You will need at least a description of the scientific method, premises of science, chemistry, physics, biology, ecology… etc. I will attempt it here because I'm crazy.
- Hypothesis.
- Design of experiment.
- Experiment.
- Testing hypothesis.
- Checking results.
- Implications.
- What is observed is more likely to be true (induction, rationalism).
- What is reported is more likely to be factual (materialism, empiricism).
- If there is a contradiction, one may question the evidence (logic), or instead develop a new theory based on the evidence (scientific method).
- Past evidence can be trusted or developed into new theories (atheism implies motiveless universe which doesn’t allow for demons), and there is no evidence of the supernatural (scientific literalism).
For this section I recommend working with Quick Calculus by Kleppner and Ramsey.
Differential Calculus, (Part I.)
Calculus is stupid. Calculus is for extroverts. It’s either totally easy, or you learn calculus. Calculus is about thinking —-wait that’s for philosophers.
The origin is a variable. The derivative is the angle of a line —- that’s a small thing somehow, however, isn’t it? The process
might be unlimited. Even the opposite mathematics has its limits. It also may have no function. There are no opposites in calculus: there are only functions. Structures are imaginary. Applied
calculus is the tough part—for which you have your handy calculator.
might be unlimited. Even the opposite mathematics has its limits. It also may have no function. There are no opposites in calculus: there are only functions. Structures are imaginary. Applied
calculus is the tough part—for which you have your handy calculator.
You can’t be on the side of calculus—-Calculus just IS. One thing to know is that calculus always has a power. If you input zero you get zero, just like in algebra.
Advanced concepts in calculus:
1. Everything of value is outside calculus.
2. Maybe +3.
3. Calculus for all integers.
1. Everything of value is outside calculus.
2. Maybe +3.
3. Calculus for all integers.
That’s just an idea.
It’s arbitrary in God’s logic is one of the first things I learned. Even now in calculus there is a division between professors who teach calculus as intuition and those that teach it as pure mathematics. Ultimately there may be more than one way to do calculus but remember, calculus is stupid , or you’re a genius.
Towards the end of his life, Leibniz lamented: what’s human about calculus? So, calculus does have a downside. I’ll leave that as a puzzle.
Concluding Remarks of the First Lesson
Sometimes we think calculus is a disease. Sometimes we think it is not logical at all. But mostly we think it is a highly useful thinking tool. Perhaps you’ll side with the Leibniz who thought it was inhuman, or perhaps you’ll side with the Leibniz who brought it upon himself to invent calculus.
Integral Calculus
Wrong! Doubly wrong! Specifics don't matter. Form a hypothesis, then throw it away! Apply the existing hypothesis, be conventional. Get it right! It concerns science! Be scientific! Clouds are clocks! Simplify always! Stay distanced from your work. Or pull an Einstein. Know. Philosophy is contraband. The rest is history. Further on antiderivatives
What are objective facts?
Philosophically facts are not objective except as mere representations of the truth.
Only truth is objective, or more specifically objective truth. It is a special domain like 'organizational skills’ or 'language’. It may be that some truths are not objective, and there still might be facts about them which may be facts but not necessarily truths in a philosophical or personal sense.
And it is possible to have objective truth which is not meaningful for the individual. Maybe that is what you mean by facts. But there is no rule which says objective truth never has meaning, or that it always takes the form of representations. Personal truth can be a form of objective truth, as long as we understand that what is objective about personal truth is that it is an experience, understanding, etc.
And yet again there is nothing about understanding in general which makes it inherently inferior to facts. It may be very hard to interpret facts without understanding, just as it is hard to have meaning without personal experience. For many scientists, this is what is objective, even if in a professional setting it is facts which are persuasive.
For scientists, facts are the limit of interpretation. They do not prevent the brain from functioning.
Everyone has the same vision when they first hear the word algemeine: a circle of flat metal spokes, attenuated towards the middle, often filling nearly the whole circle, and usually—most of them— bound with some type of sometimes carefully tied, sometimes braided, grey or colored thread.
It turns out in German the phrase just means the 'generality’ of what it is referring to.
At the same time in relation to algebra the meaning is particular. It means the general theory of algebra, particularly the relation between whole orders of sets and the specific operators involved in defining the algebra.
An algemeine can be defined in small related groups, or within a single infinite series, or even, as some have recently learned, in groups that lie beyond a single infinity.
What is held in common is algebra, specifically the general algebra algemeine.
An example might be the relation of pi radians to the depth of a curve.
Or, the probability of depthed groupings falling in and out of a circle relative to the Lagrangian performed on the number of points.
Or the relative golden angle of blobs held within a loop in an isometric lattice.
Or horizontal angle relative to verticals as a function of perspective relative to scale.
The word on contributing to mathematics is 'go, ahead!’ There is nothing stopping you from trying at least.
