Sunday, September 13, 2015


*Discernment is going to be hyper-. Because it serves preferences, which determine how useful society is for the urban citizen.

*There is an emphasis on functional paradises. So there is an emphasis on exponential values. Exponential values involve high-quality values. An example is the combination of Urbania (qua belle-artes urbania), Technology, Intellectualism, and Experiences. But other examples may exist for logic, ideas, and entertainment. The earlier four categories are for the urban modular modality.

*There is a rise of compartments, because of the 'risen environment' of skyscrapers. Compartments will have functions, and functions will become profound.

*There will be cohorts and initiations. Initiations are augmented accesses to specialized knowledge which serves a temporary, contrapuntal purpose. Cohorts are simply categories of urban citizens which are susceptible to initations. They can be treated statistically or via specialization. Specialization can be used as a technological tool to access citizen modalities. Statistical approaches can be used as an access between government and citizen.

*The fall from seriousness: society will become increasingly serious in its attitude, but not in a serious way. Many projects will become more casual, in part because of the reliance on computer algorithms to do the work. Serious people will not need to be serious in their attitude, but will simply expect the right reaction, and will test the market for particular unconscious responses. Conscious responses will be reserved for entertainment and major parser functions. We can already see this relationship in the interaction between movie studios and the acting business. However, conscious control will continue to be checked by accesses to logic and modalities of inference.

*Garbage removal will need to take place as a form of social critique at a relatively high level, or serious problems will become entrenched as social mores. Nonetheless, accepting the output that actually occurs, creatively or otherwise, will become an increasing challenge apart from artificial 'platforms' in which formalized learning takes place. Part of this collective problem is that urban citizens are not being rewarded enough for what may be translated with some difficulty as a good idea. There is greater need for metaphor and transactivity to achieve some creative ends, and sometimes the output will be gradual, rather than immediate.

*There will be a thirst, whether it is recognized or not, for continuing modification of the human environment. It is one of the prevailing metaphors for human progress, and questioning it may lead to social dysfunction. This may involve more attention to physical infrastructure, particularly materials technologies.

*Whether it is recognized or not, the concepts that impress themselves as advanced philosophical or artistic ideas will be the focus of the common intellectual imagination. When concepts remain un-discussed, un-questioned, or when tools do not exist to utilize them intellectually, then the burden of progress will be wasted on mental health disorders and poor health habits. This is a major risk, and the key dilemma is that (to my knowledge) no consolidated tool has been built to address the construction of ideas. People thrive on fascination, particuarly if there are visible results produced in the built environment including information infrastructure (games, etc.), financially, or as a social movement.

*There will be an increasing reliance on icons, even of relative complexity, to represent ideational concepts. There will be no distinction in the importance between icons of minor complexity, and those of intermediate. It will simply be a matter of how perfect the icons are, and the role will often be secular, but ought to be integrated with logic. The result might be a more meaningful society that is more informationally structured, and the consequence will be to have increased info-functionality and greater faith in progress. People will desire more tool-access in this immersive symbol-laden realm, which will provide an opportunity to sell info-related products, even through a government channel as a charity package. The cheapness of producing electronics makes this a resilient method for boosting citizenship and government concepts, and thus, ultimately, also practical functions (biomedical, education, social services, etc.)

*The rise of variablistic identity: citizens will want encouragement about math-based metaphors of modality. For example, they will want reassurance about immortality so as to have confidence about moment-to-moment functionality as a continuum. They will also want assurance about the availabillity of secondary or ancillary functions, such as standard applications, advice from high authority, and economic optioning. Some of these modal functions should be expanded to serve certain interests, including simple-to-manage standard packages based on user preferences and user functions. Whether the applications are consumer, or government, the role will be to augment the person in the most painless, most psychologically-conducive way, without adopting the tragic veil of mainstream psychology or government.

*People have digested the concept of an artist, and the concept of immersive experiences. They want more access to simple functions that improve their lives. A greater role for intellectual interpreter programs, data-enhancement, and psychological responsiveness may improve this area..

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