Thursday, December 22, 2016

Over 300 Sales this year

Almost completely above 200,000th author for 2 months!!
Up 33% from last year. Last-minute book shopping? Visit:

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Quotes Late December 2016

"Atoms are in defense mode, by definition. That is why they are hard. Real life is naturally defenseless and organic. All that can be done is raise the standard of inclusion in such a world." ---Nathan Coppedge

"By the time we're immortal, principles are more plastic than people." ---Nathan Coppedge

"Both evolution and perfection pose their peculiar problems, even though they are the primary options." ---Nathan Coppedge

"Everything changes without change." ---Nathan Coppedge

"(1) Wouldn't that be nice? A new ornamental X, a new filigree Y... It leads to ideas about life... It might lead one to think great things... It might lead one to lead a new life. (2) One has a certain degree of tolerance. Then one notices... There is an ancient problem. An archaic bug... The bug, although it is old, has enmeshed itself in everything. Now one requires a critical attitude. Everything outside the self is corrupt. (3) There is a remaining problem. One thing doesn't work. One conducts some kind of process on the thing. Some kind of energized occurrence happens. 'Lightning comes down'. Suddenly you are trespassing on God." ---The Metamorphosis by Nathan Coppedge, quoted in full

"The future of civilizations will likely see us as a small part of their distant past, and near the beginning of the singularity of their present." ---Nathan Coppedge

"Actually, we just need to make a notation that something is bad. So, bad is an objective term, because it doesn't mean anything unless something is bad." ---Nathan Coppedge

"Subjectively, we are free to consider ultimate systems unimportant if we wish. They do not stand on social authority, but rather on their usefulness to those who have found relevance for them. Thus, the assumption that ultimate systems are irrelevant is a specious claim unless the system is absolutely addressed in its own terms. The only way to prove a system is irrelevant may be to prove that it is a system of irrelevance. And that may be hard to do within the terms of the system. For otherwise there is no way to absolutely disregard such systems. In this way, there is a similarity between rejecting emotional and systematic claims, e.g. because both must be addressed absolutely on their own terms." ---Nathan Coppedge

"I believe there is no upper bound (on the intelligence of an A.I.) except complexity-density. At some point complexity is just represented by a symbol for 'complexity’ and things keep going from there. Since I have already theorized beyond quadruple semantics, I think sometimes new dimensions may eventually be required to create complexity." ---Nathan Coppedge

"I am seeking immortality because I feel my life is cheap enough, but I also feel that my life is significant enough to mean something rather amazing. I am almost unconcerned for how I feel. I am more concerned with the path of history, and how excited people are about my ideas. It is my hope that people are excited, and if they are excited enough, great things are certain to take place and defy the pessimism and meaninglessness of much of prior history. I feel that I have invented a kind of impersonal arrogance, the arrogance of real knowledge, and such arrogance even exists without a personality. It can exist without life, and inspire those who have felt nothing but pain."

"[I]t may be possible to prove that some particular conceptual or computing problem had to be solved during the break, and then it could be estimated how long it would take to solve the conceptual or computing problem." ---Nathan Coppedge, answer to 'If we could freeze time, how do we measure how long time was frozen?'

"In my view, everyone should be immortal, and over-population and real estate is fundamentally an economic question, not an ethical one." ---Nathan Coppedge

"I have theorized about a planet in which all transportation occurs through time-travel. If it works in a similar way to many-worlds theory this would allow real estate to be extended in the fourth dimension." ---Nathan Coppedge

"The major opportunity for A.I. is to benefit those who already have an advantage, and to enhance the quality of human information." ---Nathan Coppedge

"The reason I believe in the view of the metaphysical continuum is essentially that information may have a standard, and standards may vary, and the universe itself may evolve. Another argument is that different numbers of dimensions probably have different standards of physical properties. If different physical properties have different laws, that implies another universe, and there is no way to refute the existence of other universes by referring to existing laws." ---Nathan Coppedge

"In my vision, if perpetual motion succeeds we will be considered as part of one long industrial age, the age of machines, whereas if it remains in obscurity, we will be part of the sad robotic age, in which the inherent potential of technology ran out." ---Nathan Coppedge

"The post-logical idea becomes the proving-ground for new formalistic concepts." ---Nathan Coppedge

More Quotes:

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Currently #1 in Perpetual Motion on Quora!!!