Motion continues unless there is resistance.
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.
An object in motion tends to stay in motion.
These laws continued to be seen as having universal relevance until Quantum Mechanics came along, and determined the laws to be different at different scales. Nonetheless, Newton's Laws of Motion tend to remain accurate at what we call intermediate scales, or some say, above the atomic level.

A. Intuitive Chemical Conversion
As basic as it gets...
As basic as it gets...
1. Grams of ElementOne X Moles / 1 Gram
2. Resulting Moles of ElementOne X Ratio of Element Two/One (expressed in terms of first numbers, not subscripts)
3. Result X Grams of ElementTwo / 1 Mole
= 4. Number of Grams of ElementTwo produced in the reaction.
= 4. Number of Grams of ElementTwo produced in the reaction.
Note: In step 2, the ratio is determined by the subscript of the atomic number, typically equal to the number of protons per atom.
B. Complicated Chemicals
I have heard as a rule look at the last part of a chemical first, and look at the first part for explanation. (Link to Quora article on Dihydroxyphenylalanine).
I have heard as a rule look at the last part of a chemical first, and look at the first part for explanation. (Link to Quora article on Dihydroxyphenylalanine).
0: That, all conditions being equal, energy remains constant.
1: That, with some resistance, energy decreases.
2: That, with heat energy, energy tends to dissipate.
3: That, since most structures have some void, no perfect seal
can be built to contain heat.
can be built to contain heat.
4: That, over infinite time, energy tends to return to zero.
5: That energy tends to be created from the destruction of
These may not be the official definitions, but they give an clear overview of the types of concepts covered by Thermodynamics.
A black hole is a singularity.
You don't know your wave functions if you don't know that.
A black hole is a hole: an absence of space relative to time.
Heat is a bowshock, the wave of a crescendo.
Waves describe everything in motion, if it is also admitted a wave can also be a surface.
Quanta describe particles at rest.
The foundational principle is construction and continuation.
But this basic principle is broken by indefinite energy states.
Wave-particle duality is broken by a further principle of the multiplication of elemental composite properties resulting from indefinite energy.
Many of the correlated properties concern either waves or composite properties, such as those observed in material science
and biology.
and biology.
If there are unique or unusual properties, they tend to emerge because of an opposition singularity or some of the properties mentioned above.
Physicists say that an oppositional singularity is not a black hole, but people don't listen.
In fact, an oppositional singularity is any state involving sufficiently opposite properties which might create a unique
energy state.
energy state.
When I learned the basics of calculus, I also learned how to have insights into string theory. My first idea was the equal-energy
particle theory = string theory, which at least sounds similar to other string theories.
particle theory = string theory, which at least sounds similar to other string theories.
From the theory of equal energy, we can get concepts such as supersymmetry, singularity, and virtual singularity (informational vectors), which suggests that the theory actually is a form of string theory, although perhaps a misguided one.

I will describe the standard model of physics— Its really neat and compact.
There are six classifications of fermions, which happen to be divided into three classes or columns: Type I, Type II, and Type III.
I will list the particles in each row.
The first half is quarks, the second half is leptons.
All fermions have a spin of 1/2.
Up, Charm, and Top quarks have a charge of 2/3.
Down, Strange, and Bottom quarks have a charge of -1/3.
Now we begin the leptons.
Electrons, muons, and tau particles (which are leptons) have a charge of -1.
Electron neutrinos, muon neutrinos, and tau neutrinos have a charge of zero.
Now we pass on to the category called the gauge bosons. This only contains four classifications, so I will just read them.
All of these have a spin of 1, which is larger than 1/2.
Photons, gluons, Z bosons, and W bosons.
As an added detail, all of these have a charge of zero except the W boson, which is +/- 1.
(Listed from top to bottom next to the fermions).
Finally, we get to the scalar boson, and there is only one in this category, the Higgs boson, which has no charge and no spin.
There are also some additional facts about mass that are a little harder to remember, but at least you know that as far as this diagram of the Standard Model, all that is left is mass.
Now, think about this a minute.
All these particles, well most of them, are charges swirling, reacting, and sometimes reacting, sometimes annihilating. You might know about this if you are familiar with schrodinger's equation.
How do we know what they are all doing? Well, we have to know everything about them. But it turns out, according to quantum mechanics, we can't know!
We're half-blind, as it were, when it comes to the smallest particles. We can see the big, macro-world effects, but when it comes to the littlest, tiniest particles, it breaks down into indeterminate probability.
And here is the thing—we know only it's wave equation or its particle location, not both—never both, unless someone determines —or finds—a new physics.
Very Platonic!
Not at all like biology!
Its like its in my head! That's what people say when they have it memorized!
