Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Grand Unified Theory Variations

A Grand Iteration.

Set 0 > Efficiency* + Difference where difference is > 1 when Set 0 is acting, and < 1 when Set 0 is acted on.

--> Here the focus is on efficiency. Call it the Efficient GUT.

What are the elements of efficiency? Circle (zero), general quantified qualifier, and a critical variable.

The point is if we know the criteria we can guess the elements.

Another example:

Criteria: Coherence (circle).

Elements: Categories (general q-q variable), Deductions (critical variable).

Formula: Typically Deductions is Sq Rt of Categories. Diagonal swap covers all readings when terms are opposites opposed on the diagonal. Opposites are ideally diagonally opposed. AB:CD :: AD:CB.


Criteria: Metaphysics (circle).

Elements: Natures (q-q variable), Soul (critical variable).

Formula: Nature is to Soul In Inverse proportion to Universalism. Nature = Universe / Soul.


Criteria: Set Theory Unification

Elements: Nesting (Zero), Conjunction (q-q variable), Terms (critical variable).

Formula: Terms * Nests added together = Conjunctions


The Theory of Everything

Meta-Theory of Everything

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