Monday, December 22, 2008

A Miniature Manifesto on Hypercubism (Hypercubics, the application of categorics as a media)

Landscapes of hyperdimension illuminate that limnus or litmus between the geometric and poetic ideal, in the interest of woodblocks and vignettes sine quo non in ink and watercolor form

A conceptual scene produces contexts of contrast and realization; dimensional loops, smooth sides and bending angles in which a thought experiment or religious icon may be at home

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

On an earlier article concerning Qualific Operators

It may serve to clarify that the earlier article on qualifics deals not essentially with the death of mathematics in any erroneous or far-blown poetical sensibility (although it is a poetical sensibility; to say it is poetic for the sake of destroying mathematics would be erroneous or even specious by induction) so much as with categorics as an interpretive system akin to philosophy, that is dealing inhensively--inherently and iteratively or correlatively--with words, thereby replacing in one frame of vision a context for holistic systemology with a context for the holistic systemologization of methods comparable or analogous to math and math systems;

Where in one context a few pieces may be moved to make a beautiful battlefield of math operators as chess pieces, in a further frame of reference initial pieces are partly defined solely by the field of play; if a field is itself an operator, it is arbitrary and erroneous to pick one field alone; this isn't to say that math isn't real, but rather than the just field of correspondence is a 'mutualization' of context-concepts in a balanced manner; otherwise field may fail to define the operator;

Rejecting this previous discourse as in some way typical and fallible (under the context of math itself), the conclusion becomes under a simplification that a math of fields or math of maths is to be emphasized in defining math per se; it could be that my experience is limited enough that these things are real as a prefigurement of any real math concepts; in another framework, the framework of the previous article-as-valid, theory-concepts such as thought experiments may be the higher form of a ground for math itself; it may be that small initial compromises, seeming small, create drastic errors such as the notorious unsolvability problem;

In that context, the proposition of the 'death of math' is not so much a declaration against the validity of numbers and number-theory as it is a dismissal of conclusions drawn under the espousal of 'towers' of theory dependant on a ground that is not theory-consistent; the self-devouring logic is of two faces then: one in which it gains two faces by dependence on 'fundamentals' as a ground (with the acknowledgement of variance at high levels) and another in which theory-coherence or field-coherent thought at basis provides a ground for the contextualization OF contextualization at high levels of thought; in the second case contextualization is already prefigured by the addresal of the contextual idea in the contextual pretext; in the first case there is a duplicity between the presumption of the fundamental and the erratic brilliance of stepping beyond 'ground's idea' so posited;

By positing that the basic is basic, from a certain perspective coherence is compromised; the addresal of coherence is also the addresal intrinsically of fundamental coherence, that is the field-specificity of original idea, at the most pithy level afforded; this is not to say that the operator is divine or describes all math (because inherently math is more holistic than its terms, or may lose reality) instead rather that system in some forms embodies an equivalence to its operators; it is not that system is extensible with the right tools, instead rather as systems and tools gain specificity or perfection, a gain is made in proportion to equivalence, perhaps via the relavence of field or field-coherence;

As an idea I don't know how this applies except through a dimensional and categoric framework I've called Motism or Hypercubism (the second closer to artwork than anything systemic); its possible ideas of beauty embodied in Eridianism or Limnics in their brightness are coherent with systems thinking, however the connection has been limited consciously to me only to symbological representations and not anything strictly rational, except as a sort of poetic game;

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Thoughts as Natural Objects


[it was brilliant, here is the shell: the carapace is a math for something poetical]


[here is the machine, what does it do?: the entire idea was a scheme on paper]


[I found it there: it was as an idea of place]


[it was like that: as of a found object holds the idea]


[it was participant in an eclectic scheme]

Geometry of Intellectual Caveat

1. Conciliation

While you assume this, I disagree, yet by my reasoning yes

2. The Eventuality

Self consciousness requires a loop of self-reference whereby it validates its will when it knows

3. The Epiphany

What is inherent is real by its own authority

4. The Schism

Sometimes weakness & strength as of other conventional opposites are not comparable (are not consistent)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Nate Coppedge & Hypercubism

Nate Coppedge: Hyper-Cubist

A work titled Corruscated Clock soon available as a giclee print or something similar; the ArtistRising website has me hopeful, even if art isn't gambling

I've decided to use my standard name for art advertising, since everyone in my family prefers this name;

Friday, October 17, 2008

Errors, Ideas, Philosophical, Of

Newton: universalizable principles are not always applicable to every case (meaningfully or in simplicity; reversed ad absurdium) there are examples, such as 'balloons float'[although something of that mass does not normally levitate] or 'wheels move heavy objects great distances, even on a slope' [applique lever to initial height]

Descartes: in diagrams, the argument following within the blogscript, Differing Systems and Counterproofs

Hume: inherency of causation: if something else happens, something else is there, empirically in terms of law; how else does one determine what is real except by law? [if: there is no law] how may one be certain of the ground at all for unprinciple? [hume ~ we don't know] How can on esay expereince has not found a ground to exist? If so, if it has a ground, is not the inherency of causation evidence of law via its own foundation? Not-knowing, experience still may be unknowable; yet with a ground for self, it may know, or the knowable may be the unknowable; fallacy in idea that experience does not know by unknown other [the "eye" or "you fucked me" fallacy, put in the lowest words] In higher thought, knowledge may well be a worldly experience, yet knoweldge that is not qualified by its own experience ahs teh opposite problem, which may not be validated by mere paper in either way__