...This should be good news for those who appreciate my work...

Saturday, December 10, 2016

A Highly-Qualified Schizophrenic System

For those of you who might want to examine my most deeply-held beliefs, here they are:

Over 1000 Unique Visitors

In the past year to my Academia page.

Up to 200 in the past month!

View it here:

Thursday, December 8, 2016

That explains everything!

Short sentence-examples of explaining everything.


Make art. Realize your imaginative possibilities. Look for symbols.
Develop a menu of symbolic modalities. Organize them. Discover their meaning.
Extend the best logic ad nauseam. Form a universal system where possible.
Generate all itera of existing methods. Exaggerate where necessary. Technicalize where necessary. Elaborate where necessary. However crude, the existing system is the basis for all derivatives.
Focus on a detail. Take part of the detail suitable for stylistic representation, and select it for use as a system.
Repeat, form other systems. “Bring to bear all things in one watcher”.
Form sigil-motifs to summarize and streamline existing symbols and systems. Use these as call-expressions for common logics.
Eke the best method. Form new works. Elaborate. Simplify.
Focus on only the best work. The soul of the system.
Explore major alternatives. Piece together intermediate areas.
Cheat: leap to this point and invent something new to extend the life of the system. For example, relativity, or perpetual motion. Work within existing conventions, and break them.
Work on prediction and limits. Improve intelligence. Find intuitive methods. Go back to the beginning.

Also present on my other blog:

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Decimille: Systematic Extension of the Decimal System


Pars: means a particular irrational number chosen to represent an aspect of decimille.

Systems Fragment: is a length of an irrational number which lies between the first digit and the second repetition of the number four in quadratic systems, five in pentallic systems, etc.


Typical Example: Pi

3 = Macro-importance of exceptions (represented by the number '3').

1 = Micro-importance of unity / geometry (represented by the number '1').

4 = Micro-importance of quadratics (represented by the number '4').

1 = Un-parsability of quadratics (repetition of unity over quadratics, represented by the number '1').

5 = Micro-importance of dimensions beyond 4, e.g. to parse the number '4'.

9 = Micro-importance of the decimal parsal of '1' via the decimal limit of '1'.

2 = Micro-importance of set-theory represented by the number '2'.

6 = Micro-importance of dimensions greater than '5' e.g. to explain the 5th dimension.

5 = Un-parsability of pentallics (represented by the repetition of the number '5').

4 = Exceptional un-parsability or arbitrary semantics of quadratics, represented by the second repetition of the number '4'.

Less Typical: e

2 = Macro-importance of set-theory.

7 = Micro-importance of unsolvability.

1 = Micro-importance of geometry for unsolvability.

8 = Micro-importance of the 8th dimension for solvability.

2 = Un-parsability of set-theory.

So, the string 3141592654 is a decimille system derived from pi, shown above.

The string 27182 is a decimille system derived from e, shown above.

Basically, these are numbers which appear in matrixes which signify mathematical relations to proof theory and its limits.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Perpetual Motion Stock Market Prediction #21


The market has not only reached 18,000 again, but has actually reached 19,000. This is a sign of shrewd A.I. and renewed emphasis on investment banking.

Once again the presence of the number 17 indicates that there is a dependence on Nathan Coppedge either for perpetual motion (e.g. Nathan Coppedge's value for stocks) or philosophy (17 may be the only way to meet the citation requirement for philosophy systems if these are used for the bulk of investments. And this may be unconscious).

The number 42 in the details is also auspicious, suggesting a turn in A.I. towards significance-oriented projects (e.g. 'life, the universe, and everything'), which could mean sentient A.I. from the standpoint of a computer.

The 42 also suggests an ongoing obsession with the perpetual motion discovery, although it is still evidently under wraps, maybe for political reasons.

