Saturday, January 11, 2014

Introverted Developments / Private Projects

Immortal Poems is one of my slowest projects. I have about two or three (different from the Poems by God, because of subject matter). The emphasis for these pieces is realism and fulfilling the pieces-in-puzzle mentality in the quest or psychic prophecy of immortality, making them more difficult to write. The simple explanation is that they are more rare, and therefore more difficult to locate in my mind.

My Theses project, which inspired the 1-Page-Classics, is slowing down, although I have created three new folders showing further degrees of Theses, following different forms of standardization. These new folders do not have 1,600, but instead, 5 to 50 so far. Mostly titles, as before. Theses 2 has creative essay-type material, for example: "A Platform and Popularity: How to Market Recursive Typology" and "Place of Flowers: Bulbs of Power and Stamens of Knowledge." Theses 3 has pieces that fit the new classics standard, which is hard to describe. One example is "Salt of Peter" and another is "Terrestrians." Theses 4 has only elements which forgive a secret of the universe. Presently only "The Dance in the Ether," a piece which gives a kind of etherized feeling.

I have a project called The Footnotes which consists of diagrams (mostly flow-charts) which interpolate intellectual developments throughout history, and sometimes into the future.

I have another project called Old Ones that I may or may not publish, about cute sayings that I attribute to my unborn children.

The Dimensional Encyclopedia is in the process of developing. It is likely that I will eventually publish at a faster rate than one per year. The second volume is complete but won't be published until I receive my Kirkus review. I have intentionally put some challenging subjects along the path (phenomenology, mathematics) to keep the productivity even.

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