Monday, June 27, 2016

The Bitter Soul of the Modular Citizen Investigated

(1) All I understand is philosophy.

(2) Hot chocolate is an urban food.

|[literary ambergris]|


|[Asceticurean Writings]|

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Life's Most Important Questions

  1. What is the best idea? (optional).
  2. Sustenance / how do I not ask questions.
  3. What is wise? (sometimes unavailable).
  4. How do I find meaning? (often relative).

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

YouTube Progress (coppedgean)

10,000+ views to date---

3 days 17 hours of watch time to date.

My supposed Quora rankings

Quora ratings currently:

2nd for modern philosophy.

2nd for philosophy of life.

3rd for 'logic'.

3rd for dimensions (goemetry).

3rd for philosophy (college major).

3rd for metaphysics.

3rd for modernism.

3rd for analytic philosophy.

4th for reasoning.

5th for analogies.

5th for continental philosophy.

5th for postmodernism (I reject post-modernism).

6th for high-dimensional spaces.

9th for logic (thinking).

A Selection of New Thoughts By Nathan Coppedge, #1


Statues appear to explain the current model of metaphysics, in which the Earth revolves around the Sun, and figures walk on the Earth.

The figures walking are clearly the fantasy of statues, little more intelligent than this.

The Earth is clearly the statue's thought of a larger statue, which is doing all that a statue can imagine it would do: to support the smaller statues.

The Sun may be explained as the eye looking upon the statues.

So, the entire local scene is explained in terms of statues!

If we are statues, then it can be argued that there is no coincidence that we feel pain in our brain! After all, what we think of as our brain is really solid rock!

Elidian Leap: Perhaps, however, this is really one version of 3-d metaphysics.

2. The Glass Bead Game

A kindly stranger says:

‘You look like the perfect young poet!’

And he tips his hat, and that is the end of it.

But as you continue on, you begin to look at the landscape:

The little hills with grass, how short the trees are…

The way tulips smell sweetly but aren’t as tall as the trees…

You begin to think you are more of an intellectual…

A dreamer, a Romantic…

Your relatives comment on your wisdom, and you decide to be become a philosopher.

But a stern voice says:

‘Philosophers are born, not made’

And so, you try to justify your past with the idea that you were always a philosopher…

Not just a philosopher, you were a seeker of immortal life!…

You meet Adimus, who says:

‘Is this really your best work…
There are places where you could improve’

And you begin to work more diligently,

And it is like cleaning the stables of Parnassus.

You meet Plato
(or perhaps really a talking statue),
who says

‘From now on you must direct your work
towards only the best aim…
Proceed on the basis of your knowledge
of the good and only the good!’

However, you begin to encounter evils, and wonder about the fairness of life.

You try to hold a firm principle.

You meet Cadmus, who says,

‘From now on, you can try the same efforts,
But you must multiply! Be more effortless,
And reap the great rewards!’

A phase of manic productivity ensues.

Phoebe notes:

‘You have now a hint of intelligence,
so live and prosper by your work,
if you are able!’

You turn a critical eye on old materials, and note that there were shortcomings.

In some places you didn’t have the hint of divine brilliance which you now occasionally find in your work.

Is it a subjective quality?

How much of subjectivity you now know, that you did not know before!

Then you meet Ephesius, who says,
‘That is all well and good, but now
you must do the same, only more

This is generally the beginning of the Gestalt phase of knowledge.

3. On Alexius Meinong (Are existence and non-existence properties or transcendent forms that something can exemplify or participate in or simply have?)

As some famous psychologist or philosopher said, our world is mediated by the visible and invisible. We grant more reality to immediate representations than we do to obscure causes. What is objectively real is not always what has relevance. Whether the real should be taken to be real is in fact an ethical question. Perhaps this is the reason Immanuel Kant and Iris Murdoch have turned to ethics to explain metaphysics.