The number 19 represents the sun and the Age of Reason, which could mean that this is the Space Age, and could also mean a return to Renaissance or Enlightenment ideals.

The signs are strong that the number will increase to 20,000 although continued optimism may depend on public disclosure. Unfortunately, at this point income stratification may be a strategic advantage, but this will be less true in the future, even while stratification is likely to increase.

A major opportunity will be the improvement of the public welfare.


...Currently in the Top 180,000 authors for one straight month...

Coppedge, Nathan. 100 Mind Seals. Charleston: CIP, 2016.

Coppedge, Nathan. 42 Mind Seals. Charleston: CIP, 2015.

Coppedge, Nathan. Advanced Platonism. Charleston: CIP, 2015. $7.99 (40 Pages).

Coppedge, Nathan. Alien Comm Workbook. Charleston: CIP, 2014.

Coppedge, Nathan. Analytic Possibilism. Charleston: CIP, 2016.

Coppedge, Nathan. Arche-Logos: Archetypal, Cutting-Edge, Diagrammatic... Charleston: CIP, 2014.

Coppedge, Nathan. Archemesis: The Meaning Bible. Charleston: CIP 2015.

Coppedge, Nathan. Autobiography… Charleston, CIP, 2015.

Coppedge, Nathan. The Banned Classics (One-Page-Classics Vol. 2). Charleston: CIP, 2014. $9.99 (44 Pages).

Coppedge, Nathan. "Basic" Platonism: A Journey Through Plato's Cave. Charleston: CIP, 2014. $9.99 (68 Pages).

Coppedge, Nathan. Book of Ideas. Charleston: CIP, 2014.

Coppedge, Nathan. The Book of Paradoxes: Including Problems Encountered in Nathan Coppedge's Philosophy. Charleston: CIP, 2014. $10.99 (102 Pages).

Coppedge, Nathan. The Book of Uniques. Charleston: CIP, 2014.

Coppedge, Nathan. Coherent Logic. Charleston: CIP, 2014. $6.99 (42 Pages).

Coppedge, Nathan. Coherent Systems Theory. Charleston: CIP, 2015. $12.99 (104 Pages).

Coppedge, Nathan. A Collection of Masterful Zen and Sufi Koans. Charleston: CIP, 2014.

Coppedge, Nathan. Creeping Cadence. Charleston: CIP, 2013.

Coppedge, Nathan. The Dimensional Artist’s Toolkit. Charleston: CIP, 2016.

Coppedge, Nathan. The Dimensional Biologist's Toolkit. Charleston: CIP 2014, 2015. $12.99+ (326 Pages).

Coppedge, Nathan. The Dimensional Book of Quotations (The Dimensional Critic’s Toolkit). Charleston: CIP, 2016.

Coppedge, Nathan. The Dimensional Defense Toolkit. Charleston: CIP, 2016.

Coppedge, Nathan. The Dimensional Exceptionist’s Toolkit. Charleston: CIP, 2016.

Coppedge, Nathan. The Dimensional Immortality Toolkit. Charleston: CIP, 2015.

Coppedge, Nathan. The Dimensional Phenomenologist’s Toolkit. Charleston: CIP, 2015.

Coppedge, Nathan. The Dimensional Philosopher's Toolkit. AH 2013, CIP 2014, 2015. $14.99+ (350 Pages).

Coppedge, Nathan. The Dimensional Psychologist's Toolkit. CIP, 2014. $14.99+ (402 Pages).

Coppedge, Nathan. The Dimensional Spell-Casting Toolkit. Charleston: CIP, 2015.

Coppedge, Nathan. The Dimensional Time Travel Toolkit. Charleston: CIP, 2015.

Coppedge, Nathan. Doctrines of Asceticureanism. Charleston: CIP, 2016.

Coppedge, Nathan. Dramatis Personae: Stories for Inventing History. CIP, 2015. $7.99 (82 Pages).

Coppedge, Nathan. God, the Devil, and the Sneaky Engineer (Quotations). Charleston: CIP, 2015.

