Monday, March 30, 2015

Photography by Nathan Coppedge

I now have a variety of relatively cheap photos available at (a photography website). They're easy to order, but it requires Paypal. Here is my photography gallery:

It is active enough that I have one favorite already, even though I'm new.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Nine Months Until My Book The Dimensional Phenomenology Toolkit Will be Published.

This book is the 4th volume of the Dimensional Encyclopedia.

Take heart that I found almost none of the concepts in the hour+ crash course on phenomenology unfamiliar. Add a little originality and an intellectual voice, and the effect is not destined to be very bad. The book is currently on schedule.

To celebrate my love for phenomenology, I will abbreviate some of the concepts and insights I derived from the crash course in phenonomenology video (I think a lot of student phenomenologists if they were being honest would say they never learned anything more about phenomenology than what that guy taught in the course).

Here are the full notes I took to the video. Some of these are my own theses:


*Time, consciousness.

*We cannot know the unknown.

*Can we decide that knowledge isn’t a formalism? Isn’t that like deciding that it is not specific? Generality might easily be an emotion, and an emotion might be incoherent.

*Incoherent emotions --- idea.

*At what point does the dialectic escape the problem?

*Problem of Eden --- shame ~ self-consciousness

*Escaping causal and nomological explanations such as laws of nature.

*Jeff Yeshimi ---- neuroscientist (?) who does phenomenology, connecting the two.

*Hiedeggar: there is no subject, then later he found it.

*The question of what it is----metaphysics.

*Husserl argues for physicalism, then insists objects were constructed.

*Moods disclose the content of reality.

*Moods do not explain anything objectively: psychology.

*The need to avoid objectivity --- the case of frustration without a source.

*Concept of Seeming.

*When we try to interpret our mind, this creates uncertainty about the content.

*The content is otherwise less uncertain, but qualified with the unknown.

*Theme of contrast. Neither here nor there.

*Experience requires an object for reality, but not for experience. Experience becomes unreal when it has no object. Immaterial objects are necessary in the sense that they are personal.

*Husserl: form versus substance, prefers form for explaining experience (intensional objects).

*If we don’t determine experience, then our objects are located in a kind of space and time (relevance).

*Real --- physical

*Raal -- flux

*Ideal---formal structures


*Epoche --- focusing on the intensional content.

*Reduction ---- Husserl procedure to show experience, Merleau-Ponty says its impossible.

*Determinately indeterminate.

*Gnomatic explosion

*Adumbrating further possible experiences --- corruscation.

Yet Another Link to My Academic Profile

Those that have not read any of my published articles may find that is worth checking out:

And, "Talks" on objectivity and perpetual motion:

Up to 140 Followers for the First Time on Twitter

Thanks to an Einstein-related post, I got two new followers in the last hour. Thank goodness


Analyzing a Quote by Albert Einstein

"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage - to move in the opposite direction." --Albert Einstein

I have the feeling that this is a faded trope that felt like wisdom during his time. Technology and evolution, if they exist in replacement for religion, demand ever more complex dimensions and manifestations. Einstein was evidently not a believer in the genuine fourth or fifth dimensions, or saw fit to be an opportunist in regards to them.

That's about the nearest to harshness that I can get on the subject, since it is a thought of a genius and something of a truism.

I find myself, however, in completely the opposite model of behaviorism. Not that I believe that I somehow achieve relativity first, and embarrass myself when I become God. Einstein would predict that I say that in response, and in small ways I predicted it, too. What I mean is that where Einstein's great mission appeared to be to locate himself in space and time in every direction, my own mission always involves a linear progression. And maybe this is what Einstein is referring to by 'intelligent fools' (normally if one fails to interpret him properly, then that is the overbearing assumption), but intelligent fools are precisely those who make things bigger, more complex, and more violent according to Einstein. Whereas evolution seems close to doing just those same things.

Apparently, Einstein opposed linear progress (the progress of intelligent fools), or he would believe that violence was a good thing, which doesn't appear to be what he is saying. So Einstein must have had doubts about  evolution or higher-dimensional reality, or some combination. 