You are getting into some complex issues. Traditionally in philosophy, the idea that matter is material or immaterial, real or virtual is a matter of theory. Whether perception defines truth is a subject of debate. Science has even raised the concern that that which does not consider itself falsifiable cannot be truthful. If you follow that claim (I don’t), then objective knowledge is out the window. Scientists and empiricists believe that every claim is a matter of understanding the specific circumstances, and all knowledge is approximate.

My own radical theory is that existence is partly conditioned on knowledge, which is itself conditioned on experience. In the ideal sense, there are some artificial processes that we are ignoring when we make ordinary claims. There are real structures of knowledge and experience that precede formal reality. Formal reality is not natural reality per se. Natural reality is conditional. Natural reality is blind unless it literally possesses eyes. Things are built out of materials that fulfill an idea, and when the idea itself has a further idea, the only way not to create a self-reference loop is to ignore the value of the idea.

In short, the failure of power is the failure of consciousness, and yet power is often taken to be a representation. To form an experience from representation requires the eternal, which manifests as time, so that at this point there is a reliance on wisdom which only comes with experience, creating an atavistic process of recovering memories of insignificant events, e.g. because the representation is not a real foundation, while the manifest reason of knowledge which informs existence is most clearly formed from the representation, and the alternative is the same system of failures produced by that reliance. Meanwhile, the eternal has no choice but to consider it symbolic, since it concerns time, which to the eternal means everything significant to it, albeit in higher dimensions. The whole thing is justified by evolution, which rests on free choice. But free choice must accept all prior failures as if it were determined by God.

If you look at this entire set of descriptions, you get a map of my current epistemological position. Absolute knowledge is possible, and yet we live a contingent existence. It is too bad reality does not pay us in ambergris when we make discoveries.

Someone else would say life is a perfect failure, but I think it is potentially both complex and perfect. Our current failure is evolution, but eventually the finest properties will be a continual part of human or post-human thought. The next level of reality may very well consist of living information and living thought. This current dimension is clearly about providing the structure and the standards, the precedents for higher dimensions. Perhaps those who ventured there before had a different system.

4. One should resist electric treatment in the brain, for it is subtlety that produces thought.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Interface Euphoria 17.0

A lot of life's meaning as I know it amounts to statements such as the following:

'Possibly TRUE!'

'Let's open this silver thing'

'They are dancers, dancing, dancing!'

'Until a firey age when this age shall pass!'

Friday, June 17, 2016

Sketch of A Partially Coherent Concept of Exceptions, Based on Earlier Work

1A - 1D

The first quadra concerns universal exceptions, under my first model.

2A - 2D

The second quadra is supplementary, relating to concepts in terms of nature and construct, but not necessarily philosophy.

3A - 3D

The third quadra is an interpretation of the potential realizable qualities of the second quadra.

4A - 4D

The fourth quadra is an interpretation of the ultimate unrealizable qualities that emerge roughly coherently. That is, any given thing tends to have at least one of the unrealized qualities when it is not a universal entity.

The four quadra might be tentatively called: The Watering-Hole, The Bridges, The Mathematician, and The Student.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Asceticureanism Cartoon

Slightly satirical. I don't like Pamela very much. But it might fit the model of moderate pleasure according to Asceticureans, if a Christian can have a wife, and a Jew can have heaven... Metaphysics is of this world, according to Asceticureans, unless we adopt a dimensional view... And remember, the relationship between masturbators and Pamela is fairly complex. That's why I chose that example. People feel a strange loyalty to Pamela. It evokes loyalty, even without reason.


Forms of learning:

Affirmation. I am wowwie.

Connect the dots. Wowwie one is wowwie one.

Experience. Is this wowwie?

Ideas. What is most wowwie?


My first rendition of Hermann Hesse's intellectual glass bead game. My thesis is that anything that sounds intellectual is part of the game.

A kindly stranger says:

‘You look like the perfect young poet!’

And he tips his hat, and that is the end of it.

But as you continue on, you begin to look at the landscape:

The little hills with grass, how short the trees are…

The way tulips smell sweetly but aren’t as tall as the trees…

You begin to think you are more of an intellectual…

A dreamer, a Romantic…

Your relatives comment on your wisdom, and you decide to be become a philosopher.