Coppedge, Nathan. God’s Tractatus (Evolution of God). Charleston: CIP, 2014.

Coppedge, Nathan. The Golden Notebook. Charleston: CIP, 2015. $10.99 (44 Pages).

Coppedge, Nathan. Grand-Unified Theories of Meaning. Charleston: CIP, 2015. $8.99 (70 Pages).

Coppedge, Nathan. High Art: A Manual Concerning Artistic Perfection. Charleston: CIP, 2014. $14.99 (104 Pages).

Coppedge, Nathan. How to Avoid Bargains with the Devil. Charleston: CIP, 2014.

Coppedge, Nathan. How to Write Aphorisms: The Aphoristic Method, A Guide to Writing Aphorisms. Charleston: CIP, 2014. $12.99 (104 Pages).

Coppedge, Nathan. (Nathan Coppedge's) Hyper-Cubism: Post-Cubist Drawings and Paintings. Charleston: CIP, 2014. $74.58 (414 Pages, some color, not glossy).

Coppedge, Nathan. Hyper-Literary Philosophy and Hyper-Philosophical Literature. Charleston: Charleston: CIP, 2015.

Coppedge, Nathan. Intermediate Insights. Charleston: CIP, 2014.

Coppedge, Nathan. Metaphysical A.I. Charleston: CIP, 2015.

Coppedge, Nathan. Metaphysical Semantics. Charleston: CIP, 2014. $6.67 (58 Pages).

Coppedge, Nathan. Modal Dimensionism. Charleston: CIP, 2014.

Coppedge, Nathan. The Modist: A Philosophical Manifesto. Charleston: CIP, 2009.

Coppedge, Nathan. The Ninesquare Notebook: An Objective Knowledge Manifesto. Charleston: CIP, 2014. $14.99 (106 Pages).

Coppedge, Nathan. The Old Incantations, or, Sorcery in the Dark (Poems). Charleston: CIP, 2014.

Coppedge, Nathan. Omega Plans. Charleston: CIP, 2014.

Coppedge, Nathan. Omnus Omni: The Original Encyclopedia. Charleston: CIP, 2016.

Coppedge, Nathan. One-Page-Classics: A Compendium. Charleston: CIP, 2014. $14.50 (320 Pages).

Coppedge, Nathan. On the Ethics of Aesthetics. Charleston: CIP, 2015.

Coppedge, Nathan. The Perpetual Motion Genius’ Guide for Critical Inquiry. Charleston: CIP, 2014.

Coppedge, Nathan. The Perpetual Motion Genius’ Guide for Intelligent Babies. Charleston: CIP, 2014.

Coppedge, Nathan. The Perpetual Motion Genius' Guide for Intelligent Children. Charleston: CIP, 2014. $9.99 (32 Pages).

Coppedge, Nathan. The Perpetual Motion Genius’ Guide for Intelligent Poets. Charleston: CIP, 2014.

Coppedge, Nathan. The Perpetual Motion Genius’ Guide for Intelligent Young Adults. Charleston: CIP, 2014.

Coppedge, Nathan. The Perpetual Motion Genius’ Guide to Architecture and Automobiles. Charleston: CIP, 2014.

Coppedge, Nathan. The Perpetual Motion Genius’ Guide to Historic Deaths. Charleston: CIP, 2014.

Coppedge, Nathan. The Perpetual Motion Genius' Guide to Interface Design. Charleston: CIP, 2014. $7.99 (32 Pages).

Coppedge, Nathan. The Perpetual Motion Genius’ Guide to Meaning. Charleston: CIP, 2014.

Coppedge, Nathan. The Perpetual Motion Genius' Guide to Philosophy. Charleston: CIP, 2014. $6.99 (32 Pages).

Coppedge, Nathan. The Perpetual Motion Genius’ Guide to Writing. Charleston: CIP, 2014.

Coppedge, Nathan. Perpetual Motion Machine Designs & Theory. Charleston: CIP, 2014. $11.99 (162 Pages).