If evolution is the more generic choice for what not to believe in, then the answer may simply be that he did not feel dimensionally evolved. Which became a standard answer around that time, perhaps due to his influence.

If dimensionality is seen as the generic answer in the mode of intelligent fools, then evolution might seem relatively complex. But, unfortunately, this leaves no option for dimensional evolution. Conveniently, it paints Einstein as a hero for fitting the precise formula of the-thing-that-isn't-an-intelligent-fool: in other words, 'an evolution that might seem relatively complex'. I can see Einstein shivering at this argument. Psychologically, the role being played at this point is not omniscient god of the cosmos, but rather it has been reduced to the complexities of a math professor. At this point, the arrogance of Einstein's statement seems almost like a complex. Perhaps that's what he thought he needed to tell God.

More and more, it seems like Einstein was influenced by history after all, and had a body of beliefs which stood apart from his mathematics. If that is the case, then an important belated corollary is that Einstein may have had some false assumptions which in the purest philosophical sense still deserve to be questioned.

It is then understandable if students of mathematics and physics continue in an attitude of critical analysis, rather than just accepting older theories as if they are writ from God. Just because Einstein contradicts his critics does not mean that they cannot be right. Contradicting Einstein may take violence, but that is not to say that a new theory would not be brilliant.

Einstein took for granted that a new theory would mean a bigger bomb. But I think that is not the case. I think in the spirit of paradoxical violence we would find a theory that is not so insidious as the atom bomb. And, if a larger bomb is what new theories produce, then ironically, there can't be much wrong with intelligent fools who favor theory over manifestation.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Improved Author Rank

I'm in the top 100,000 authors again on Amazon.

Unless I sell books tomorrow, it will gone by tomorrow.

Today I sold two. But one was an e-book.

I was experiencing dry spells for several weeks.

At least I sold one Perpetual Motion Machine Designs & Theory in a bookstore (actually, it may have been a non-Amazon website). Three others were online.

Kindle edition of the PMM D&T has a bestseller rank for now:

    • Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #184,790 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
      • #95 in Books > Engineering & Transportation > Engineering > Reference > Patents & Inventions

Link to my author page here: Nathan Coppedge's Amazon Author Page. Normally you can find that link near the top on the left of the blog.

Students at SCSU...

Watch out for packets of perpetual motion concepts printed on cardstock paper. I have been distributing them at bulletins, the Engleman cafeteria, and the table in Morrill hall. Although the janitors or other interested parties may have collected them at the end of the day, some may still be available on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and some remain on the bulletins in Engleman. They're about 4 X 4 in. and marked 'free' or 'free perpetual motion concepts'. Some may also be available with the physics department, with a particular gentleman who agreed to share them with students interested in physics. His is the first office to the left of the secretary's desk. But for those with less courage, it may be easier to just pick one of the ones I have left on bulletins. Feel free to pluck them off and keep them / frame them. It is my goal to develop a legacy as a hobby inventor.


Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Another Compliment from a Potential Critic

Thanks for the interesting topic.

I could not see any detail in the photos / video of 
your device.  

Can you provide us with a more detailed drawing or photo ?

I would very much like to replicate / see for my self the device.


See the rest of this conversation about perpetual motion HERE.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Both Google+ and My Blog

are above 30,000 views now. Collectively it's about a 17th of a million views. More if I count my website, which has 105,000 views since August 2006.

Fame? Not yet. But I do have a lot of material online.

Recently I posted "clues" about perpetual motion machines at a science fair page at

Perhaps someday I'll get the fame I deserve. Right now, I'm only selling about a book a week, down from one every two or three days.

Forgive the greed, it is good material!

Sunday, March 22, 2015

A Profound Proof Regarding Conscious Existence

In Defense of Consciousness Resolving Descartes' Illusion Problem:

If meaning is materials, then meaning is real. If materials are existence, then matter is real. It's a little unfair. We have to believe matter is real, because we have a choice between matter and meaning.

The Essential Questions of Free Will

1. Does materialism mean that things are determined?
2. Is it possible to resist resistance?
3. Are there things that are neither past nor future?
3. Do the past and future interact?

My answer is NYYY

A High Compliment from a Potential Critic....