Rawls (justice theory): there are few articulate principles of blindness, and one must know that one is being principled to be just [best application, 'razor' for unqualified jurors] assumes limited results

Modularism: ensures consistent gains, yet may deny archetypal states, suited to archetypal fields in which fields must themselves be archetypal or denied

Differing Systems and Counterproofs, Criticis of Arithmatic

Paradoxica Amelioratora: not a bullet poem: extensis

Initial thought:

0 + 1 should be 0 not 1 (else -1 + 0 = 1)

(that when 0 is not a-axial with one, it must be axial)


questioning 0 + 1 - 0 = 1 because 0 is less than 1

(that 1 is neither negative nor positive)




Consider the basis for mathematics, a notion of one and zero, being and nothing, value or void;

Although operations with the analogical one and zero are basic to mathematics, the use of non-numerical signs implies
that numbers are subset within a systemic context; although we need not conclude anything about this pre-condition,
one may go so far as to say that there is a slipperiness in operators:

For example, we may simultaneously posit that:

1 + 0 = 1 not 0 AND
1 - 0 = 1 not 0

[10 = the Scales, thus 10 is not 1,0 ; to posit gain is to posit complex gain in numbers]

In the context of the digital, comparing the set 1, 0 to the number 10 creates a schism;
the first is pared until it requires systemic referrant, while in the second case the system
becomes accretively both ambiguous and complex

Questioning the view that 0 + 1 - 0 = 1 because for example 0 is less than 1 creates the idea that
earlier statements might be redefined (dangerously) with unexpected results. One might look also
at two other related expressions:

One might then claim that 0 - 1 = 0 not -1 (else 1 - 0 = 1/2)

Evidence might be cited in the equivalent expressions [(1 + 1) - ( 0 + 0)] = 2 not 1 yet [(1 - 0) - (1 - 0)] = 0 not 1,
the first is said to equal 2 and the second zero; simultaneously it is held that two positives amount to positive,
and two negatives amount to positive, however in this case that isn't true. If it is not negatives
operating, how may one explain that one expression is greater than the other with approximately identical terms?
(e.g. how is the extension [(1 + 1) - (0 + 0)] + [(1 - 0) - (1 - 0)] > [(1 - 0) - (1 - 0)] + [(1 - 0) - (1 - 0)] + 1 ? ad infinitum?)

Also, 0 + 1 should be 0 not 1 (else -1 + 0 = 1)

Responding to this, notation may be altercated such that:

1 balanced = 0 [1--> + <--1 = <--0-->] AND
1 unbalanced = 0 balanced [1--> + 1--> = 0--> or 1--0-->]

This view, although not elaborated, meets greater adequacy in geometry, for example that the digit two is not
more axial than one, but rather an extension of number through zero

Considering briefly what such a mathematics would entail, one might suppose that
any additional one is a separate entity, thus by identity all ones are opposed unless via unifying;

hence here non-unified 1 + 1 + 1 = 0{3 (this might be equivalent to space divided in three portions)

also, unified ones do nothing to the strength of 0

hence (1 + 1 + 1)--> = 3{0 (this might be equivalent to a non-spacial qualitative value of 3)

the expression x{y might be compared to 'x root y' or 'x stem y' superficially but doesn't entail any operation specifically so much as a context-point within which operations may occur

saying that 0{3 is 1/3 would be wrong, for its implicit here that 3 is a subset of 0 that still has for lack of a better term quantitative value
(the best conclusion may be that there is an implicit non-spacial geometry depending on concepts of distinction-as-variable)

also, saying that 3}0 is 1 or 3 in a traditional sense is misleading; the distinction between 2{0 and
3{0 may be seen in the same way as 2}0 + 1}0 = 3}0 in the sense of piling coins, however it is more accurate to say that systemically 0{0 is of greatest importance,
while qualifically 99{0 is like a mobile operator and 0{99 a matter of many dimensions as yet unqualified

Standard Arithmatic

1 + 0 = 1 not 0
1 - 0 = 1 not 0

so logically 0 - 1 should be 0 not -1
else 1 - 0 = 1/2

proof: [ (1 + 1) - ( 0 + 0 ) ] = 2 not 1
however, [ ( 1 - 0 ) - ( 1 - 0 ) ] = 0 not 1

if 1 - 0 = 1/2 and 0 - 1 = 0, then

[(1 + 1) - ( 0 + 0 )] = 2 and
[( 1 - 0 ) - ( 1 - 0 )] = 0

in the first case 1 + 1 = 1/2 + 1/2 (unity)
and 0 + 0 = [( 0 - 1 ) + ( 0 - 1 )]

however, we already know that
-1 -1 = -2 not 0, else

[ (1 + 1) - (0 + 0) ] should = 1

in either case 0 + 0 = 1
and 1 + 1 = 1/2 + 1/2

it has the fortunate conclusion of solving the dilemma of

0 - 1 / 1 - 0 = [ ( 1 + 1 ) - ( 0+ 0 ) ] / [ ( 1 - 0 ) - ( 1 - 0) ]