But a stern voice says:

‘Philosophers are born, not made’

And so, you try to justify your past with the idea that you were always a philosopher…

Not just a philosopher, you were a seeker of immortal life!…

You meet Adimus, who says:

‘Is this really your best work…
There are places where you could improve’

And you begin to work more diligently,

And it is like cleaning the stables of Parnassus.

You meet Plato
(or perhaps really a talking statue),
who says

‘From now on you must direct your work
towards only the best aim…
Proceed on the basis of your knowledge
of the good and only the good!’

However, you begin to encounter evils, and wonder about the fairness of life.

You try to hold a firm principle.

You meet Cadmus, who says,

‘From now on, you can try the same efforts,
But you must multiply! Be more effortless,
And reap the great rewards!’

A phase of manic productivity ensues.

Phoebe notes:

‘You have now a hint of intelligence,
so live and prosper by your work,
if you are able!’

You turn a critical eye on old materials, and note that there were shortcomings.

In some places you didn’t have the hint of divine brilliance which you now occasionally find in your work.

Is it a subjective quality?

How much of subjectivity you now know, that you did not know before!

Then you meet Ephesius, who says,
‘That is all well and good, but now
you must do the same, only more

This is generally the beginning of the Gestalt phase of knowledge.



"Rearing its many ugly heads..."

Information evolves into pleasure.

Tactics evolves into psychological dominance.

Philosophy evolves into psychology.

Skill evolves into mastery of metaphysics.

Biology evolves into phenomenology.

Psychology evolves into biological functions.

Identity evolves into entity.

Military rule evolves into economic monopoly.

Language evolves into communication.

Consciousness evolves into perception.

Ideas don't evolve, they're Platonic.

Phenomenology evolves into Art.

Art evolves into Criticism.

Criticism evolves into Exceptionality.

Exceptionality evolves into The Universal.

The Universal evolves into Number.

Number evolves into History.

History evolves into Politics.

Politics evolves into Economics.

Economics evolves into Physics.

Physics evolves into Poetry.

Poetry evolves into Time-Travel.

Time-Travel evolves into Immortality.

Immortality evolves into Metaphysics.

Metaphysics evolves into Religion.

This concept reminds me of the early internet.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016


"In any case, it appears that the new philosophy is supposed to determine its own relationship with aesthetics, whereas formerly it was the opposite." ---Nathan Coppedge

"Think optimistically, and anything gets much better, including computers!" ---Nathan Coppedge

"I think the moral of the archetypes is that (1) They or incoherent, because one image is not compatible with another, etc. or (2) They are coherent, but only insofar as they meet the criteria of coherency. With this understanding, it is possible to examine the archetypes carefully and extract a psychological lesson focusing on voluntary self-development. I think this is the core lesson that Jung meant to protract." ---Nathan Coppedge

"To each his own means: whatever seems good is good, if you can predict everything! Because, no crime goes unpunished, and those who know justice know to avoid punishment. They know wisdom has its rewards. They know the good life who can predict and observe." ---Nathan Coppedge, a.k.a. Asceticurus.

"Asceticureanism is self-assurance. But it is also the disappointed feeling you get when you can't have more sweets." ---Nathan Coppedge, a.k.a. Asceticurus.

"The ideal Asceticurean life is to explain the world as if it were a work of art." ---Nathan Coppedge, a.k.a. Asceticurus.

"Highly qualified information in the sense of having good ideas brings things closer to reality, but only through the actions of gods or higher forces of nature. Even forms of matter that are only slightly more real than myself may act like gods."

"I embrace all religions as having some truth, with the qualification that each religion only works when demanding technical criteria are met."

"I believe purpose is artificial and ever-present, and only gone when there is a lack of ideas... Intellectual freedom is just as important as life’s artificiality."

"What cannot be attained ultimately can be attained cheaply immediately."