Re: The Escher Machine, The Escher Machine...
« Reply #4 on: Today at 04:22:42 AM »
This is going to take some thinking about. I'll get back to you later when I've had a chance to consider what you've written.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Proofs Defending the Escher Machine

My post dated today at responds to a query that the Escher Machine may be like the Tracked Spindle-type designs:

Re: TinselKoala. Thank you for being so circumspect. Of course some sort of tracked spindle is the default thesis for this type of thing. 

You may find this irrelevant, but I have thought sometimes that my experiment was different because the background was derived from the Escher Machine concept and not the tracked spindle.

There are several differences, which I try to find meaningful:

(1) The Escher Machine is designed to have sideways momentum from the backboard (more steeply angled board), which could not occur in a spindle device the end of which could not push against a board during the process of its motion.

(2) The spindle device is virtually designed to lose altitude by virtue of the spindle design. The same is at least NOT AS TRUE of a spherical marble.

(3) Combining 1. and 2., we have a result which would predict less loss of altitude (due to 2.), and more potential energy (due to 1.). Thus, I think it is fairly impossible that it follows the same type of equation as the tracked spindle device.

If my conclusion is found to be true, then the issue remains open to debate, unless a mathematician can prove that the physics between the two devices are somehow the same. I think most such 'proofs' simply ignore my arguments.

I find the addiction to proofs is not necessarily vindicating of a valid position inherently. After all, rarely will mathematics ever tell you how a computer works. If a perpetual motion machine is more interesting, in some ways (some variable or exception) it may also be more complex than a computer in some specific way or ways.

Here is a thought experiment that I find helpful about the Escher Machine. See if you agree!


(1) Someone leaning against a wall that is angled to the left or right will be jilted sideways.

(2) A similar construction with a lever could cause its base to rise, by applying significant leverage.

(3) A lever applied about a screw could lift the shorter end of the lever inside the screw, theoretically (e.g. by aid of wheels or bearings).

(4) Since the longer end of the lever need not move to a lower position than the short end of the lever to create leverage, the actual base of the lever can move up without causing any downward motion at its level.

(5) Thus, a lever could lift its base while moving roughly horizontally, so long as leverage is applied that is stronger than the resistance.

(6) The horizontal motion may exceed the vertical gain at the base, although not the vertical loss at the top.

(7) Weight is somewhat equivalent to leverage in the sense that it can provide lift. For example, a human body displaced onto a lever can cause a gain in height by moving the lever a greater distance. But this effect is even more exaggerated when the person is counterweighted by something. In that case, it takes about equal leverage distance minus resistance. An exception.

Therefore (8) A sphere may be able to lift its own weight if the weight is displaced---that is, if motion-from-rest is occurring. Momentum must be provided by something. But in this case, unlike the spindle case, the backboard provides momentum. In the case of the spindle, it is due to vertical gravity, but in the case of the Escher Machine it is due to a re-directed nearly horizontal gravity, which may be called a mass-force.

Consider a second experiment:


(1) A ball dropped along a downwards-sloping wall will shoot out when it reaches the floor, if the floor is smooth.

(2) The ball shoots out further under specific conditions, a combination of the maximized angle of the wall, and any reductions by friction.

(3) The mass of the ball serves a purpose similar to being dropped.

(4) Upwards-moving momentum is possible.

(5) In theory, momentum may be significant from such a sloped wall.

(6) It may be possible to direct momentum upwards, if there is more horizontal motion than vertical (as per prior).

(7) There is no principle which says that resistance must exceed force, as demonstrated by all kinds of unbalanced and electric things.

(8) So perhaps the principle of the Escher Machine is proven?

Considering these thought experiments, I think some people could change their minds, and it is not so much how much knowledge they have of physics, as how un-restrained they are in considering new hypotheses.

Thank you for reading. And please respond if your mind is not completely resolute. 

Original posting at:

Continuing Pursuit of Longevity Secrets

The following, inspired by Ming the Clam (who lived to 507) are listed as 'efficiency factors' in the (eventually) forthcoming Dimensional Immortality Toolkit, scheduled to be released in 2028 or earlier.

