Sunday, April 27, 2014

My Over-Unity Debate With My Step-Father

I had an interesting debate with my step-father concerning the over-unity model I built in November of last year, and which has been, within some qualifications, operable as a demonstration of something-or- other since then. Does it absolutely demonstrate over-unity or free energy? This was the subject of the debate.

N: First of all, I want to know, what are your expectations for this device or apparatus?

P: Well, I think it works at least to demonstrate, that is, the lever operates. I think the marble has the power to operate the lever. Well...

N: But so far as demonstrating over-unity, you think that it doesn't meet criteria?

P: Well, no. And I can show you. I can demonstrate what I mean by it's not working, using sound physics principles.

[Sometime later]

N: Did you notice the marble at the high point could immediately activate the lever, at the beginning point, if it has enough altitude?

P: No, I didn't notice that aspect of the cycle. I didn't realize [that].

N: Well, if it activates the beginning of the cycle, then that's nearly or almost certainly evidence of perpetual motion.

P: Well, I'm pretty certain, I think I know, that it DOES NOT have enough altitude.

N: I can, I would like to, show you my video which certainly or nearly demonstrates how the cycle can continue...

P: No, no, I don't need to see that. I already saw it.

N: It's a different video from the one I showed you before.

P: No, no, I don't need to see that. Its...

N: How am I going to show you what I mean if you don't accept the evidence?

P: I know. I know, based on FAITH, from sound physical principles, from the laws of physics, that it DOESN'T WORK. I don't need evidence. I can accept it ON FAITH.

N: It seems to me that you aren't accepting the proof that I am offering to the contrary.

P: Perpetual motion, over-unity, flies in the face of the entire history of engineering. You'd have to reject everything that everyone else has said.... Well, maybe not everything, because they didn't all conduct the same experiments....but darned near everything that physics has taught for hundreds of years...

N: Well, it seems to me you retracted your entire argument. What you were arguing before... you took that back... You no longer have the argument you had before. To me, that means I'm winning...

P: Well, phoo. We know there's entropy. We know there's laws of friction. Friction alone is enough to tell us that it doesn't work...

N: I can hardly agree with you at all on that point. For example, we know that it moves...

H: Well, boys, you'll have to continue your argument later. It's time to pick Jessica up from track...

Here is the video of the over-unity demonstration:, or search youtube for "successful over-unity".

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