Sunday, August 25, 2019

Selective Perpetual Motion Applications

"LATER NOTE: Therefore, we could surmise that the quality is 0.5, the ratio is 1, the quantity is 2, and the quantified ratio is 1.5. —Logic of 3000 AD"
---Overlaps between Perpetual Motion and Category Theory

"The /2 appears to appear alone in cases where the ball's mass is larger. This may mean in effect that some perpetual motion machines (although not the majority) are expressing a complete set."

---The Coherence and Set Impossibility Equation

"It can be observed that the 1/2 mass * distance rule is used to good effect in perpetual motion... A similar rule is found with the ... Coppedge Curve, e.g. how to maximize the intelligence of a half-wit. The parallel is that a half-wit's intelligence is normally maximized between > 1 and < 2X normal intelligence... Now, what if we imagine the half-wit has more ambition, more leverage so to speak? Then the half-wit might be maximized at a much higher level."

1X Ambition-->... > 1.5 < 2
2X Ambition --> ... > 2 < 3
3X Ambition --> ... > 2.5 < 4
4X Ambition --> ... > 3 < 5
5X Ambition --> ... > 3.5 < 6

---Application of Perpetual Motion with Half-Wits

Standard Max OU =

Mass Difference / Lvg ratio + 1 * 100.

Maximized when the average of the mass difference / leverage ratio is 1 or higher, with the mass difference being larger.


Finding over-unity of knowledge:
D ^ results > verbs - 1 ---OU Formula for TOEs


In 2 dimensions results should be > 0.75 to achieve verbs of 0.5 and difference between sides of > 1 (over-unity rating).

In practice, in 3 dimensions  results should be > = one to achieve more verbs ( > = 2) and difference between sides of > 1 (over-unity rating).

Knowledge is easily over-unity if D > verbs, and results > = 1. Remember verbs must already be > = results and an ordinal number, and results should also be an ordinal number.

Finding over-unity of knowledge:
(D ^ results) - (verbs - 1) >= 1


(Qualification) of (negative possibility) if not (positive possibility) (slightly opposite qualification).

---Wizard Logic

(Results < Verbs - 1) < D, or Math or Magic.

Negative result: very un-mathematical.
0.1, 1, or 10: Very mathematical.
Other positive numbers: Magical, with positive being better.
0: Immune to judgment.

 4 +/- 1= > 3 < 5



|2 / D > results / verbs| = Possibility equation.

Negative numbers = Good magic (such as answers to questions = 0.3333 and formula for souls = 0.16667).

0.5 = Perfect coherence.

0.84375 (27 / 32) = Meaning.

Science is best when D = -2 and verbs = infinitesimal.

Results (2) = Perfect generally.

1 / (answers (0.3333) / souls (0.16667) = 0.5 (coherence).

1 / (ratio of numbers from equation) = new number.

.... hence (a lot of work implied here):

1 per math = 0.1.

God's convenience = 0.15

Opinion = 0.1515...

1 per souls = 0.16667

1 per magic = 0.3

1.1 per magic = 0.3030.... (magic energy?)

1 per answers = 0.3333...

Answers per souls = 0.5

Souls per math = 0.6

0.5 per answers = 0.6666...

1 per meaning = 27/32 (many meaningful systems fit here, usually not fully-realized).

Answers per magic = 0.9

1 per 1 = 1

Magic per answers (math per souls per answers per coherence) = 1.111...

Meaning per 1 = 32/27

Answers per 0.5 = 1.5

Math per souls = 1.666...

Souls per answers = 2 (coherence)

Answers per 1 = 3

Magic per 1.1 = 3.3

Magic per 1 = 3.333....

Souls per 1 = 6 (Formula for Souls)

The TOE = 6.6

Convening of the Gods (Souls know the Answer) = 6.666...

Math per 1 = 10 (Wizard Logic)

UPDATED VERSION: Ontology of Everything

Notes for application to Absolute Dimensions:

By same form of division with 1 / first...

[Answers per magic / magic per answers = 1.23456]

[1 per meaning / meaning per 1 = 1.4046]

[Coherence per answers / answers per coherence = 2.5]

[Souls per math / math per souls = 2.777...]

[Answers per souls / souls per answers = 4]

[1 per answers / answers per 1 = 9]

[1.1 per magic / magic per 1.1 = 10.89]

[1 per magic / magic per 1 = 11.111...]

[1 per souls / souls per 1 = 36]

[Opinion / TOE = 43.56]

[God's conv / Conven of gods = 44.444...]

[1 per math / math per 1 = 100]


Here is a large sample of earlier data. D is the first number after the first parenthesis. Verbs is the value after the greater than sign.

Premier science: 0 (n ^ 1 / 10 > n + 1 - 1 / 10)

Incoherent deduction: 0 (n ^ 0 > n + 1 - 1)

Formula for questions: 0 (3 ^ 0 > 2 - 1 = 1 > 1 = difference of 0)

Prophecy of the Coherent History of Mathematics: 0.1 (129^1 / 10 > 129 - 1 / 10)

Infinite Philosophy: Ideally 1 (2^5 > 32 - 1)

Complete Theory of Human Knowledge: Ideally 1 (2^5 > 32 - 1)

The Big Equation: Ideally 1 (2^5 > 32 - 1)

How Do We Know?: Ideally 1 (2^5 > 32 - 1)

Coherent Deduction: 1 (2^2 > 4 - 1)

Solution to All Problems: 1 (2^2 > 4 - 1)

Formula for Answering All Questions: 3 (3^1 > 1 - 1)

Wizard Logic: 4 (5^1 > 2 - 1)

Theory of Everything: 9 (11 ^ 1 > 3 - 1)

Formula for Souls of Literature: 11 (4 ^ 4 > 6 - 1)

Convening of the Gods: 18 (5 ^ 2 > 8 - 1)

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