 (1) Intelligence.
(2) Wisdom.
(3) Nutrition
(4) Ethical conduct
(5) Endurance
(6) Ecology
(7) Evolution

Thus, a conservative strategy might be to (1) Evolve, (2) Practice Ecology, (3) Have Endurance, (4) Conduct Oneself Ethically, (5) Find Nutrition, (6) Have Wisdom, and (7) Be Intelligent.

My earlier articles on the subject can be found at:

New Book: Coherent Systems Theory


96 Results of a Logical Permutation, elaborated to explain the logic of all known philosophical and mathematical systems. The product has been to find a context for other systems of equal importance to the categorical deduction, which is the only previously known method for formulating objective knowledge statements. The goal is to give each type of system equal treatment. Although typology is a major consideration in these systems, most typologies native to science are discarded as mere lists, or as lacking logical content. Such lists are encompassed in the term ‘organization’ rather than ‘system’ --- and thus do not meet the criteria. One of the goals of this text is to put certain strong logical theories on equal-footing with the mathematical tradition. Included are theories of coherence and correspondence, relativity and absoluteness, recursions, equations and conjunctions, and paradoxical, exceptional, demonstrative, and positivistic reasoning. Also included is a section on pure theory, including meaningful, ethical, methodological, and logical systems.

It may be found on Amazon here:

The Day I May Have Met a Buddha

We were in Kew gardens on our vacation in Great Britain (actually I'm not sure which garden it was...),

when we noticed, in the midst of summer, a suspicious pile of snow.

The snow must have been at least 3 and a half or 4 feet high.

Suspicious as it was, I wondered whether it was hiding any treasure.

So I peered inside a gap in the ice---

To my amazement, I saw what looked like a buddha inside!

He was meditating, and the ice was melted around him in a sphere!

It looked very real.

So I said: "Good buddha, good bud-dah!"

Then I beckoned to my brother and father.

"Hey, it looks like a buddha!" my brother said.

"I wonder if he's real!" my dad said.

"Let's test it!" my father said.

"I already said something, and he didn't respond" I said. "Seems real enough" I said.

"On second thought, we'd better not" my father said.

Then my brother creeped inside the buddha-bubbble, and touched him on the face.

"What did he say?" my father said.

"He said, 'I'm a buddha' " my brother said.

"So, I guess you're a buddha now!" my father said.

"No, not me! He's a buddha!" my brother said.

"I know!" Michael said, "You know, its about when people sit up awake at night:
they're dreaming of buddhas, and the question is: do buddhas dream of electric sheep! It look suspiciously like the cover of that book! I mean, a little too suspiciously! It must be one of those things that I forget the name of, like a goth installation or something"

"You're so smart. But it's pretty cool!" Brian put in.

"I wish it were a buddha. A real buddha!" I said. I didn't regret my wish for about 14 or 15 years.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Limited Sales the Past Two Weeks

(Zero text sales since March 10th).

I'm finding encouragement that I'm still supposedly #1 in a search for perpetual motion books on Amazon.

Is this the end of my life as an author?

If you feel like giving me a little encouragement, and buying one of my books has been on your mind, consider visiting my author page and buying something:

Remember, gift certificates can be used towards your purchases...

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Contact with Another Perpetual Motion Enthusiast

I was nice enough to write a 5-Star review for a friend of mine (his real initials are T.A.), who recently published a book about perpetual motion. He was nice enough to give me a free review copy.

Here is a quote summarizing the emotions present in the book:

"Later it became clear to me that this triumphing belief of success alone, being false or not, is actually the key to real success... These are the real solutions, locked somewhere in the closet, just waiting for someone to find a key and let them out." ----Endless Energy, by Tim Gates

Here is a link to my review:

Sunday, March 15, 2015


I was writing an answer at Yahoo Answers on the subject of the provability of objectivity, and came across a number of nefarious Sophist arguments. I'm not a relativist, but I think they are worth re-posting (originally I included a lot of arguments against as well, but this is more pleasurable):

1. We can't prevent the relativist from adopting a specific belief system that denies a specific form of truth. After all, a belief system doesn't have to be logically proven.

2. Truth is one specific thing, like 'this thing is true if it does a true thing for me'. What is specifically true is not specifically anything but truth. 