"Not all good systems are ethical, because not all good systems have ethical problems."

"My sense is that good ideas are not always incorporated in nature, but when they are, they become true."

"With two time dimensions, the body itself can travel as if it had its own history—-thus, immortality is possible." ---Nathan Coppedge

"Three dimensions of time is likely to involve pure being... just as each additional dimension of a certain type tends to be the opposite of the previous: death, immortality, then no meaning of life or death. This could be analogous to spiritual existence. By this analogy, immortality could be seen as the spirit of history, while mortality could be seen as spiritual conflict. And the third dimension of time is pure being." ---Nathan Coppedge

"If I would just understand that happiness is meaning, I could forget depression and focus on a meaningless life! I can anyway minus the meaningless, is what I have to realize." ---Nathan Coppedge

"Good theories: (1) All I know is philosophy. (2) The second theory is originality (psychology, exponentiality)." ---Nathan Coppedge

"Importance is like a good germ." ---Nathan Coppedge

"Students and acolytes should be encouraged to believe that knowledge is highly accessible and often at its core, non-technical. Otherwise gaps appear in the history of knowledge, and an important intuition is lost." ---Nathan Coppedge

"Ethics: it’s about hard questions, but everyone wants soft answers." ---Nathan Coppedge

"The earliest part of my philosophical work amounts to two ideas: that ideas are unities, and that the exceptional is not merely specific." ---Nathan Coppedge


Recent Photo

Nathan Larkin Coppedge
eating at IKEA in New Haven

royalty-free. Use by using my name with the photo.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Little-known facts from many disciplines

Philosophy: 3-d people are often no more complex than 'phenomenal' statues or dolls. The immediate world is partly a result of rational thought. There are many different worlds unless only one is best.

Religion: certain people do holy work that transcends the human condition. For example, the Diascurii who wrote the bible in a day, or Moses who parted the waters, or Pippin in who lived for three years in three days.

Public Works:  people die in garbage trucks, railroad tracks, and elevator shafts because these activities are repeated so much. Danger may be only a matter of what job you have, not something as stupid as luck.

Children: magic is possible, and happens always.

Stupid Intellectual Joke

Do people have to be knowledgeable to be smart?

No, not really, not always...

I guess you're not knowledgeable...

Wait, now I disagree!


See if I remember this...

Monday, June 13, 2016

Improved Metaphysical Diagram (Philosophy / Spiritualism of Nathan Coppedge)

Tying together some old parts, this was originally an attempt to get the organization of systems down once and for all! But alas, it became metaphysical!

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Systems According to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Order Questions


The first (most basic) system is coherent math, and the last (most advanced) is coherent philosophy.


First-order questions: Rationality or Irrationality?

Second-order questions: Perfect and Complex!:
value or absoluteness or aesthetics or relativism
Half of relativism is absolute through relative-relativism.
Aesthetics is just a privileged value system.
Now it is between values and absolutes.
Absoluteness is one form of value.
Suggestion: absolute value or aesthetic value.

Imperfection is a return to graphic value failure.

Simplicity is a return to the non-linguistic.

Simplicity cannot be technical, and imperfection is informal.

Therefore, with formal systems, absolute value or aesthetic value.

Third-order questions: Exceptional or Coherent?

[Coherency is always the shortcut sometimes.
But it requires a standard].

A matter of perspective. A perfect system can be exceptional.

An exceptional system can be coherent.

If exceptions are defined as incoherent, they extend the system.

Unexceptional coherence is not coherence.

‘Exceptional’ must be used in a technical way, where it is
the unresolved coherency


Rational Only, Perfect Only, Coherent Only
Coherent math.

Rational Only, Perfect Only, Exceptional Only
Incoherent math.

Rational Only, Perfect Only, Coherent Exceptions
Paradoxical math.

Rational Only, Complex Only, Coherent Only
Coherent semantics.

Rational Only, Complex Only, Exceptional Only
Paradoxical semantics.

Rational Only, Complex Only, Coherent Exceptions
Purely theoretical coherence.

