Saturday, March 10, 2018

Souls of Physics

“The laws of physics are only ideal at being themselves.” —Unknown
“Physicists need to learn about tie-die.” —A Thought Interpretted from my Mother
“Unless you do physics, all you can think of is a crusty cookie.” —Unknown
“Motion continues unless there is resistance. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. An object in motion tends to stay in motion.” —Paraphrase of Newton's Laws
“0: That, all conditions being equal, energy remains constant. 1: That, with some resistance, energy decreases. 2: That, with heat energy, energy tends to dissipate. 3: That, since most structures have some void, no perfect seal can be built to contain heat. 4: That, over infinite time, energy tends to return to zero. 5: That energy tends to be created from the destruction of particles.” —Laws of Thermodynamics
“A black hole is a singularity. You don't know your wave functions if you don't know that. A black hole is a hole: an absence of space relative to time. Heat is a bowshock, the wave of a crescendo. Waves describe everything in motion, if it is also admitted a wave can also be a surface. Quanta describe particles at rest. The foundational principle is construction and continuation. But this basic principle is broken by indefinite energy states. Wave-particle duality is broken by a further principle of the multiplication of elemental composite properties resulting from indefinite energy. Many of the correlated properties concern either waves or composite properties, such as those observed in material science and biology. If there are unique or unusual properties, they tend to emerge because of an opposition singularity or some of the properties mentioned above. Physicists say that an oppositional singularity is not a black hole, but people don't listen. In fact, an oppositional singularity is any state involving sufficiently opposite properties which might create a unique energy state.” —Advanced Physics
When we see the facts for what they are, we can do whatever we want.

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