Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Decimille: Systematic Extension of the Decimal System


Pars: means a particular irrational number chosen to represent an aspect of decimille.

Systems Fragment: is a length of an irrational number which lies between the first digit and the second repetition of the number four in quadratic systems, five in pentallic systems, etc.


Typical Example: Pi

3 = Macro-importance of exceptions (represented by the number '3').

1 = Micro-importance of unity / geometry (represented by the number '1').

4 = Micro-importance of quadratics (represented by the number '4').

1 = Un-parsability of quadratics (repetition of unity over quadratics, represented by the number '1').

5 = Micro-importance of dimensions beyond 4, e.g. to parse the number '4'.

9 = Micro-importance of the decimal parsal of '1' via the decimal limit of '1'.

2 = Micro-importance of set-theory represented by the number '2'.

6 = Micro-importance of dimensions greater than '5' e.g. to explain the 5th dimension.

5 = Un-parsability of pentallics (represented by the repetition of the number '5').

4 = Exceptional un-parsability or arbitrary semantics of quadratics, represented by the second repetition of the number '4'.

Less Typical: e

2 = Macro-importance of set-theory.

7 = Micro-importance of unsolvability.

1 = Micro-importance of geometry for unsolvability.

8 = Micro-importance of the 8th dimension for solvability.

2 = Un-parsability of set-theory.

So, the string 3141592654 is a decimille system derived from pi, shown above.

The string 27182 is a decimille system derived from e, shown above.

Basically, these are numbers which appear in matrixes which signify mathematical relations to proof theory and its limits.

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