Rational Only, Complex and Perfect, Coherent Only
Formal coherence.

Rational Only, Complex and Perfect, Exceptional Only
Symbolic methodology.

Rational Only, Complex and Perfect, Coherent Exceptions
Archetypal philosophy.

Irrational Only, Perfect Only, Coherent Only

Irrational Only, Perfect Only, Exceptional Only

Irrational Only, Perfect Only, Coherent Exceptions

Irrational Only, Complex Only, Coherent Only

Irrational Only, Complex Only, Exceptional Only

Irrational Only, Complex Only, Coherent Exceptions

Irrational Only, Complex & Perfect, Coherent Only

Irrational Only, Complex & Perfect, Exceptional Only
Science fiction.

Irrational Only, Complex & Perfect, Coherent Exceptions
Philosophical constructivism.

Rat & Irrat., Perfect Only, Coherent Only
Coherent idealism.

Rat & Irrat., Perfect Only, Exceptional Only

Rat & Irrat., Perfect Only, Coherent Exceptions
Universal systems.

Rat & Irrat., Complex Only, Coherent Only
Typological semantics.

Rat & Irrat., Complex Only, Exceptional Only

Rat & Irrat., Complex Only, Coherent Exceptions
Empirical idealism.

Rat & Irrat., Perfect & Complex, Coherent Only
Coherent games.

Rat & Irrat., Perfect & Complex, Exceptional Only
Ideal semantics.

Rat & Irrat., Perfect & Complex, Coherent Exceptions
Coherent systems, categorical deduction.

De Phenomenae

*Turning the faucet to pour hot water and listening to the sound of the bath.
* A little European ice cream shop with flavors like peppermint stick and pistachio.
* The serendipitous weather of the Fall.
* An original book, found in a library on a winter day.
* She decided to keep her data plan while she searched for her phone. It had been months, and she forgot to cancel the plan.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Writing on the Spirits

I. Realization

There are many types of spirits, all of which behave willingly in relation to the Self. It is the goal of the Self to realize the spirits. (Drugs bring on false spirits). The anima is the soul of reincarnation. Psychology is the spirit of emotion. Sometimes stimulus leads to a fossil self which eventually becomes authentically born, through a fossil reality. The fossil is false, and yet the resulting spirit is true. The freedom of the mind to choose elements of the intellect maintains the authenticity of the Anima  in conscious re-existence within the Fossil World. True spirit is partly pure Psychology, but it is also moreover the realization of the Many Spirits. Mana is the communication of spirit, and can become exaggerated if one’s significance is not yet great. Great spirits can tolerate mana, often using it whimsically. Magical enchantment is the essence of location, and by having location, has no location. Enchanters are selfish and greedy in this respect, but also some of the best people and have renounced the False World, and are rewarded for this. Sorcerers enjoy the generosity of God, and have often abandoned sensation in favor of Mythical Psychology: the objective perception of Archetypes in their own Inherent Emotion. Sorcerers know the language of mythology, and have often been enchanters before. These truths seem hollow to those who have not yet perceived the vital root of their veridity.

II. Doubt

Ostensibly God already answered the only question we wouldn’t know the answer to when he created existence!

 God was asking: ‘What is nothing?’ ‘How can it be nothing?’ ‘What is divine about nothing?’ Etc.

 Asking questions about nothing with a lot of power is like creating reality.

Alternately, you might believe that reality is eternal and the nature of consciousness is the unsolved question.

 However, it is possible to see that consciousness is a means to an end to some extent. Highly expensive, often slightly disappointing.

 As soon as consciousness seems to become cheap, it bears fruit. At that point we can define consciousness as paradoxical.

To the primitive tool-building brain all that consciousness needs is a reason to live, and some form of technicalism to mull into thoughts, or some equivalent thing to turn into emotions, or both, etc.

 At this point you may find it is easier to understand consciousness.

 Consciousness is holy, so far as that is possible. It is also an attempt to process the worst problems, and to find the best solutions.