-1 / 1 = (0 - 1) / (1 - 0) = ( 1 + 1) - (0 + 0) / (1 - 0) - (1 - 0) = 1 / 1

else (1 + 1) - (0 + 0) / (0 - 1) + (0 - 1) = 2 / -2

(0 - 1) + (0 - 1)
if = 0 not= -2

while (1 + 1) + (0 + 0) = 2

yet -1 + -1 = [(0 - 1) + (0 - 1)]
even if -1 + -1 = -2

furthermore a comparison may be made where

(1 + 1) - (0 + 0) / (0 - 1) + (0 - 1) not= -1 / 1

because [ (1 + 1) - (0 + 0)] not = [(1 - 0) - (1 - 0)]

in the context of the premises 1 + 0 = 1 and 1 - 0 = 1

thus either

(1 + 1) - (0 + 0) / (1 - 0) - (1 - 0) not= (1 + 1) - (0 + 0) / (1 - 0) - (1 - 0)

or -1 / 1 = 2 / -2

or -1 / 1 = 1 / 1

[note: for sanity's sake, perhaps geometry precedes #, I suspect this]

since the last equation seems completely false ( -1 not= 1)

we must approach the idea that -1 / 1 = 2 / -2

Deliberating over previous equations, the conclusion is then that in the first place
(-1) + (-1) = -2

However, this means (0 - 1) + (0 - 1) = -2

Thus (1 - 0) - (1 - 0) not= 0

because logically

1 - 0 / 0 - 1 = 0

However, if 1 - 1 not= 0
this flies in the face of traditional arithmatics

The conclusion then is that 1 - 0 / 0 - 1 not= 0


[(1 + 1) - (0 + 0)] = [(1 - 0) - (1 - 0)]

However, in the view that

1 + 0 = 1 and 1 - 0 = 1

we know that

(1 + 1) - (0 + 0) = 2


(1 - 0) - (1 - 0) = 0

although these seem reasonable,
we know either

[(1 + 1) - (0 + 0)] = [(1 - 0) - (1 - 0)]


1 - 0 / 0 - 1 not= 0

if (1 + 1) - (0 + 0) = 2, it is
not= (1 - 0) - (1 - 0) = 0

Thus, either we may question the premises
1 + 0 = 1 and 1 - 0 = 1


1 - 0 / 0 - 1 not= 0

according to (1 + 1) - {(1 - 0 / 0 - 1)+( 1 - 0 / 0 - 1)} = 0

[equivalent to (1 + 1) - (0 + 0) = (1 - 0) - (1 - 0)]

2 - 0 = 0 if 0 + 0 = 0

AND 1 - 0 / 0 - 1 = 0, however

Since we know either 1 - 0 / 0 - 1 not= 0
or fundamental premises are false,

2 - 0 is not 0, rather

(1 - 0 / 0 - 1) + (1 - 0 / 0 - 1) = 2

or the premises are false [here begins a second notebook titled MXC3 arbitrarily
it might be considered whether this system extended confutes unknowability / unsolvability vis. Godel]

Since (1 - 0 / 0 - 1) + (1 - 0 / 0 - 1) = 2

or 1 + 0 not= 1 and/or 1 - 0 not= 1

The conclusion according to traditional arithmatic is that

1 - 0 / 0 - 1 not= 1 - 0 / 0 - 1

(else 1 - 0 / 0 - 1 not= 1 - 0 / 0 - 1)

However the conclusion here is that 1 / -1 = 1

and 1 - 0 = 1

if 1 / - 1 = 1 then

(1 / - 1) + (1 / -1) = 2

( 0 - 1 ) + ( 0 - 1) = -2 or -1 not= 1 (according to previously)

then (if premises hold), 1 / -1 + 1/ -1 + [(0 - 1) + (0 - 1)] = 0

if (1 / -1 + 1 / -1) + [(0 - 1) + (0 - 1)] = 0

Then according to traditional basics, 2 - 2 = 0

[However, according to the logic followed as a basis for comparison _ _ _]


[(1 + 1) - (0 + 0) not= (1 - 0) - (1 - 0)]

the 2nd equation may be translated as:

1 / -1 + 1 / -1 not= not= 0

since we know by (1 + 1) - (0 + 0) = 2
that also 2 not= (1 - 0) - (1 - 0) = 0

so that

[(1 + 1) - (0 + 0)] not= [ 2 = 0 ]

if 1 / -1 + 1 / -1 not= not= 0 [NOT AN ERROR: EMPHASIS]

then 1 / -1 + 1 / -1 = 0

or equivalent

if so, then

(1 / -1) + (1 / -1) not= 2

thus 1 / -1 not= 1

However, according to previous arguments, the only conclusion flies in the face of traditional arithmatics:

posing 1 - 0 / 0 - 1 not= 1

then either 1 - 0 / 0 - 1 not= 1 - 0 / 0 - 1


1 - 0 / 0 - 1 not= 0 AND (1 - 0 / 0 - 1) + (1 - 0 / 0 - 1) not= 2

Since it runs agianst all rationality to claim a statement is not itself,

The conclusion is that since 1 - 0 / 0 - 1 not= 0


1 - 0 / 0 - 1 + 1 - 0 / 0 - 1 not= 2


1 + 0 not= 1 AND/OR 1 - 0 not= 1

Since this flies in the face of fundamental mathematics, the most rational thing is to refigure at the primary equations in a manner suiting to resolution_ _ _
The initial assumption was that 1 + 0 = 1 and not 0
and 1 - 0 = 1 and not 0