Coppedge, Nathan. Perpetual Motion Physics for Non-Skeptics. Charleston: CIP, 2016

Coppedge, Nathan. Picture Feature (Avoiding Scams). Charleston: CIP, 2014.

Coppedge, Nathan. Poems by God. Charleston: CIP, 2014 (real date).

Coppedge, Nathan. Properties, Systems, Paths, and Levels. Charleston: CIP, 2016.

Coppedge, Nathan. (The) Prophetic Wisdom. Charleston: CIP, 2016.

Coppedge, Nathan. Psychic Prediction Techniques. Charleston: CIP, 2015.

Coppedge, Nathan. Psychological Knowledge. Charleston: CIP, 2016.

Coppedge, Nathan. The Scientific Papers. Charleston: CIP, 2014. $7.99 (58 Pages).

Coppedge, Nathan. The Secret Principles of Immortality. Charleston: CIP, 2014. $11.94 (152 Pages).

Coppedge, Nathan. The Spiritual Writings of Nathan Coppedge. Charleston: CIP, 2015.

Coppedge, Nathan. The Structure of Philosophical Revolution. Charleston: CIP, 2015. $10.99 (42 Pages).

Coppedge, Nathan. Sublimism: Sublimist Art, Architecture, Morality, and Poetry. Charleston: CIP: 2015. $10.99 (90 Pages).

Coppedge, Nathan. (The) Symbolics. Charleston: CIP, 2015.

Coppedge, Nathan. Systems Theory (Formal-, applied-, rubric-, etc.). Charleston: CIP, 2016.

Coppedge, Nathan. Tao Te Ching: Translation of Translations. Charleston: CIP, 2014.

Coppedge, Nahtan. The Techne. Charleston, CIP, 2014.

Coppedge, Nathan. Theories of My Youth. Charleston: CIP, 2016.

Coppedge, Nathan. (The) Tractatus of Dualities. Charleston, CIP, 2013.

Coppedge, Nathan. Worthwhile Magical Things To Do. Charleston, CIP: 2015.


Kuo, Master. The Lessons of the Master. Charleston: CIP, 2014.

Kuo, Master, The Story of Master Wu. Charleston: CIP, 2014.

Plus, Les Escrits Spirituelle and Die Goldenen Notebook [translated using software]

And Designs and Theory and Autobiography bound set.

Link to books:

Friday, December 2, 2016

Quotes Early December 2016

"Metaphysical variables are additional to materials, worlds, and dimensions." ---Nathan Coppedge

"Systems Theory: I've embibed the meaning of much of that work." ---Nathan Coppedge

"Make art. Realize your imaginative possibilities. Look for symbols. Develop a menu of symbolic modalities. Organize them. Discover their meaning. Extend the best logic ad nauseam. Form a universal system where possible." ---Nathan Coppedge, The Methodology of Systems

"Exaggerate where necessary. Technicalize where necessary. Elaborate where necessary." ---Nathan Coppedge, The Methodology of Systems

"Some... details fly in the face of perpetual motion’s traditionally foolish character. It is now more like... an aspect of the psychological unconscious. Part of the realization of human immortality."---Nathan Coppedge

"It is my belief that where there is intelligence, there is also higher purpose... particularly if considerable thinking about it happened first." ---Nathan Coppedge

"Very often there is something exceptional about everyone’s path." ---Nathan Coppedge

"I expect of God (or whomever, demi-gods, nature spirits, etc.) some degree of importance suited to my degree of attention for my life,and my own self-respect for intelligence." ---Nathan Coppedge

"I regret to tell you, I believe (my) time travel is sort of like history showing off..." ---Nathan Coppedge

"I notice that the phrase ‘dream’ might sort of translate as d- for dimension and ‘ream’ for books. One way in which dimensional thinkers seem to have overclocked the system." ---Nathan Coppedge

More Quotes at Poemhunter:

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Doing Amazon Shopping?

Fabulous philosophy gifts, Amazing eternal motion books, Scintillating books of art, symbolism, and criticism, all under the Nathan Coppedge name:

Currently about 100,000 rank improvement over last year!

I have made 665 sales so far over four years.