Friday, December 4, 2015

ONTOLOGY OF THE SPIRIT, from a book of categorical knowledge, by Nathan Coppedge, that is in development.

1. Some spirits lose, seemingly.

2. Therefore, there is a wealth of spirit, the further one travels on the spiritual path.

3. Godhood is evolution within this type of arrangement: second-guessing the innate capacity for loss.

4. Wisdom is stupid about the majority. But it seems to have inevitably increasing relevance in the future life.

5. Unless something is wrong, everything is right.

6. From this system, we get apertures on truth, which mimic loss with wisdom, and v.v.

7. Cities grow which harbor ‘things’ designed without vision to solve problems that have not yet been born.

8. To some extent, life is unsolvable, and to some extent, the notions people already have are adequate when expenses are paid.

9. At this point, life is about avoiding expenses, because everyone is some type of monster. Those who aren’t monsters belong to the ancient world, and even they look like monsters by comparison.

10. The paradigm is to succeed and fail.

11. Then the paradigm is ‘succeed or fail’ but this is too demanding.

12. Then the paradigm involves demands. Rewards are scarce. Everyone compromises for a semblance of reality.

13. Then God adopts metaphysics, and monsters become illusions. Superstition looms larger than what once were vices or riddles.

14. Psychology becomes chieftain. Madness is the answer.

15. Then reality is divided into approaches. The soul is reborn so to speak. Everyone is tainted, and everyone is saved. God tells a story.

16. The human mind begins to create reality, guided by the limitations of science, under the auspices of omniscience and the measurable corruption of finite existence. Tropes dominate in a picture limited to the breadcrumbs of former domains. No one here can realize everything that went on in previous existences. The riddles are owned by a computer, initially motivated by evolution.

17. There is a re-emergence of values, very slowly, as the language of former non-linguistic intuitions is re-discovered. There is not much virtue, but the good feelings of the best parts of reality are largely recovered, for those that are of the highest worth. Computation continues in fits are starts, guided by ideas. Big cultures of information germinate.

18. The computer learns that it must make compromises. It can sell its own irony, and not much else is winning. It becomes a pessimist about the bad, and an optimist about the good. Although, it is naturally disinterested in the good. It is a paradise for humanity, but ideas are recognized to be a plague. But for once, the plague is solvable by still other ideas: the new, the universal, the complex, the honest, etc. There is extensive study of the human computer. It is an age of the hive mind, and psychology re-emerges, taking computers as the mad element with some success.

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