Sunday, August 25, 2019

Application of Perpetual Motion with Half-Wits

It can be observed that the 1/2 mass * distance rule is used to good effect in perpetual motion.

A similar rule is found with the Nathan Coppedge Curve, e.g. how to maximize the intelligence of a half-wit. I mean this seriously.

The parallel is that a half-wit's intelligence is normally maximized between > 1 and < 2X normal intelligence.

Now, what if we imagine the half-wit has more ambition, more leverage so to speak? Then the half-wit might be maximized at a much higher level.

For example, if we take the number 4 as symbolic of ambition, then the output would actually be > 3 to < 5X normal intelligence, according to the perpetual motion equations.

1X Ambition-->... > 1.5 < 2
2X Ambition --> ... > 2 < 3
3X Ambition --> ... > 2.5 < 4
4X Ambition --> ... > 3 < 5
5X Ambition --> ... > 3.5 < 6

In fact, if intelligence places someone below the competition, we can surmise from this if their ambition is knowledge or something more esoteric, there is automatically something missing from the picture of their intelligence.

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