“Virtual photons carry electromagnetic force, gluons carry the strong force, and the Z and W bosons together carry the weak force.” —Matthew Pharr
Look at Schrodinger. The H with the raised bar means total entropy. Heisenberg can be understood as energy cancellations. The small h with the cross means energy moment. The rest says that the observable energy at-moment equals the total observable entropy! Do you see what it is? It's how fusion reacts! It's the behavior of pure nuclear energy! (The double integral means the energy is conserved relative to energy).
Lorentz transformation is a version of velocity in which free-fall velocity and the speed of light are inversely related because of the effect of mass upon gravity.
Information theory. The H means tendency to equilibrium. Negative sum probability of x log probability of x means that the sum of scatter plot points, whether they are aligned or unaligned, tends to express as an S-curve related to the degree of equilibrium.
Chaos theory. Chaos theory is perhaps the simplest. It simply means change occurs relative to time and the existing condition of the system. In other words, large changes can occur over time, especially if something is highly complex, highly unusual things can occur.
Lagrangian: Is the property of modifying blobs by sphere-like impressions: generally it is as up as down, except that it tends to go down, depending on the ratio between the impression or extrusion and the mass of the blob, e.g. the sides of the extrusion tend to go down with wide intrusions in a large blob, ignoring physics.
You might see results in complex systems. For example, it might have something to do with the formation of the heart, and other centralized and slightly decentralized organs.
A deduction on the Zeeman effect would indicate that the brain’s original purpose was to regulate the heart, and similar theories, at both simple and complex levels.
You might apply this to many other examples:
Step 1: Centralized and slightly decentralized blobs appear at the poles.
Step 2: Pick something complex. ‘Organs’ appear in centralized and slightly decentralized locations in a dependent structure with larger organizations (depending on the type of structure as per centralization).
Step 3: The second things to appear, if they appear for a reason, occur as a result of the earlier things (such as organs). Thus, centralized things are a result of a central process, and secondary things are a result of a secondary process, or the Zeeman effect is broken. Generally the primary process is harder to destroy. Also, what is meant by ‘central’ and ‘slightly decentralized’ is described by the Zeeman effect. If the entire organism is already slightly decentralized (say, from a planet) this can explain further decentralized features. Likewise, centralization of some kind explains centralized features, and the preference of centralized or decentraluzed explains the relation of centralized and decentralized.
Step 4: These theories apply from the simplest things to the most complex. So the big lemma is simply nature itself.
It’s a little bit like a transparent genome, or the psychological situationism theory. Hard to grasp, but definitely worth some thought.
The basics of genetics are rather simple, and tied in to chemistry. The more you learn about chemistry the more you will learn about genetics. To learn more about genetics we actually study macroscopic phenomena.

- Successful species survive.
- The environment is a result of competing species.
- Certain advantages serve a special purpose, for example, longevity, a predatory nature, fast reproductive cycle, high fertility rate (many babies), adaptation to climate or special settings, ability to forage, special adaptations like language and tool-making.
- Survival depends on all factors, not just the initial conditions. For example, over-adapting can be just as bad as under-adapting if the climate is not very threatening.
- Over time, species that do not adapt either by being competitive or by integrating with other species tend to die out. The exception is when the competition is eliminated by various types of events.
- Although certain advantages might help a lot at one time, they might not help so much if conditions change.
- Over time, conditions sometimes change a lot, and sometimes they do not change at all, and this can affect the success and survival of species and how they adapt.
- Species are ideally robust to current conditions, and still have an ability to adapt to major changes. For this reason, if it is assumed that human beings are dominant, the human race has many advantages, unless a natural disaster or other unforeseen event wipes us out.
- We have much to appreciate about who we are as a species, and it is this appreciation of who we are individually and socially which ideally makes any species suitable to survival.
[The shortcut for all of science might be Beau 42, so perfect science has the numerological number 2512142, or in binary something like 0(1/2)101(00)0].
Also written as 'Beauty 42′ or 'Relation to the Center 42′, Beau 42 is a formula designed to describe all of science.
On a simple level, it simply says that all of the active factors in life and existence, as far as science goes, have a quantity and value of 42, once science is added in.
In practice, what it can mean is that significant things have a number less than 42, and insignificant things have a number greater than 42.
But this is only in terms of science.
Some significant discoveries preceded Beau 42, including the discovery of the Higgs Boson, chemical, quantum, nuclear, ecological, and other theories.
Beau 42 simply says that science has a value of 42 and it is not likely to move.
It is similar to saying the following:
- Science is a qualified meaning of life.
- We should accept both simplicity and complexity, and the value is non-arbitrary.
- Life is singular like the number one, but it is also extended like 2 X 3 X 7.
- Life is about squares (4 sides), but it is also about lines (2-d).
- A wise person could have a better idea than science.
- Life is like a pentagon dancing within a larger square.
For a slightly larger view, see: Unified Science
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