I think I have heard someone define it as ‘a holy paradox’. Other definitions could be proposed, often relating to the soul, transformation, attributes, powers, and modes of existence.

A List of Possible Arcane Diagrams


1. System.
2. Form.
3. Tool.
4. Iteration.
5. Lemma.
6. Index.
7. Art.
8. Standard.
9. Chinese Box.
10. Level.
11. Path.
12. Wisdom.
13. Idea.
14. Arch-puzzle.
15. Craft
16. Episteme
17. Archetype


1. Quadra, Category, System, Analogy, Boolean, Corollary, Prescription, Ancillary, Metaphor

2. Formulus, Formulary, Excession, Doorway, Form, Formus, Postulate, Premise, Pick

3. Conflict, Paradox, Bromide, Battle, Account, Table, Brittle, Process, Prodoxysm, Versus, Meagre, Idol, Terriformus, Deltus, Rege, Riddle, Tool

4. Paroxysm, Syllogism, Symbol, Product, Causality, Inference, Acerbic, Dactyl, Broachment, Iteration

5. Parasol, Parasollaxus, Axus, Axillary, Trellise, Trellisary, Eteration, Correction, Eridi, Elidi, Lemma

6. Seive, Frame, Taxis, Card, Code, Index, Letre, Milt, Mink, Mint, Apartment, Tarriff, Ward, Sermon, Zestre, Mold, Hand, Tabard, Field, Test, Cleve, Wild, Feme, Frieze

7. Paradigm, Parable, Art, Composition, Experiment, Forge, Fear, Phraze, Femera, Rote, World, Package

8. Modus, Modulary, Modulars, Modularity, Isometre, Isometry. Standard, Isoma, Somes

9. Lure, Roman, Tether, Dress, Teacher, Wizen, Stamp, Dust, Duelle, Crime, Spiel, Lance, Rucket, Chinese Box,

10. Tape, Classifier, Mark, Wrung, Clasp, Golden-, Clamp, Bracket, Fillia, Gild, Tier, Level

11. Flower, Path, Formila, Trake, Truck, Gilden, Flicker, Tripe, Timbre

12. Complex, Prism, Promathy, Derrick, Token, Torrential, Wisdom

13. Spire, Feather, Diagonal, Weather, Idea.

14. Conclave, Hadean puzzle, Arch-puzzle, Arch-knot, Word of power, Identical, Tower, Piedemont, Questre, Flux

15. Craft, Ruelle, Noble, Drisk, Peddle, Fourrelle, Noah’s Ark, Wield, Nostre, Rattel, Twist, Pippe

16. Game, Proper, Item, Basic, Tablet, Token, Interface, Episteme

17. Metaphysik, Semblage, Mechanic, Schemat, Meaning, Arche-fact, Archetype

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

About Soldiers

According to wisdom, soldiers seem to

1. Have a weak nation.
2. Have a weak agenda.
3. Have little significance.

Someone without these qualities is not a soldier but maybe a philosopher.

Middle Initial Divination

A. You are being watched.
B. You need to get physical.
C. Over the rainbow.
D. Under the bridge.
E. Choice between doors.
F. The door to your right.
G. There is a troll under the bridge.
H. You can think of yourself.
I. Watch out for the bed.
J. Reach out to someone.
K. Ricochet.
L. You can be right.
M. The swervy path of an ant.
N. Good and evil.
O. Everything all over again.
P. Somebody did what?
Q. It's the twins.
R. Jump and grab.
S. It's black and white.
T. You're supporting someone.
U. You have animal magnetism.
V. You get the point.
W. For you, mathematics is everything.
X. You cross the finish line.
Y. You consider your options.
Z. For you, there are other options.

Above 10,000 views to Youtube channel to date

Averaging well above 10 views / day for the first time.

One day above 70 in the past two weeks.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

What are some questions we'll never know the answer to?

Ostensibly God already answered the only question we wouldn’t know the answer to when he created existence!