3. What is the difference between truth and morals? 'Does this thing, because it is what it is, mean that it is good?' The objectivist will say, not automatically. And the relativist will reply, 'Then how do we know it is good or real?'

4. Every given thing is the best at doing exactly what it does. How could it be otherwise? After all, it is the only thing that could do what it does. This must apply to arguments as well.

5. 'What does it mean to say that a given thing has properties?' We must be saying what something's properties actually are. Therefore, the properties do not actually exist in the thing. 

6. Protagoras thought that any given thing has a good argument. That's not really relativism, it's pan-confirmation. After all, he still thought that some arguments failed. And so, he thought that some reasoning failed. There's nothing against an argument being specific. He simply seemed to think that any given thing consists of more than one thing, and where any given thing consists of more than one thing, it has more than one argument, and where it has more than one argument, one of the arguments is better. And where one of the arguments is better, one of the arguments wins. And he also believed that many things are not any one thing, and so, there are an infinite variety of arguments to defend any one thing, because the thing can have any number of properties, whether they are finite or infinite. 

Some of these arguments are due to Justin Grey.

See Also: The Equal Arguments on Any Subject:

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Incremental Progress from Last Year...

I have sold one more book than this month last year in this one-month period.

That month was the start of my e-book sales.

About a month ago I got a nine-e-book-sale day, which was a sign of growth potential.

Overall, I would say this month has been exceptionally slow for recently, perhaps since there were significant sales in January.

Crossing my fingers, but I'm hoping to get a sale a day by the end of the year. That would mark significant progress.

My books are available here:

That's the only thing that's ever said about...

Thinking I own an institution is not helpful for owning an institution. ---It's the only thing that's really worth one point in something!

"I desire something more ring-ey" --- All that's ever said about an instinct for gold.


"Da Vinci is like a walking fireplace, if he believed life is clockwork, without perpetual motion"

"The world doesn't go away if you rub your nose"

"It was smaller than a marble" --- the crap of the inventor when God gets angry

"I've been swimming like a shark since 2006" ---meaning doing just the right thing, or things wouldn't look this good...

"One of the perpetual motion principles was proven with dull regularity"

"The Arcadian laws indicate a structure of finite proportions" ---handed down from Alexandria presumably...

"What people are thinking is that God would have created it already. So they obviously aren't trying to invent it themselves..." ---citing primitive belief systems


Take it or leave it.

"Computers: exist independently, but add complexity".

"It's not all or nothing: he's on ambergris or something!"

"Intelligence seems evil to some people!"

"Traveling time ravels the mind"

"Manipulative luck is powerful stuff..."

"Healing is a good feeling."

"One way to cheat: convince yourself that things are incomplete!"

"Hell is always a convenience, because everyone is some kind of genius!"

"Perpetual motion need not disobey the law if we don't know what it's properties are".

"After creation, nature has variation."

"Profiting from pain is all about permanent gain."

"When something's unfair, it's like things aren't declared."

"We just have to bust the illusion and invent some new mentality, however strange, to re-kindle a golden age."

"Even if we are human we must be a god or an animal. In the larger scheme of life, the difference is inevitable."

"The allocation of value does not have to be at issue."---Nathan Coppedge

“I think human folly is explained by various types of economic problems, and the optimism that would result from perpetual motion would cure some of humanity’s evils”

"When there's knowledge, don't play hell. Don't play the devil unless you have something optimal to do with intellectuals."

"Humans desire good outcomes, but they are either selfish or ignorant when it comes to solving problems."

"Once we get into the a-temporal, we may as well be immortal."

"Misery: usually just one kind, keep in mind!"

"Maybe they are unfamiliar with the idea that the world is material, and my soul is small."

"The gods may be angry, I can finally see."

"That's how much energy to keep a fork up. About as much energy as to keep pants up."


"They just judge people when they don't have glassy eyes, and they forget about them otherwise."

Overall, see also:

Friday, March 13, 2015


Unbeknownst to most of the world, an unsuspecting physics professor at SCSU received certain documents describing the potentially real workings of perpetual motion, including several proofs.

Unbenknownst to most of the world, Nathan's website has existed since 2006...

