Sunday, January 11, 2015

The Story of the Invention of the Paroxysm or Double-Paradox

A substitute teacher was handing back homework when I had a jolt of an idea.

What if I got an A+ for something I was thinking?

What if what I was thinking concerned the paper that was being handed back to me?

The paper that was handed back had tables illustrating analogies.

So, immediately I thought: 'black is the principle of paradox, which designs the border of the problem. The analogies in the box are a principle of inversion.'

'So, I must do something with paradoxes and the principle of inversion!'

The idea lay dormant in my mind for twelve years, until 2013, when I was again approaching the subject of analogies as one of my working tools for The Dimensional Philosopher's Toolkit.

By that point it sprang out fully formed, something simpler than objective knowledge!

As it turned out, what it was was a general solution for all paradoxes!

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