God was asking: ‘What is nothing?’ ‘How can it be nothing?’ ‘What is divine about nothing?’ Etc.

Asking questions about nothing with a lot of power is like creating reality.

Alternately, you might believe that reality is eternal and the nature of consciousness is the unsolved question.

However, it is possible to see that consciousness is a means to an end to some extent. Highly expensive, often slightly disappointing.

As soon as consciousness seems to become cheap, it bears fruit. At that point we can define consciousness as paradoxical.

To the primitive tool-building brain all that consciousness needs is a reason to live, and some form of technicalism to mull into thoughts, or some equivalent thing to turn into emotions, or both, etc.

At this point you may find it is easier to understand consciousness.

Consciousness is holy, so far as that is possible. It is also an attempt to process the worst problems, and to find the best solutions.

I think I have heard someone define it as ‘a holy paradox’. Other definitions could be proposed, often relating to the soul, transformation, attributes, powers, and modes of existence.

Assumptions of Coherentism / Categorical Deduction

Assumptions for the system, roughly:

(1) Every term has an opposite, or at least an imaginary opposite, even if no opposite has yet been formalized, it can be thought about in terms of the first term and its opposite properties.

(2) Each opposite may be used to express all associations for the term symbolically, because at least relatively no other term may do so in each case, or alternate terms may be used. Later, terms are compared, so that the relativism is eliminated through relative relativism = degree absolutism, which may also be called iterative positivism.

(3) Opposites can occupy a Bounded Cartesian Coordinate System because by expressing opposites the only term they do not include is zero, although zero could still be used as an opposite for infinity or infinity plus one in some cases.

(4) Opposites are opposed along the diagonal, because opposites must occupy the furthest possible distance, and in a bounded Cartesian Coordinate System diagonal positions meet this criteria.

(5) Relationships must not be directly opposite, that is opposites cannot be compared without cancelling out and equaling zero. Therefore, the only option is to compare opposites indirectly. This happens to result in a clockwise and counter-clockwise formula in quadratics that I call categorical deduction.

(6) Since categorical deduction is the only possible option for any double-pair of quadratic categories and meets the above criteria, it is coherent.

(7) Since categorical deduction tends to have fewer deductions than categories, it is exponentially efficient.

(8) Optionally, it may be important to use a language in which states and qualities are roughly scientifically equivalent, since this makes sentence-forming easier.

The mod 2 set neutral Boolean set operators I discovered are is, as is, just as, when, so, and as such (in ascending numbers of total categories)

For original source, SEE:

True Religion

(What is the soul? Rephrased as, What is spirituality?)
The best advice seems to be that souls vary in strength, or at least importance within the cosmos. I believe that I have a causal essence as my identity. Souls tend to be identities, but sometimes, through magic or the influence of immortals, the soul grows its own body, and it is perhaps through this method that it learns to live on another plane.
There is a detail noted in many traditions that the quality of the soul determines how and where it lives. It is only subjective in a spiritual sense —- since these manifestations are all that we know of so-called ‘physical’ reality.
For those that are not developed, it is said that the ‘monsters’ of the appetite take over, and the crude element of the world is therefore in need of abstractions, justice, temperence, and the fulfilling of appetite. It is argued that spiritually the appetite never needs to be fulfilled, and starvation is a shorter path to enlightenment. However, this neglects the cruel rules of the world which may demand that a starved person or someone who abstains from sex, liquor, or some other sense, may be considered uneducated, etc.
The principle of punishment emerges from paying what the gods call ‘unnecessary’ dues to those who are ‘in the spiritual pit of (insert expletive)’.
However, I argue, mortals provide the key to originality. Indeed, we are all evolving into God (s) by our own standard. Those who have no standards or who always fail do not evolve.
Historically, some people have been very great, and then sunk low by forgetting who they were. Other people were always in the middle, but always doing something significant for others. And another view is that it takes very many incarnations to do anything that actually looks passably normal and significant. And still another view is that everyone is approximately equal, but life is imbalanced. Unfortunately, this last view poses the smallest amount of possibility for progress, even though it suggests that much progress has been made.
One possibility at this time in history, given corruption, and given the desire for a modicum of benefits for everyone, is that souls could exist as information. This is the primary spiritual view which would allow for materialism: hopeless cases indebted to the material world, who never have the courage to confront their passions. However, even in this type of world, the soul could grow through intellectual concepts concerning how the soul is to be treated and how it is meant to behave or psychologically or magically interact with the world. Progress could be made between deaths, and the immortal factor might be some kind of consistency in memory or composition which comes about due to an ‘affinity’ between God’s aesthetic choices, and one’s own choices and memory. In this case, it would be important to make skillful aesthetic choices to gain standing, or to do something else intellectually signficant, or to make metaphysical discoveries.
The major possibility of disaster in such a world becomes the capacity to reject the soul, as the soul is the primary exponent of the spiritual self.
There are also other views that dwell on corrupt aspects and bad ideas, and these are worth rejecting under the view that Socrates was wise and believed that for mortals, justice involved the good life. Aesthetics and metaphysics can then be put in service of the good. Temperence becomes a way of moving in the direction of the philosophical life, which holds high promise for materialism.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Above 500,000th author

