Friday, January 22, 2016


Concept of how to reach the most basic of genius ideas objectively. This one is called a two-part sifter because of the two quadratic levels.

1. Demonstrates wonders of the imagination.
1*. Demonstrates what is not wonderful.
2. Demonstrates intelligence, e.g. brilliance, mental dexterity.
2*. Demonstrates pitfalls of reasoning.
3. Cogent ideas, aphorisms, pieces of logic, rules of inference.
3*. Extenuations of reasoning.
4. Ingenious machines, advanced technology, logical exceptions.
4*. Mental hyperboles, fabrications, conceits.

5. Synergies, laws of nature, axioms of choice.
5*. Impossibilities, exclusions, amusements.
6. Dynamics, organizations, criticism.
6*. Truths, hierarchies, paradigms.
7. Mysteries, problems, participles.
7*. Obviations, derivations, morals.
8. Systems, processes, entities.
8*. Symbols, rules, attributes.

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