YET 0 - 1 is -1
AND 0 + 1 is 1 and not 0

Considering on the surface these four entities (surrounding a zero point),

the quadrants are (counterclockwise) 1 + 0 = 1, 0 + 1 = 1, 0 - 1 = -1, and 1 - 0 = 1

The total is 3 and not 0, although they are situated axially around a point of no value--this in itself ought to bring criticism.
(0 - 1 = -1 is the only negative box of four).

Reconsidering, it cannot be concluded that 1 + 0 is other than 1, if zero is actually nothing, nor may it be concluded that one
minus 0 is anything other than 1, if 0 is merely a loss of nothing

Then if the premises may be questioned, it is only in two statements, namely

if 0 - 1 = -1 and
if 0 + 1 = 1

(essentially in my belief these were popularized by Descartes and the Cartesian diagram)

If 1 - 0 / 0 - 1 not= 0


1 - 0 / 0 - 1 + 1 - 0 / 0 - 1 not= 2

if 0 - 1 = - 1 and
1- 0 holds as 1
then (1 / -1) + (1 / -1) not= 0 or 2

However, since 1 / 1 and -1 / -1 are conceived as = 1

and 0 / 0, 1 / 0, and 0 / 1 may be equal to 0

the statement that

1 / 1 - 1 / 1 [equiv. to (1 / 1) + (-1 / 1)]
- [(-1 / 1) + (1 / 1)] = 0

seems to vindicate that two terms, technically opposite, amount to zero

While this isn't startling,
it now comes to the fore that

-1 / 1 + 1 / -1 = 0

[since otherwise opposite terms would not cancel]

Thus saying that

[(1 / 1) + (1 / 1)] - [ (-1 / 1) + (-1 / 1)] = [(-1 / 1) - (-1 / 1)] - [(-1 / 1) - (-1 / 1)]

isn't valid under the arguments

1 - 0 / 0 - 1 + 1 - 0 / 0 - 1 not= 2


1 - 0 / 0 - 1 not= 1


if (1 / -1) + (-1 / 1) not= 0 then according to arguments [ [(1 - 0 ) / (0 - 1)] + [(1 - 0) / (0 - 1)] / 2] not= (1 - 0) / (0 - 1)


[(1 + 1) - (0 + 0) = (1 - 0) - (1 - 0)] is true

since the two halves of the basis [(1 + 1) - (0 + 0) = (1 - 0) - (1 - 0)]

are equivalent to

1 + 0 = 1 and 1 - 0 = 1 respectively,

and (1 - 0) / (0 - 1) not= 1

and (1 - 0) / (0 - 1) not= 0

[and [(1 - 0) / (0 - 1)] + [(1 - 0) / (0 - 1)] not= 2]

the avg. [ [(1 - 0) / (0 - 1)] + [(1 - 0) / (0 - 1)] / 2 ] in equivalence to 1 - 0 / 0 - 1

substantiates the following: if 1 / -1 = 0

then (tentatively)

1 - 0 / 0 - 1 + 1 - 0 / 0 - 1 = 1/2


1 - 0 / 0 - 1 = 2

However, the clear conclusion here upon simplifying terms is that

1 / -1 + 1 / -1 = 1/2


1 / -1 = 2

Although easily reproofed under conventions, under the earlier arguments these serve to substantiate
criticism not of the first premises ( 1 + 0 = 1 and 1 - 0 = 1), instead the 2nd two

[1] That 0 - 1 should be 0
and not -1
(else 1 - 0 = 1/2
since (1 + 1) - (0 + 0) = 2
not 1 yet (1 - 0) - (1 - 0) is 0 not 1)

(1 - 0) + (0 - 1) = 1/2 or (1 + 0) + ( 0 - 1) = 0 in spite of 0 + 0 + 1 + 1 = 2 and 0 doing no operation :: vis. the earlier example of equivalent terms
yet (1 + 1) - ( 0 + 0) not= (1 + 0) - (1 + 0)


[2] 0 + 1 should be 0 not 1
(since -0 + 1 = 1)
else -1 + 0 = 1
(cancellation of signs)
else pending argument of the validity of positive or negative numbers since the view of zero as a canceller is promoted in these methods, yet also in the concept that -0 + 1 = 1 in the context of cancelling operators [EMPHASIS]

This altered view, although utterly insane by most standards, suggests an alternate approach to mathematics in which an attenuated proportion within the traditional graduated system (e.g. for example integral numbers redefined in terms of fractions or geometry) provides a foundation for a calculative method

