Friday, November 13, 2015


Interactive Math Program, 2000 - 2001.

"Today we're going to study perpetual motion machines... Most perpetual motion machines come in a predictable form. What form is that? A wheel. Most wheels have one key problem: you cannot change the bearings or what have you without introducing something from the outside."

"Actually, yes, you can!" I said (perhaps mistaking his question). "You can fix the rod-member that runs through the wheel, and then attach something to that."

Jonathan: "I'm not sure what you mean."

"You can fix something inside the wheel by attaching it to the rod member."

"The fulcrum, he means." said Mr. Romao. "Does it work?"

"I don't know if it works, I just know that it works. It works for the effect, the supposed effect, that I thought you were referring to."

"So, maybe there is perpetual motion, according to Nathan Coppedge."

"So, let's devote the rest of the class to designing perpetual motion machines." Mr. Romao said.

All I could come up with is that single wheel.

"Better than we could do." Jonathan said. "We didn't invent anything. Just a variation of the Bah-Ska-Ra wheel."

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