Thursday, December 26, 2013

Poems by God

Book Description

“The book is inspired incidentally by my father’s idea, that someone ought to write a book called ‘Poems, Bye God’, written for atheists… [However] I began the project on an assumption that these poems were in fact written by God…Coming from a Unitarian Church, my beliefs were not openly religious, but I felt that from the value of poetry I could be consoled with religious belief, even if at other times it seemed like suspended disbelief…Around the same time I began this book I conceived of the idea that religion is only for God... [Later]  again I felt conflicted, as I realized that the poems did have threads of reason which bore out their meanings between the different small verses…The meaning of my work, if it could remain in the project was that God made them originally…”

This title is to be released in 2014.

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