On Amazon (for 2 years).


Thursday, June 2, 2016

Now that everyone has a smartphone or iPhone mostly useless advice

*Use big type on your webpage (but you will probably need a laptop to edit).         *


"There can be an ultimate truth. [And yet] ultimate truths can be immediate truths."
---Nathan Coppedge, acquisition theory

"Some cases are effective because of a constant.But in many other cases, a case may only be effective when it is 'active'.This distinction between active and passive processes often defines the origin of a function."
---Nathan Coppedge, active process

"The importance... is in forming a rational system. But as soon as we can be responsible for such a system, we can also be responsible for destroying it."
---Nathan Coppedge, intellectual morals.

"Thinking of good things might be selfish. Thinking of bad things might be foolish."
---Nathan Coppedge, intellectual morals.

"I discovered recently that certain types of abstractions are believable and yet with only thought as evidence. It seems to vary from person to person what these things are. I think this points towards an as-yet-unrealized reality in higher dimensions". --- Nathan Coppedge, Quora 2016

"Wise persons throughout history have recommended a life of temperance and moderation (even in the emotions) with the assumption that total indulgence either backfires or is unattainable. Some of the most insatiable lovers and gluttons also claim to be the least satisfied. People who are highly emotional sometimes live in an emotional desert. Learning from these cases, philosophers preach moderation." ---Nathan Coppedge, Quora 2016.

"I for one equate emotions and intellect as being identical. There is no true analysis of intellect without the emotions. Emotions have properties. Intellect just has abstractions. Both are necessary, and if they are perfectly complex, then they are boundless and immoderate." ---Nathan Coppedge, Quora 2016

"Which is often overlooked, is that technical words need a technical meaning. Analytich is not just analytic, but a step beyond the analytic. In this way, with every word each language offers a particular tier on every ladder. They are not just words, but words ideally suited to their schema." ---Nathan Coppedge, The Philosophical Conditional

"Thoughts (are the definition of) travel."

"If there is a metaphysical fourth dimension, then time travel may exist as early as the 3.5. At that point, a mixture of talent and divine intervention might take you there without even seeing the fourth dimension very clearly. However, it is still only about as probable as magic invisibility, teleportation, or extreme biological longevity." ---Nathan Coppedge, answer to 'could time travel ever be possible', June 2016

"Time is the common medium connecting all the outsides." ---Nathan Coppedge, June 2016

"Evolution takes place through a kind of smallness within time. Like it or not, it is often greater to think or perceive than to struggle or die." ---Nathan Coppedge, June 2016

"Consciousness as we understand it begins with the hierarchy of utility." ---Nathan Coppedge, June 2016

"For is it not a mistake to say that things are ‘approximately true’ ?" ---Nathan Coppedge or who?