Maybe sometime it will be determined for a childhood like mine, that calculus was too diabolical, we needed a diabolical calculus

[18th 5 X 7" page in a day, 6/11/2008]


Polyptics: the most arrogant people cease to know that they don't know; the most humble find ignorance to be the ground of truth (somehow by opposition, the most opposed things approach a middle ground and remain as unbalanced as themselves)

Limnics: there is no wall in my eyes to keep me from swallowing the voices of birds (evoking birdsong)

Hyperdimensionism: higher thoughts take form, lower forms return to return (like a hypercube, there is an interstasis between formation and shape; both an idea and an activity)

Eridianism: the aperture of miscellany is ideal (philosophical beauty)

Isometry: a resemblance varies by value

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Adding & an Addendum

Recent events: (amen) drawings given freely to Yale School of Architecture [maybe preserved? or student-taken?] (breth) Philosophy project succeeding again (coda) website discovered at taking images etc. [some work involved] (degre) symbolic interest thriving, developing composed pages on parchment paper from Kinko's (ept) can afford sandwiches again thanks to my mother's reduced rent requirements (fear) intent emerging to consider perpetual motion seriously again, although psychologically this has been very disheartening--a concept can seem like gold and I utterly lack the impetus to develop it (goda) some things seem to click--I've found a health drink, a possible therapist, I may move out of my parents' house, my projects are developing, my public image is improving, and flirting is occasionally possible; new zones of serendipity or trial seem feasible (haleh) much depends on the life of system e.g. a book or art presence that seems real (iten) as a product-oriented talent I need reassurance that something may be marketed e.g. results emotionally and financially (jend) a public voice or interest may do wonders; I may push noteriety successfully via the web, radio, or a print article (kamen) having a substrate of dependable factors is reassuring when true (levend) when I find shui I give shui, as best I may (mend) personality changes seem much more possible now, to good effect life-willing (namen) formulas may create results (omen) signs of fortune seem like incredible fangled wonders of variegate light (preh) self-law permitted, I must only sustain myself to work wonders or apparent wonders (quit) by default, when things are out of place I may remain with new poems and boiled cocoa (rela) maybe eventually I'll find that college that takes people for books and art, not murder or sex (sola) some emblems or accoutrements work wonders on their own--radiant coils of light, watches and handbags (tredna) maybe the least of wonders is to find myself amongst different architecture (uter) words vary yet vary in their results--important moment of fact (vivend) good things may come not as death (wish) zones of principle sometimes have life, even from above (xilla) sometimes wisdom or shrewdness is the aperture between a material place of accomplishment and a definite feeling of the known (yew) I look for outlooks (zona) sometimes it is enough to compose a desk with small stones [say it isn't death by drugged zen]

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Notebook project

I've found eleven errors of reasoning--widely known as fallacies--that fit neatly into a concept-project for a 400-pg. book; so far only 49; maybe realistically its a sixth so that's progress, however I often go rather far with an outline before leaving it in its fishbones as something that ought to have lived

As an additional note, punctuation may be rhetorical with some equivalence to frequent boolean operators (such as "and", "if", "ifthen", "yet", "or", "when", "is roughly", etc.)

,, may denote extensis of reason into a proceeding element, as of a rhetorical pause

_ _ _ the dashed ellipsis (maybe solipsis) may connote a continuing trend rather than an awkward dream

| | | | caesura dividers have a quality of categorality lending itself to || good quotes ||, | element | s |, and l | eve | l ||| di | st | in | c | t | ions as of paper games or the mysterious wave variance

colors may also denote in the same manner as letters an implicit cohensis or scriation to the process of expositing language as though it were spoken with the tongue

Thursday, July 10, 2008


Motists like Cynics might be bastards of the world: e.g. as old men are fools or cynics dogs Motists accrete negative terminology expressing their terrible compensatory lack of character in one department: 'philosophical_animals'

in this case 'bastion' is a philosophical construct, a fortress from which the stones of truth are flung [in all complicit drama: e.g. with the extravagence of holy fools]


My earlier runescript known as Aemenbreth might be supplemented with numerals as such[symbological]:



Saturday, June 7, 2008

Relating to Moral Philosophy

Assuming the consequence; an expression I see in terms of the logical fallacy of 'begging the question';

instead of proving terms by themselves, its possible that in a systemic case (terms being requisite) that something may follow from a position of balance or appreciation; the fallacy in this case or potential fallacy is that a factual or systemic basis is extended into resolution; e.g. insofar as no factual or systemic change is made, one cannot rightfully conclude that deductions are real

Moral philosophy in the context of the idiosyncracy of Heideggar, incl. the emergence of a western concept of being and becomingness (in my mind mirrored in eastern philosophy, perhaps with greater success) points towards the idea that in the context of assuming the consequence, the fallacy of becomingness is not inherently the fallacy of being: the basis for truth is not simply fact or validity, but the way in which a logic, whether moral or otherwise, consequents the trend of seeking universals or the identity of individual systems or coherents;

