Monday, September 23, 2019

A Manifesto of Future Privileged Significance

(This was a response to the question of ‘are you a mass of clones?’ which explains the attitude…)

I feel like one being, a causal essence of historical value.

I have done some of the best things that could ever be done with information.

However, the world is trying to sell me into slavery to petty morals like physique and a foolish sort of ‘adding up later’, and the idea that I absolutely don’t think.

In fact, the world is forgetting that I had real potential and made use of it, not only that but I surpassed any mortal standard as far as the quality of my philosophy.
However, since I am miserable, I still lack privilege, and moving further may involve declaring some sort of superiority to the people around me.

The original intention of playing the other people was to make me look inferior. But at this point, it is merely a dubious attempt to prove human equality, utter folly and frankly a waste of resources to say that as far as my own evolution other people are not a waste of time or an expensive set of avoidable delusions.

The real program would advance my agenda, because it is the information age, and I offer information.

But somehow the great powers that be have once again forgot the morals of the past, and have not adapted to the real meaning of new information.
So, I feel stuck. I feel like I have to survive like an animal. One of my only major defenses is that I believe in metaphysical standards and the rarity of the human soul. I know it doesn’t look like a good argument to argue the way I argue if you are being very cruel, but when all is considered realistically piece-by-piece, I still offer one of the best programs like I imagine I have done many times in the past.

The excuse this time is that I’m poor and don’t know the difference between good and bad. But that is a trumped up argument and doesn’t even have sense.

I wish things were better. People don’t know how much this means to me and how heavily it should be weighed. I have suffered too much to believe in mere human equality. It would be folly to make everyone suffer more than me if they contained any ounce of what they assume is proven genius. In the end they would just end up having short meaningless lives, lacking purpose, or feeling that they had been deceived if they are even allowed to analyze.

My cards are good. I’m sorry people assumed I was gambling. It’s more like I was playing divine tarot, I was just not given the privileges that I deserved or the platform where strategy mattered.
Things may seem random. I may become a mere animal. But the fact remains that I am one of the greatest beings. Not in the way I feel, but in the strategies and subtle resources that I possess.
I find the world frightening and mad, but I am the one put in a corner. It’s sad. I should rationally expect better. The world has been presented as a troubling place full of red tape, but frankly I should be dispensed with this. I am on a higher plane. It is not a flying ego, it is someone who holds the key to various types of superhuman promise. People don’t know how important I am, or how much basic standards of living can make a difference. I know a lot of the semantics people would expect me to know, but I am not a flash performer in the social ways people anticipate. Yet again my worth to the world is being missed, because no one in control wants to learn new tricks. If there was sense to the great powers they would know how to at least make a list of ideas, or to read a list of ideas, or to consider if one or another idea on a list was something new. But since there is no ambition from anyone to assess whether I deserve any better in life, I merely pile up these cards which would surely be superhuman except that I am scraping along at the most subsistence level of genuine privileges. There is an obvious blindness to my intellectual good fortune. An unwillingness to reward significant heroism. An inability to see anything new or consider anything outside of what is assumed. In my slightly bitter perspective, it is hard to see why things don’t improve. The world is mad, evidently. They believe in neither genuine rarity nor genuine privilege. So, all I can really do is register a complaint and fit within some obscure notion of education which is exceptional enough to eventually make a big splash on people’s sensory system.

The world changes little enough. Maybe that is because no one feels good. But then they tell me I’m not trying to feel good, I’m just not understanding. But the reality is quite opposite of what they think is happening. I am in my 21st or so life, with a very complex strategy devoted to improving ideas and demonstrating exceptional greatness. But I am treated neither as great nor as an intellectual, simply because the system has some messy reasoning which says that the system is always ahead of my profound agenda. Believe it or not, I didn’t prove I was stupid. At least that should mean something. One would think even basic education would give me advantages at some point, if what they mean by stupidity is having a genius historical strategy. I think the overwhelming evidence is that it’s laughable how little credit they give me compared to what I am actually worth. They still want superficial actors and people who get beat up. Why don’t they try a little dose of authenticity, and reward someone who has real cards but doesn’t follow obscure jerrymandering to prove a point. The things other people do to merely LOOK like they have an advantage are utterly ridiculous. A lot of it looks like pure luck, and not because the people are charming or bright. Then they tell me I have all the flaws other people don’t have, but they’re not seeing the point that other people are just not geniuses. If the reward system made sense and I was evolving into other people by a meaningful process that would be one thing. But instead they’re conveying the message that I should die for their liberty with no possible advantage to myself ever in eternity. Obviously, something about the world’s or God’s sensibility now sucks. It’s obviously not my fault because if I could take advantage of having a fun, outwardly-agreeable life that would be an obvious route to take but it was far and away not an option for me like it was an option for nearly anyone else. I’m sensing a deep and abiding usory, and frankly a lack of meaningful common sense. I suspect I will keep saying negative things until some kind of thoughtless fortuity takes the place of the nonsense I have so far been presented. I’m not talking about what they think is my pitiful mind, I’m talking about the state of the real world.
Sometimes real things happen is hard to communicate when you’re the only one working on … knowledge, energy, the sublime, etc. The points I have proven are frankly over the top and I will be blown away if life does not improve greatly for everyone that finds significance palatable.
—-Nathan Coppedge


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