Friday, January 31, 2014

Feeling ill

Consequently thinking of leaving Southern CT State University, where I have been a student part-time for several years.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Nathan Coppedge's Perpetual Motion Machine Designs & Theory

Perpetual Motion Designs & Theory is being re-issued as a print volume, available on Amazon:


Nathan Coppedge has been hailed as one of the top three theorists of perpetual motion, the others being Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein. This is the long-awaited print form of Nathan's designs, including all variations of the first eleven concepts Nathan thought up. Also included are the 'early failures,' 'perpetual motion oddities', and 'apparatures' or mobile building concepts.

The book includes full-page illustrations explaining the design and function of all the variations of machines that appear on my website, including the recent Modular Trough Leverage Device (MTLD), which I believe to be proven by my Nov. 10th experiment.

The book is available for $9.68, well within the range of some gift certificates.

Those interested can also look at my philosophy titles.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

What I would say if I were an Egyptian God

They don't, and they don't know
That is what everyone is like

They feel, and they don't go

---Nathan Coppedge

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Dear Readers

There is now a new, cheaper edition of the Dimensional Philosopher's Toolkit.

There is also a new, cheaper edition of another title, which has been re-named the One-Page-Classics (from 1-Page-Classics, which for no good reason was unsearchable).

For a list of my published books, see my author page at Amazon (I have also permanently linked there somewhere along the left margin of my blog):

Monday, January 20, 2014

The New One-Page-Classics

In case anyone was horrified by the abstract art on the cover of the original 1-Page-Classics, I have published a new edition with a plain, striped cover. Also, the title has been changed to be more searchable with Amazon keywords.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Masterful Zen and Sufi Koans


In my practice as an artist in abstract calligraphy, a form of modern art, I frequently feel a reliance on Zen mentalities to stabilize my artistic despair, or else to stabilize the mad urge to extend uselessly in all directions. Zen becomes a rational force,

And, as I noticed when I quit the middle school soccer team, sometimes the urge to abandon life’s everyday forms has value which goes well beyond what life anticipates.

In these verses, some of which seem as ancient as they are apparently original, and others which seem as convincing as they are conventional, glimmers of practical and otherworldly wisdom shine through the aperture of the unexpected contradiction.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

I feel I may have found a faster solution to Pi

Updated with corrections. As re-posted from M-Phi (Mathematical Philosophy Blog, run by mathematical philosophers):

It turns out if I take (((10e) (pi - 1) *X) / 2) this produces some differences in sequence near the decimal point, but if I then * (e / pi) the result is an interesting number:


As it turns out, the first two digits are 5 * 5, which I call an irrational factorization of 1 * 10. The second two digits are equal to 2 * 9, the fifth and sixth digits are a straight irrational factorization, the seventh and eight digits are 4 * 7, skipping one level of irrational factorization. The ninth and tenth digits are 4 and 7, as if the series represents a factorization in process, in other words, a simplified version of the earlier irrational factorization process. My expectation is that the numbers that follow are always a simplified form of the same process that has occurred for these earlier numbers. Maybe that is simplistic, but finding this kind of set with factors of pi is unusual.

Earlier I was more excited, because I had mistakenly thought that 32 was 3 * 8. However, the explanation that 32 skips one level of factorization may be rationalizable through some other way.

It would be interesting to get feedback on whether I have found a way to generally exploit the decimal system or predict decimals of pi, since at no point did I divide e out of the system, and I suspect pi is still present as a factor of some kind.

---Nathan Larkin Coppedge, January 15th, 2014.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Introverted Developments / Private Projects

Immortal Poems is one of my slowest projects. I have about two or three (different from the Poems by God, because of subject matter). The emphasis for these pieces is realism and fulfilling the pieces-in-puzzle mentality in the quest or psychic prophecy of immortality, making them more difficult to write. The simple explanation is that they are more rare, and therefore more difficult to locate in my mind.

My Theses project, which inspired the 1-Page-Classics, is slowing down, although I have created three new folders showing further degrees of Theses, following different forms of standardization. These new folders do not have 1,600, but instead, 5 to 50 so far. Mostly titles, as before. Theses 2 has creative essay-type material, for example: "A Platform and Popularity: How to Market Recursive Typology" and "Place of Flowers: Bulbs of Power and Stamens of Knowledge." Theses 3 has pieces that fit the new classics standard, which is hard to describe. One example is "Salt of Peter" and another is "Terrestrians." Theses 4 has only elements which forgive a secret of the universe. Presently only "The Dance in the Ether," a piece which gives a kind of etherized feeling.

I have a project called The Footnotes which consists of diagrams (mostly flow-charts) which interpolate intellectual developments throughout history, and sometimes into the future.

I have another project called Old Ones that I may or may not publish, about cute sayings that I attribute to my unborn children.

The Dimensional Encyclopedia is in the process of developing. It is likely that I will eventually publish at a faster rate than one per year. The second volume is complete but won't be published until I receive my Kirkus review. I have intentionally put some challenging subjects along the path (phenomenology, mathematics) to keep the productivity even.

Recent Developments

I have published six books on Amazon this year (one more is pending review).

On November 10th, 2013 I tested what I believe to be a successful over-unity device. If constructed in a circle (modularly repeated) this could mean real perpetual motion for any willing builder. You may see my instructions on how to reproduce the experiment.

I'm still on Social Security for a schizophrenia disability. The only way out is to have more income or live with my parents. My parents don't want me to live with them, so the only way out is higher income.

My Amazon sales are lagging. Although I don't have reports yet on my recently-published books. If Amazon is an exceptional player then I may or may not have my work in bookstores in 6-8 weeks. I don't know if they ever allow bookstore deals for direct publishing. Some of my titles should seem appealing, if it's an option, but otherwise, obviously, I'll be ditched like the rest.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The Tractatus of Dualities, A Philosophical Tractatus in Couplets

Book Description

Philosophical students may garner this simple treasure of a book, which simultaneously evokes the Tao Te Ching and contemporary philosophy. As the title suggests, the pages are organized into sets of couplets, making use of Coppedge’s exclusive philosophical system. After a duality is proposed, exceptions are introduced, and then the cycle repeats. The six main parts of the book are subdivided into twenty-one sub-sections, forming a typological pyramid. The sections are Meaning, Containment, Surfaces, Causes, Quantities, Variations, Return, Modularity, Dimension, Entity, Function, Interface, Government, Architecture, Travel, Food, Wisdom, Work, Defense, Honor, and Usefulness. The effect is to produce a philosophical aesthetic, as of Ludwig Wittgenstein. The effect is also to produce a complex argument about form, nature, structure, and the beauty of language.

This title is to be released in 2014.