the Quran:
Peace be to you who learn of peace the greatest name is at peace with understanding therefore, learn something little. Peace is a great name. Try peacefully try try or not try what is holy name try to learn try God try learning try Holy understood as Allah educated learning holy try holy name of the calling peace peace unto you try peace that is not dullness speak peace try peaceful ascendance. The great quest of the great name manifest try only it. 'Try to try’ try it only. Try to understand a little. A little name the smallest thing God try the name of God try peace know the way to take up his name the smallest thing. Try to understand the cause try hard try the cause of God. Only try. Noble Allah the peaceful, noble-in-his-wats attempt to know nobility of this threat noble beyond noble is Allah the peaceful he is therefore try to be like him nobly realize the name it is everything holy Realize his aim is All holy all-pacifying try to learn attempt to understand Allah the omnipotent all efforts all knowledges try to attempt to understand it all the city all people try to understand we have considered try in holy peace to learn to try.
< I'm Arabic.
Does your wife study Arabic?
< Of course.
Then you must be a major fornicator .
< Why?
Because that's what Arabic's for!
< I'm not fornicating.
Then you must be in some kind of inner circle.
Do you get the swords or do you get the diamonds?
< I get the swords.
I doubt it unless you're fornicating.
< I get the diamonds.
That sounds like Arabic.

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