That is, while begging the question implies circularity and non-substance (in which case the fallacy is that the argument is specious), assuming the consequence has the same error, with the exception that the problem is that an implicit system assumes a system will follow; in fact, either the system has no basis, or the process of reasoning must be as balanced and logical as the system or framework adopted

In relation to categories, one may say for example that in the first case spheres are circles but not all circles spheres (via typology) [it would be begging the question to say spheres are circles because circles are spheres] however one cannot say that a circle will roll on a two-dimensional plane counterposing it, whereas the sphere seems adequate; likewise in systems, dimensionalism implies singularity; the circle-ness of spheres becomes more adequate in representing the class circle within the context of two dimensions conceived in the experiential sense of being pan-dimensional

Similar themes occur in the seemingly sadistic work of the founder of semiotics, who says very little about any related field

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


life may improve in skill without great reward; yet reward at all may be an improvement; in this case, is skill called mastery? Or in such a position, must one know that this is a simplification to 'I suffer, I must beg', as a a poet at first must find some verse false, and find his heart in his voice, or no life walking in the world?

writing bones isn't always finding the print that drips in others' eyes I find, as though by winding my way through forests of transcience, or some selfish declaration I'm mostly missing my own breath, unless by words I mean a garden, or in speaking I've already accomodated a heart that hurts willingly, or knows the war of following after something more significant than this, as though I know others' voices in my mind, not that they are mine, but rather that my voice follows therefrom, and cannot steal them or attribute its own voice to its mouth, or a mouth it seeks, yet knows commonwise there are ways to fall into a mold in which I speak and do not feel, others finding my garden only bones, which are fragmented from their own path in following a trail beneath the most perfect winters which I'm convinced at times give birth to love 'love rose from winter like a garden'

as much as few know both fish and abyss, the place of attributes and logichems is as rote in idea as one cannot know inspite of following some great storm

so much from inscriptions

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


'where is the beginning of being' one might ask
in relation to persona;
for example in representative
identification what precisely would
replace the view that staring at an
office printer and determining simply
'I am a printer' or 'I
identify with this printer,
therefore I see it'?
Is it automatically a failure
of perception to not see printer
as 'I-am or of- of-printer'?

In other words, with greater clarity,
there are several alternatives:

1. Integrity of being is a thing-in-itself independent of confirmation in objects, vis. their reality or affirmation or symbolification of self-feeling or law-concept

2. When objects do not affirm self, self-concept disintegrates, independent of the origin of self-authority

3. Self-authority via authority finds affirmation, or objects affirm a principle of authority in a modal approach to experience

There is health though occassionally in ideas [what is now seen as 'sanity' was once termed 'logicum']

. character gives life
..some situations are more enchanted than others
...there is nothing deadly about an idea that doesn't kill

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Theme concerning self-nature and manifestation

On the theme of Descartes and Hume (e.g. what one can and cannot know), the authority one seeks in knowledge or manifestation (considered in the abstract as a given end) is the same authority that grants that one seek it; thus how may one claim there is a basis in knowing or manifestation when the authority comes from what it seeks, rather than the process of seeking in-itself? Further, if the seeking prefigures understanding, its as though the authority came utterly from nothing.

Although this is evasive, seeking is predicated on an absence or a trend that lives in itself; its object, defined as the reality does away with the authority of seeking it apart from itself; if object becomes seeking-trend, one might on one hand say the seeking has swallowed object, while on the other that process has gained credence as authority, yet the thought or knowledge preceding a given point of realization is not founded on what it finds, necessarily, unless process is truth-as-object, which in itself may be dubious. However, the equation of truth-as-object may be justifiably as just as life inherent in manifestation, proving the point that without life it is difficult to justify a system, however valid (perhaps not every philosopher would go so far).

The quotidian angle is that thought is motivated by a desire to know what one does not; with knowledge one might assume there is no motive to think, however, the life of knowledge depends on the life of mind; valid systems may well promote mind without life or life without mind (considering things under one rubric or another) yet in principle they are interlinked on the subject of the motive and basis for understanding.

Unless being is equated with knowing, life or mind may exist in its own majesteria within which the life of a trend exists independent of the consciousness of the effective law or source of its engenderment.

temporary note for sake of blog record, blog failing somehow, blame someone

Dualistic Isms

Optimism-->Happiness: what is conceived as optimism is really an 'ismization' of the very personal and valuable desire or consistency of happiness or the nearest thing

Positivism-->Optimism: the simple notion of positivism as scientific rigor (albeit with principles of application) may be conceived in terms of the meaningfulness of the trend of finding results, or the systems or methods implemented and their relation to a concept of self; in this sense it would be conjoined with optimism as a trend that is not objective in the sense of assuming valuelessness is the null

Objectivity-->Positivism: what is often known as truth-finding may be translated into an existential mindframe adapted to experience in terms of symbols, modes, and archetypal concepts of self (positivism)

Philosophy-->Objectivity: philosophy as it relates to truth may translate into ideas-as-objects (discrete elements or identities) or objectivity

Saturday, March 15, 2008

A Miscellaneous Argument Concerning "Eversleep"

If not patient in considering 'eversleep', it may suggest fatalism.