Unbenknownst to most of the world, experimental evidence exists in piecemeal for significant components of three or more of these prospective designs...

Soon, if all goes well, some new important aspect of over-unity will become realized....

Perhaps a student will produce a more significant proof...

Perhaps a professor will have an epiphany...

Perhaps it isn't the end of history...

Thursday, March 12, 2015


            “When I tell you you’re Lost
            In the Age of Silence,
            You’ll Know what I mean!”
            “It’s entropy which seems
            like commotion, when knowledge
            is what gleams! And Knowledge is
            what it seems!”

This quotation incorporates what I take to be 2 mind-seals: (1) For the seeking of an inventor of perpetual motion and granting him time-travel abilities, and (2) Conveying the secrets of objective knowledge.

Functionality Expressions

I've noticed that certain expressions are used by highly functional people.

Such as:


Articles, smarticles!




Tums, Tums, Tums.
Avoid the lemonkind.
You know what I mean.
Thinking I own an institution is not helpful for owning an institution.
It's worth one point in something.

It's the only thing that's really worth one point in something!


[Also called dubiously 'the secret handshake']
1. Collect free money.
2. Spend money wisely.
3. Watch your investments.
4. Buy the comforts you can afford.

5. Develop a strategy that works.


[This may need an update later].
1. Try to own some stocks, even if they don't win.
2. Always put your bills face-up in your wallet.
3. Above all, maintain your sanity. Maintain what you don't have.
4. Collect what look like Picassos and sell them to the first bidder.

5. And possibly get angry at anyone who questions your priorities.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Book Sales Update

I have sold 50 copies of my books this year, counting e-books.

My amazon profile with all of my books can be found HERE.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

New Paper Predicting the Future of Technology and Society

I've published a number of papers recently, but this one seems particularly significant:

It is listed under Social Science papers at my Academia profile.

I also have a paper ("Radical Categorical Social Equality") trying to explain how categorical knowledge is not racially prejudiced (I have explained before that 'black and white' are categories of color, and people are still all people):

And I have a paper on the The Future of Physics responding to the problem in string theory where it may eventually seem impossible to have independent events:

Here are some other recent papers:

All from the last two weeks!

Designs & Theory & Autobiography is Now Available as a Bound Set


In 2013 and 2014 Nathan Coppedge believes he found evidence for perpetual motion. In this single, combined volume, Nathan's designs are completely available, along with a somewhat detailed autobiography. Readers will be pleased to find the majority of Nathan's work on perpetual motion contained within this volume, and may find some of the details of Nathan's early life and adolescence enlightening. This text makes an excellent holiday gift for those who are on the verge of splurging on more than one of Nathan's many published titles. Some adult content is present in the autobiography.

It may be found on Amazon HERE.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Twitter Update

Up to 130 Followers for the first time on Twitter:

Videos Gaining Viewers

on AcademicRoom and Youtube.

At least 5855 views collectively to evidence against the classical model videos.

2024 views to master angle videos.

That's about 7800 views to somewhat authentic perpetual motion activities. Good!

Monday, March 2, 2015

A New Review of the Dimensional Philosopher's Toolkit (2013, 2014, 2015)

This review is currently posted for one of the kindle editions... Objectively speaking, it seems to be a good review, since, narcissism aside, the reviewer believes that I'm offering something for philosophy.

4.0 out of 5 stars Coppedge seems to be an extreme narcissist that believes that he is the best of best in modern philosophyFebruary 28, 2015
Robert Heckner (wisconsin,usa) - See all my reviews
This review is from: The Dimensional Philosopher's Toolkit (The Dimensional Encyclopedia Book 1) (Kindle Edition)
Nathan Coppedge has written what may be seen as one of the most interesting works of modern philosophy. Coppedge has proven Wittenstein wrong, Wittenstein did not end philosophy forever. The book supplies the basis for using the categorical deduction, which Coppedge contends he created. It appears to operate under fewer assumptions than pure Aristotelian deduction. However, Mr. Coppedge seems to be an extreme narcissist that believes that he is the best of best in modern philosophy. He certainly is in the avant-garde of modern philosophy and may very well be one of the best.

The book may be found on Amazon HERE.