Saturday, August 24, 2019

Kinds of Immortality

NOTE: This post is not very official, I think my views were a bit in the wrong place at the time, it was one of those 'gesture writings' which isn't particularly amazing.

Informational Immortality: Is when information about something persists even if the person or object is destroyed. This depends on information storage, and the ability to read and construct information.

(Interim: A notion of soul appears).

Incorporeal Immortality: Is when the soul is immortal and the body is not. This might be realized through contact with the 4th dimension such as longevity, time-travel, prophecy, logic, mathematics, and abstract art.

(A philosopher seeks immortal justification).

Physical Immortality: Is when both the spirit and the body are immortal. Technically this usually means a timeless body when this is actually true. This might begin to be realized just above the 8th semi-absolute dimension.

(Thoughts turn to timeless things).

Atemporality: Is living in a timeless place or with timeless perspective on many things. This might begin just above the 28th semi-absolute dimension.

Immortality Links

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