If not, realism

Thus if not a realist, romantic fatalism or romantic idealism, thus distinguishing realism from romance in general-->

'eversleep' indicates counterpart to transcient wakefulness a pseudonym for 'now', thus fitting the Motist technique of forming a holism from dual categorical opposites;

('in the Vennicular', that is in relation to Venn diagrams, imaginatively:)

Solipsistic fate --> realism --> romantic fatalism --> romantic idealism --> perpetuity of time

('solips --> realisme --> rome --> idealle --> chronn')

suggests romantic or personal zones / mandalas

stages such that

[ q. of self
q. of form
q. or role
q. of ultimate
q. of endurance ]

This provides a sort of 'schematic' of existential application, creating an order of operations in resolving various questions of motive and need within experience.

Although vague, one may consider for example that solving in an absolute sense the question of whether one may endure is not often entirely broached until one has lost all endurance. Similarly, life in general is predicated on having a self, yet the self may not be fully defined, creating weaknesses in the application of self-life.

Although form is a precedent for role in many contexts, form may have flaws, weaknesses, or its own prerogatives before motive truly comes into play. Although the ultimate is seen as having great importance, its really only approached in the context of all other considerations, including the one following: endurance.

Individual entities may be considered in terms of self, form, role, ultimate, and endurance, complicating the matter of how presumably distinct things interrelate. Another approach is to consider how each concept exists overall, without referring to any distinct thing. In the second approach a categorical method could be used to determine general categories implicative of a more complete logic of the relation of entities.

Although this is a precis, I would like to carry this logic further in my future parsing of categorical logic. There is something in this sort of thinking, whether a circle is made of two or four or seven segments that implies a better world, or a more wholesome inhensiveness in the relation and integration of thought and world.

Eclectika / Ecclectika

"One asks if time is a river, and one returns as much as the river returns, and if there are answers, and there are always answers, and practical answers perhaps, and things being conceived always as a consolation, to which I must be consoled"--reflecting on Heraclitus, I sound like Li Pi or someone - - -

Latin quotes:

Ex relevantum, relevanta (from the relevant, relevance)
Est in principia ad infinitum (in principle, it is with eternity)
Pathos mente est et eternum (mind-heart together are eternal, with eternal feeling)

"Five-of-twenty-six" a name for the sword Zade, which makes grace of distinctions without any physical cutting; razorsmoke

Only a nothing can make nothing of himself, as himself

Obscurantist poetry, example 1

a brother my shadow
a sister my sibling flame
"wars" and "roses" in subtle arts
which betray their tools
and beckon towards a ghost

Themes like nechomachy (shadow-fighting) and feng shui (subtle aesthetic of landscape-energy) suggest a poetic view of intellectualism as a quasi-magical experience accomodative of a stylish, discerning reenvisionment of the landscape of being, dynamics, and experience. This sort of view is reflected to various degrees in some commercial ventures and products, such as the logos of printing presses, cafes with winding iron staircases, shops that sell stationary and art books, or elements of treasured experience: old fashioned college towns, gardens with sculptures and quotations, homes with herb gardens or sheltered grottoes, etc.

These aren't often accessible to everyone, or even everyone who seeks them or is in a given economic bracket. Nonetheless, they serve a role to reinforce the poetic and intellectual imagination, independent of ownership, the nature of one's work, or the future of the world. Repeatedly sanctuaries of a certain frame of mind are the sole holding chamber for a given mode of thought; those that cherish them find words to represent what they saw.

Friday, February 29, 2008

The Subtle Systemic Character

Considering a diffuse field, as may be formed in considering the distance between a given actual mode and its apparent manifestation (a view within which the object of truth is not strictly its reality, or if so, not the character of experience and or articulate communication, vis. nomenclature or noumena) there are three constellations of thought which come to mind, bearing on the character of thought considered systemically:

1. Life as a graph, a case in which the reality of matter comes out of certain effocacy, e.g. "material statistics", while existence is a matter of the certain effocacy of concern for such reality, vis. "existential parsing". Although this is a view that is both cold and animalistic (and in a pejorative sense), considered as a system, life becomes metaphorical for a greater life, hence the mind may be freed from the restriction of viewing object-as-life, rather than object-as-symbol. This bears on the possibly correct assumption that mind is concerned primarily with essence or spirit and not matter.

2. Finite finitude, defined intuitively as a limit to uncertainty; e.g. apart from the assumption that a given quality is redundant in comparison to its object, finitude in fact implies a limit even to the finitude it describes. This might be correlated with the idea of "death dying", although not proportionately or cleanly. In the sense that "life lives" is a definition, there is the notion of life and death as seperate things which coexist in a mortal. Mathematically (speaking in a very foggy manner, since I really have no higher math training), finite finitude is a way of describing laws of limitation as a context for (what I want to call "meta") dynamics.

3. Systemic attributes, symbolic codification of trends or systems. The idea that a symbolic object is a perspective on an abstract or ideal theme; e.g. like a thought experiment, it has an archetypal bearing on the role of system to identity.

COUNTERVALENCES, The Ways Order Folds Away From Life

Considering deeply, in a mood I do not often cross, on the subject of paradox and the order of the world, I accomodated in my mind five ideas of the contradiction between seeking life and seeking form; each is an element in an implied hierarchy of the play between individual essence or character, and the changeable and perhaps less flexible necessity of basic manifestation.

Conceit of Standing: (vis. Singularity)
that to take a form is not always to hold a form, to accomplish a given thing is not always to be the greatest in this accomplishment, to be manifest without character or intent may be less than to be nearly manifest in intent and character

Conceit of Formation: (essence and intent)
conundrum that formative clay (as an emblem of a fundamental nature) is without inherent purpose or dynamic--ash-like, dust-like

Conceit of Reflection:
conundrum of seeing what sees oneself with oneself or seeing without being all

Conceit of Locus:
conundrum that the spiritual center is not always one's own center, perhaps

These four may be interpreted as mandate or legitimacy, life form, absoluteness, and pith or deferrence.

Without legitimacy life form, absoluteness, and pith become hollow or deferrant.

Without life, legitimacy absoluteness and pith may hold value, but are not central.

Without absoluteness, legitimacy is a charade, life form nominal, and pith unexceptional. Yet a simple absoluteness (considered in any manner) could not be achieved by a simple character, or a complex one for that matter which has not taken form, without becoming something else altogether. Could a complex person aspire to be a very evokative fixture in space? Dynamic change is obviously not a matter of simply turning on a lightbulb.

Without pith it is as though legitimacy, life form, and absoluteness are shrunken and floating in space, purpose always subsumed ridiculously in things with greater power.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Motist Artwork

Skeerie, ink on paper 2008

Chairns, ink on paper 2008

Carcatta, ink on paper 2007

Muir, ink on paper 2007

Impertures, ink on paper 2007

Works primarily in ink may be viewed at Machina Aesthetika

Motist commercialism

I've considered marketing posters on symbolism, a Metaph cartoon in the form of a graphic novel, The Motist manifesto itself (being revised gradually), artwork of an adequate scale, or art objects / jewelry / games / sculptures based on symbols or systematics.

Clearly enough the popularity of this blog does not point in that direction, however commercial marketing of laminated posters may be an easy way to supplement my income.

The artwork is developing. I have nine ideas for graphic novels based on the aesthetic of dimensional expressivism. I've had a number of ink drawings transfered to large-scale canvas 18 X 24", resulting in something more adequate to a legitimate showing.

Monday, January 7, 2008

A General Procedure of Thoughtful Modes

I've noticed a certain methodology in my creative process, working roughly in a system of checks, returning or reiterating unless conditions are met:

1. Compelling: feng shui, attraction, prescient sense, seeking the inexorable, health

2. Fixation: ideal of "vicarious rapture" for justice/ beauty/ articulation/ joinery

3. Object of Importance: an element expressive of a dynamic, or holding a logic

4. Excursion: borrowing impetus, carried by an idea, nurturing patience and concern

5. Expression: action compelled from concern; discovery of a form for fixation; i.e. a second layer of compelling

6. Worlding: enduring modes and concerns compelled from fixations, as discovered in the expressive mode; a second layer of fixation

7. "Fascination": technical term for comparing "worlds", modes, symbols, or impressions, metaphorically or analogically. A second layer of object

8. Departure: erratic or fearful search for new foundations or passions, roughly as rational as all foundations already relied upon. A second layer of excursion

(compelling, fixation, object of importance, excursion, expression, worlding, fascination, departure)

Interpreting under a categorical loop:

1. life of method,
2. method of madness,
3. madness of form,
4. form of an idea,
5. an idea compelled,
6. compelling fixed,
7. fixate forms,
8. formal excursions

Or, roughly (a practical summary):

1. Enthusiasm
2. Consideration
3. Formalism
4. Living with it
5. Recognizing and identifying
6. Mode-as-symbol
7. Scrying life
8. Adventure / Diversion

Saturday, January 5, 2008

For the sake of the perpetuity of system

I'm posting a chart demonstrating a deductive method of Unity, explicated in my book, The Motist. I would reserve this strictly for my published material, but I find at this point that publication is uncertain and holds few certain merits.

The diagram shows an evaluation in qualific terms of a "meat factory", considered categorically in terms of one specific form of deduction, to point a categorical hierarchy of qualification.

The diagram follows. Enlarge by clicking directly on the image

This is a snapshot of a linear-degenerative or strictly linear form of the IEOC method, in which "Spending" is the fundamental nature of the chart, "Loss" is the process or effectiveness, "Process or Fear/Pain" is the objectivity, and "Horror or Butchering" is changeable (reflecting Identity, Effectiveness, Object, and Change).

IEOC Method

The Identity-Effective-Objective-Changeable division of unity may roughly be titled the "IEOC" Method.

It may roughly be divided into several levels of comparison, running from an iterative-degenerative linearity, to strictly linear and macro-cyclical.

Hierarchies in triplet sets such as "precept --> method --> ennumeration" and "holism --> relation --> solution" provide a basis for determining the precise nature of comparisons leading to concise and totalistic evaluations of dichoto-nominal circumstances, or bases for categorical situations.

A pan-systemic evaluation of methods is due when I finish my recent book project: Motism: the Ninesquare Notebook.